blob: 02090908e48aef2dda2012d6db541088e61a6ecc [file] [log] [blame]
#set terminal pdf color font "Times-Roman, 20"
set term svg size 640,300 font "Times-Roman, 12"
set output "cdf-broadcast-128-read.svg"
set yrange [0:100]
set ylabel "CDF"
set xlabel "read 128b broadcast latency"
set xrange [1:100000]
set xtics ( "1us" 1,\
"10us" 10,\
"100us" 100,\
"1ms" 1000,\
"10ms" 10000,\
"100ms" 100000)
set logscale x
set grid
set key bottom right maxrows 3 samplen 1
plot 'cdf-crail' using 1:2 title "crail" with lines lc rgb "green" lw 4,\
'cdf-vanilla' using 1:2 title "vanilla" with lines lc rgb "red" lw 4,\
'cdf-network-read' using 1:2 notitle with lines lc rgb "grey" lw 4