blob: 01ac1d7b5c91f1ce0af125f0d269ace66e2a1b02 [file] [log] [blame]
{% comment %}
includes a code-formatted class name with link to its javadoc and optionally its source code
{ % include java_link.html class_name="JcloudsLocationConfig" package_path="brooklyn/location/jclouds" project_subpath="location/jclouds" % }
{% endcomment %}{% if include.project_subpath %}<code>{{ include.class_name }}</code>
(<a href="{{ }}/misc/javadoc/{{ include.package_path }}/{{ include.class_name }}.html">javadoc</a>,
<a href="{{ site.brooklyn.url.git }}/{{ include.project_subpath }}/src/main/java/{{ include.package_path }}/{{ include.class_name }}.java">src</a>){% comment %}
{% endcomment %}{% else %}<a href="{{ }}/misc/javadoc/{{ include.package_path }}/{{ include.class_name }}.html">
<code>{{ include.class_name }}</code></a>
{% endif %}{% comment %}
must NOT have a newline at the end here, as the include is often done inline
{% endcomment %}