blob: aa26ec4ae12c1e421b3eb47df1d49bf308c91d0d [file] [log] [blame]
# *****************************************************************************
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# ******************************************************************************
# Default values for step-certificates.
# replicaCount is the number of replicas of step-certificates.
# Only one replica is supported at this time.
replicaCount: 1
# nameOverride overrides the name of the chart.
nameOverride: ""
# fullnameOverride overrides the full name of the chart.
fullnameOverride: ""
# image contains the docker image for step-certificates.
repository: smallstep/step-ca
tag: 0.15.5
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# bootstrapImage contains the docker image for the bootstrap of the configuration.
repository: smallstep/step-ca-bootstrap
tag: latest
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# service contains configuration for the kubernetes service.
type: ClusterIP
port: 443
targetPort: 9000
# ca contains the certificate authority configuration.
# name is new public key infrastructure (PKI) names.
name: datalab-step-ca
# address is the HTTP listener address of step-certificates.
address: :9000
# dns is the comma separated dns names to use. Leave it empty to use the format:
# {include "step-certificates.fullname" .}.{ .Release.Namespace}.svc.cluster.local,
dns: ${step_chart_name}.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local,${step_ca_host}
# url is the http url where step-certificates will listen at. Leave it empty to use the format
# https://{{ include "step-certificates.fullname" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local
url: https://${step_chart_name}.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local
# password is the password used to encrypt the keys. Leave it empty to generate a random one.
password: ${step_ca_password}
# provisioner contains the step-certificates provisioner configuration.
# name is the new provisioner name.
name: admin
# password is the password used to encrypt the provisioner private key.
password: ${step_ca_provisioner_password}
# db contains the step-certificate dataabase configuration.
# enabled defines if the database is enabled.
enabled: true
# persistent defines if a Persistent Volume Claim is used, if false and emptyDir will be used.
persistent: true
# storeageClass is Persistent Volume Storage Class
# If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>.
# If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning.
# If undefined or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the
# default provisioner (gp2 on AWS, standard on GKE, AWS & OpenStack).
storageClass: standard
## Persistent Volume existing claim name
## Requires ca.db.persistent: true
## If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound
# existingClaim: ""
# accessModes defines the Persistent Volume Access Mode.
- ReadWriteOnce
# size is the Persistent Volume size.
size: 10Gi
# runAsRoot runs the ca as root instead of the step user. This is required in
# some storage provisioners.
runAsRoot: false
# Add script snippets here to be executed after the step ca init has been run
postInitHook: ""
# autocert is used to configure the autocert chart that depends on step-certificates.
enabled: false
# ingress contains the configuration for an ingress controller.
enabled: false
annotations: {}
hosts: []
tls: []
# resources contains the CPU/memory resource requests/limits.
resources: {}
# We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
# choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
# resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
# lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# nodeSelector contains the node labels for pod assignment.
nodeSelector: {}
# tolerations contains the toleration labels for pod assignment.
tolerations: []
# affinity contains the affinity settings for pod assignment.
affinity: {}