blob: a4d73f99ec5672108cf8dd81f03447d707303d25 [file] [log] [blame]
import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.Attributes;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.ConfigKeys;
import brooklyn.event.AttributeSensor;
import brooklyn.event.basic.BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
import brooklyn.event.basic.BasicConfigKey;
import brooklyn.event.basic.PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
import brooklyn.util.flags.SetFromFlag;
public interface UsesJmx extends UsesJava {
public static final int DEFAULT_JMX_PORT = 1099; // RMI port?
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> USE_JMX = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey("jmx.enabled", "JMX enabled", Boolean.TRUE);
public static final PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey JMX_PORT = Attributes.JMX_PORT;
public static final PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey RMI_REGISTRY_PORT = Attributes.RMI_REGISTRY_PORT;
/** @deprecated since 0.6.0 use RMI_REGISTRY_PORT */
public static final PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey RMI_SERVER_PORT = Attributes.RMI_SERVER_PORT;
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String> JMX_CONTEXT = Attributes.JMX_CONTEXT;
public static final AttributeSensor<String> JMX_URL = Attributes.JMX_SERVICE_URL;
/** forces JMX to be secured, using JMXMP so it gets through firewalls _and_ SSL/TLS
* (NB: there is not currently any corresponding JMXMP without SSL/TLS) */
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> JMX_SSL_ENABLED = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("jmx.ssl.enabled", "JMX over JMXMP enabled with SSL/TLS", Boolean.FALSE);
public enum JmxAgentModes {
/** auto-detect the agent to use based on location, preferring JMXMP except at localhost where JMX_RMI_CUSTOM_AGENT is preferred */
/** JMXMP which permits firewall access through a single port */
/** JMX over RMI custom agent which permits access through a known RMI registry port, redirected to a known JMX-RMI port;
* two ports must be opened on the firewall, and the same hostname resolvable on the target machine and by the client */
/** do not install a JMX agent; use the default RMI which opens a registry at a known port, redirected to an _unknown_ port for jmx
* (experimental) */
public static final ConfigKey<JmxAgentModes> JMX_AGENT_MODE = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(JmxAgentModes.class,
"jmx.agent.mode", "What type of JMX agent to use; defaults to null (autodetect) which means " +
"JMXMP most places (for firewall access through a single port) and " +
"JMX_RMI_CUSTOM_AGENT on localhost (for easier access at a specified port, supporting jconsole)",
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String> JMX_USER = Attributes.JMX_USER;
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String> JMX_PASSWORD = Attributes.JMX_PASSWORD;
* Synopsis of how the keys work for JMX_SSL:
* * brooklyn ROOT key + cert ->
* used to identify things brooklyn has signed, ie to confirm their identity
* signs all certs created by brooklyn
* (created per entity if not specified as input)
* * brooklyn JMX ACCESS key + cert ->
* used to authenticate brooklyn to remote JMX agent
* typically, but not necessarily, signed by ROOT cert
* (typically created per entity, unless specified;
* global would probably be fine but more work;
* however it is important that this _not_ sign agents keys,
* to prevent agents from accessing other agents)
* AGENT (e.g. JMX server in each managed java process)
* * gets AGENT key + cert ->
* signed by brooklyn ROOT, used to authenticate itself to brooklyn
* (brooklyn trusts this; does not need to remember this)
* * trusts only the relevant brooklyn JMX ACCESS key (its truststore contains that cert)
/* TODO brooklyn ROOT key
public static final ConfigKey<String> BROOKLYN_SSL_ROOT_KEYSTORE_URL = new BasicConfigKey<String>(
String.class, "brooklyn.ssl.root.keyStoreUrl", "URL to keystore Brooklyn should use as root private key and certificate-signing authority", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> BROOKLYN_SSL_ROOT_KEY_DATA = new BasicConfigKey<String>(
String.class, "brooklyn.ssl.root.key", "root private key (RSA string format), used to sign managed servers", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> BROOKLYN_SSL_ROOT_CERT_DATA = new BasicConfigKey<String>(
String.class, "brooklyn.ssl.root.cert", "certificate for root private key (RSA string format)", null);
* brooklyn.ssl.root.keyStorePassword
* brooklyn.ssl.root.keyAlias (if null, looks for one called 'brooklyn', otherwise takes the first key)
* brooklyn.ssl.root.keyPassword
public static final ConfigKey<PrivateKey> JMX_SSL_ACCESS_KEY = new BasicConfigKey<PrivateKey>(
PrivateKey.class, "jmx.ssl.access.key", "key used to access a JMX agent (typically per entity, embedded in the managed JVM)", null);
public static final ConfigKey<Certificate> JMX_SSL_ACCESS_CERT = new BasicConfigKey<Certificate>(
Certificate.class, "jmx.ssl.access.cert", "certificate of key used to access a JMX agent", null);
/* TODO specify a keystore from which to get the access key
* (above keys are set programmatically, typically _not_ by the user ... keystore would be the way to do that)
* jmx.ssl.access.keyStoreUrl (optional)
* jmx.ssl.access.keyStorePassword (optional)
* jmx.ssl.access.keyAlias (optional)
/* could allow user to specify additional certs for JMX agents which should be trusted
* jmx.ssl.access.trustStoreUrl
/* optionally: could allow JMX agent to trust additional accessers,
* and/or use known keys in the case that other accessers might want to authenticate the JMX server
* NB currently agent keys are not stored in brooklyn... no reason to as
* (a) currently we trust jmx agents; and (b) for agent-auth we should simply sign keys;
* either way, seems fine for brooklyn to throw them away once they are installed on the remote machine)
* jmx.ssl.agent.keyStoreUrl
* jmx.ssl.agent.keyStorePassword
* jmx.ssl.agent.keyAlias
* jmx.ssl.agent.keyPassword
* jmx.ssl.agent.trustStoreUrl
/* optionally: this could be set to disallow attaching to JMX through the attach mechanism
* (but this option is generally not considered needed, as JVM attachment is
* already restricted to localhost and to the the user running the process)
* -XX:+DisableAttachMechanism