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<section class="guide-wrapper">
<h2>Generating SSH key pair on different operation systems</h2>
<h3>Generating SSH key pair on Microsoft Windows</h3>
<p>You can use <a href="" target="_blank">PuTTY</a> to generate your SSH key. PuTTY is a free open-source terminal emulator that functions much like the Terminal application in Mac OS X in a Windows environment.</p>
<li>Please download PuTTYgen program by using <a href="">this link</a>.</li>
<li>Open the PuTTYgen program.</li>
<li>For Type of key to generate, select RSA.</li>
<li>Click the Generate button.</li>
<li>Move your mouse in the area below the progress bar. When the progress bar is full, PuTTYgen generates your key pair.</li>
<li>OPTIONAL: Type a passphrase in the Key passphrase field. Type the same passphrase in the Confirm passphrase field. You can use a key without a passphrase, but this is not recommended.</li>
<img src="./../assets/guides/public_key.png" alt="">
<li>You will need PRIVATE KEY to connect to your machine. Warning! You must save the private key.</li>
<li>Click the "Save private key" button to save the private key.</li>
<li>PUBLIC KEY shall be uploaded using Web UI of Dlab.</li>
<strong>Do not use "Save public key" button for saving public key.</strong>
To save public key in a proper format you have to copy all text from "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH
authorized_keys" field, create new textfile and paste this text in it, then save the file in format
<h4>How to convert key.pem to key.ppk</h4>
<li>Open the PuTTYgen program.</li>
<li>Select RSA.</li>
<li>Click the Load button.</li>
<li>Choose your key.pem.</li>
<li>OPTIONAL: Type a passphrase in the Key passphrase field. Type the same passphrase in the Confirm passphrase field. You can use a key without a passphrase, but this is not recommended.</li>
<li>Click the "Save private key" button to save your private key.</li>
<p>You can use Cygwin if you want for SSH key generation. In order to generate key using Cygwin please follow these steps:</p>
<li>Open Cygwin shell.</li>
<li>Enter ls -al ~/.ssh to see if existing SSH keys are present</li>
<li>Enter following command and write appropriate email address:</li>
<div class="code-block">ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<span class="txt-color-yellow"></span>"</div>
<li>When you're prompted to "Enter a file in which to save the key," press Enter. This accepts the default file location.</li>
<li>At the prompt, type a secure passphrase.</li>
<h3>Generating SSH key pair on MAC OS / Linux</h3>
<li>Open Terminal.</li>
<li>Enter following command and write appropriate email address.</li>
<div class="code-block">ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<span class="txt-color-yellow"></span>"</div>
<li>This creates a new ssh key, using the provided email as a label.</li>
<div class="code-block txt-color-green">Generating public/private rsa key pair.</div>
<li>When you're prompted to "Enter a file in which to save the key," press Enter. This accepts the default file location.</li>
<div class="code-block txt-color-green">Enter a file in which to save the key (/Users/<span class="txt-color-yellow">you</span>/.ssh/id_rsa): <span class="txt-color-yellow">[Press enter]</span></div>
<li>At the prompt, type a secure passphrase.</li>
<div class="code-block txt-color-green">Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <span class="txt-color-yellow">[Type a passphrase]</span> Enter same passphrase again: <span class="txt-color-yellow">[Type passphrase again]</span></div>