blob: 7356132637853d7c8fbf2d2097acae824595049e [file] [log] [blame]
#set terminal pdf monochrome size 3.15,2.5
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set term png size 1200,628 font "Times-Roman, 24"
set output "crail-nvme-fabrics-summary.png"
set yrange [0:120]
#set ytics add ("1us" 1, "10us" 10, "100us" 100, "1ms" 1000, "10ms" 10000, "" 100000, "" 1000000, "10s" 10000000, "100s" 100000000, "" 1000000000, "" 1e10)
set ylabel "Runtime (seconds)"
set xlabel "Memory to Flash Ratio"
set grid ytics mytic
set key right
set style line 1 lc rgb "#4dafa4" lw 4
set style line 2 lc rgb "#ff7f00" lw 4
set style line 3 lc rgb "#e41a1c" lw 4
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set style line 5 lc rgb "#377eb8" lw 4
set style line 6 lc rgb "#377eb8" lw 4
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#set style line 4 lc rgb "#4dafa4" lw 4
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#set style line 6 lc rgb "#ff7f00" lw 4
#set style line 7 lc rgb "#ffff33" lw 4
set style increment user
set title "Replacing DRAM with Flash"
set xtics ("100/0" 0, "" 1, "100/0" 2, "80/20" 3, "60/40" 4, "40/60" 5, "20/80" 6, "0/100" 7)
#set logscale y
set label "Vanilla Spark \n (100\% Memory)" at 0.5,90
set arrow from 0.48,89 to 0.25,89
#plot 'crail_logo.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage
plot "crail.dat" using ($0):($1+$2):(0.4) title "Map" with boxes fill solid 0.4,\
"crail.dat" using ($0):($2):(0.4) title "Reduce" with boxes fill solid 0.4