blob: 5b1d6167cd7d86f7a86706ec0c346f2ea51df17e [file] [log] [blame]
package brooklyn.location;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* The registry of the sorts of locations that brooklyn knows about. Given a
* {@LocationDefinition} or a {@link String} representation of a spec, this can
* be used to create a {@link Location} instance.
public interface LocationRegistry {
/** map of ID (possibly randomly generated) to the definition (spec, name, id, and props;
* where spec is the spec as defined, for instance possibly another named:xxx location) */
public Map<String,LocationDefinition> getDefinedLocations();
* @deprecated since 0.6.0; use {@link #getDefinedLocationById(String)}
* (ID should be explicit because this is usually *not* the method people want) */
public LocationDefinition getDefinedLocation(String id);
/** returns a LocationDefinition given its ID (usually a random string), or null if none */
public LocationDefinition getDefinedLocationById(String id);
/** returns a LocationDefinition given its name (e.g. for named locations, supply the bit after the "named:" prefix),
* or null if none */
public LocationDefinition getDefinedLocationByName(String name);
/** adds or updates the given defined location */
public void updateDefinedLocation(LocationDefinition l);
/** removes the defined location from the registry (applications running there are unaffected) */
public void removeDefinedLocation(String id);
/** returns fully populated (config etc) location from the given definition */
public Location resolve(LocationDefinition l);
/** See {@link #resolve(String, Map)} (with no options) */
public Location resolve(String spec);
/** Returns true/false depending whether spec seems like a valid location,
* that is it has a chance of being resolved (depending on the spec) but NOT guaranteed;
* see {@link #resolveIfPossible(String)} which has stronger guarantees */
public boolean canMaybeResolve(String spec);
/** @deprecated since 0.6.0, @see {@link #resolveIfPossible(String)} and
* #canMaybeResolve(String) as a "true" here does not mean it can actually resolve it */
public boolean canResolve(String spec);
/** Returns a location created from the given spec, which might correspond to a definition, or created on-the-fly.
* Optional flags can be passed through to underlying the location.
* @throws NoSuchElementException if the spec cannot be resolved */
public Location resolve(String spec, Map locationFlags);
/** as {@link #resolve(String)} but returning null (never throwing) */
public Location resolveIfPossible(String spec);
* As {@link #resolve(String)} but works with a collection of location specs.
* <p>
* Usually given a collection of string specs.
* Also supports comma-separated lists as a single spec.
* <p>
* For legacy compatibility this also accepts nested lists, but that is deprecated
* (and triggers a warning).
public List<Location> resolve(Iterable<?> spec);
public Map getProperties();