blob: 0316c6c6507b0a6856a05a052cdb13bf97202352 [file] [log] [blame]
#set terminal pdf monochrome size 4.15,1.6 font "Times-Roman, 12"
set term svg size 640,280 font "Times-Roman, 12"
set rmargin 1
#set bmargin 6
#set tmargin 2
set output "throughput.svg"
#set xlabel "Size"
set ylabel "Throughput [GB/s]"
set key right top
#set nokey
#set xrange [0.5:7]
set yrange [0:5]
set xtics ("Read" 0, "Write" 1)
set ytics (" 0" 0, " 1" 1, " 2" 2, " 3" 3, " 4" 4, "" 5)
#set ytics 0,20,100
set style line 1 lc rgb "#4dafa4" lw 4
set style line 2 lc rgb "#ff7f00" lw 4
set style line 3 lc rgb "#e41a1c" lw 4
set style line 4 lc rgb "#377eb8" lw 4
set style line 5 lc rgb "#377eb8" lw 4
set style line 6 lc rgb "#377eb8" lw 4
set style line 7 lc rgb "#377e00" lw 4
#set style line 2 lc rgb "#e41a1c" lw 4
#set style line 4 lc rgb "#4dafa4" lw 4
#set style line 5 lc rgb "#984ea3" lw 4
#set style line 6 lc rgb "#ff7f00" lw 4
#set style line 7 lc rgb "#ffff33" lw 4
set style increment user
set grid ytics
#set ytics 1,1
#set title "Crail NVMf throughput"
set style arrow 1 heads filled size screen 0.03,15 ls 2
set style arrow 2 heads size screen 0.008,90 ls 7
set style arrow 3 heads size screen 0.008,90 ls 7
set style arrow 4 nohead size screen 0.008,90 ls 7
plot "crail.dat" using ($0):($2/1000):(0.2) with boxes axis x1y1 title "SPDK" fs solid 0.4,\
"crail.dat" using ($0+0.2):($3/1000):(0.2) with boxes axis x1y1 title "Crail" fs solid 0.4