blob: 6e946db0c617f603fc9ed400ffb3fba454cca0c3 [file] [log] [blame]
name: The Apache Crail (Incubating) Project
exclude: [bibble,, Makefile]
# use this library to parse Markdown
#markdown: kramdown
#highlighter: rouge
#exclude: ["less","node_modules","Gruntfile.js","package.json",""]
#port: 8888
#permalink: /blog/:title
#wpm: 150
# extensions: [smart, tables]
# colorize code snippets with the pygments module
highlighter: rouge
# The path structure for blog posts.
permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:title.html
categories: [blog, news]
# Sections on the "people" page.
- {key: active, name: }
- {key: alum, name: Alumni}
- {key: faculty, name: Faculty}
- {key: staff, name: Staff}
- {key: postdoc, name: Researchers}
- {key: grad, name: Graduate Students}
- {key: collab, name: Collaborators}
# Number of news stories on the front page.
front_page_news: 5
# Base pathname for links.
base: ''
# gem dependencies
gems: [jekyll-paginate, jekyll-feed, jekyll-gist]
# Navigation bar links.
- title: Home
link: /
- title: Overview
link: /overview/
- title: Blog
link: /blog/
- title: People
link: /people/
- title: Documentation
link: /documentation/
# jekyll-paginate
paginate: 5
paginate_path: blog/page:num
# gem dependencies
gems: [jekyll-paginate, jekyll-feed, jekyll-gist]
# - regex_filter