blob: c9d3ada1784ec215e6771715dec6cdd47d01cb48 [file] [log] [blame]
import static;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey.HasConfigKey;
import brooklyn.entity.Entity;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.Attributes;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.EntityInternal;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.EntityLocal;
import brooklyn.entity.effector.EffectorTasks;
import brooklyn.event.feed.jmx.JmxHelper;
import brooklyn.location.Location;
import brooklyn.location.basic.LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.LocalhostMachine;
import brooklyn.location.basic.SshMachineLocation;
import brooklyn.util.BrooklynMavenArtifacts;
import brooklyn.util.ResourceUtils;
import brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import brooklyn.util.jmx.jmxmp.JmxmpAgent;
import brooklyn.util.jmx.jmxrmi.JmxRmiAgent;
import brooklyn.util.maven.MavenArtifact;
import brooklyn.util.maven.MavenRetriever;
public class JmxSupport implements UsesJmx {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JmxSupport.class);
private final Entity entity;
private final String runDir;
private Boolean isJmx;
private Boolean isSecure;
private JmxAgentModes jmxAgentMode;
private static boolean warnedAboutNotOnClasspath = false;
/** run dir may be null if it is not accessed */
public JmxSupport(Entity entity, @Nullable String runDir) {
this.entity = Preconditions.checkNotNull(entity, "entity must be supplied");
this.runDir = runDir;
public String getRunDir() {
return Preconditions.checkNotNull(runDir, "runDir must have been supplied to perform this operation");
public Entity getEntity() {
return entity;
<T> T getConfig(ConfigKey<T> key) {
return getEntity().getConfig(key);
<T> T getConfig(HasConfigKey<T> key) {
return getEntity().getConfig(key);
<T> void setConfig(ConfigKey<T> key, T value) {
((EntityLocal)getEntity()).setConfig(key, value);
public Optional<SshMachineLocation> getMachine() {
Collection<Location> l = entity.getLocations();
if (l.size()==1) {
Location ll = l.iterator().next();
if (ll instanceof SshMachineLocation) return Optional.of((SshMachineLocation) ll);
return Optional.absent();
public boolean isJmx() {
return isJmx;
public JmxAgentModes getJmxAgentMode() {
if (jmxAgentMode==null) return JmxAgentModes.NONE;
return jmxAgentMode;
public boolean isSecure() {
if (isSecure==null) return false;
return isSecure;
protected synchronized void init() {
if (isJmx!=null)
if (entity.getConfig(USE_JMX)==Boolean.FALSE) {
isJmx = false;
isJmx = true;
jmxAgentMode = entity.getConfig(JMX_AGENT_MODE);
if (jmxAgentMode==null) jmxAgentMode = JmxAgentModes.AUTODETECT;
isSecure = entity.getConfig(JMX_SSL_ENABLED);
if (isSecure==null) isSecure = false;
if (jmxAgentMode==JmxAgentModes.AUTODETECT) {
if (isSecure()) {
jmxAgentMode = JmxAgentModes.JMXMP;
} else {
// attempt to autodetect
Optional<SshMachineLocation> m = getMachine();
if (m.isPresent()) {
SshMachineLocation ll = m.get();
if (ll instanceof LocalhostMachine) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("Auto-detecting JMX configuration for "+entity+", set as NOT jmxmp because it is localhost");
jmxAgentMode = JmxAgentModes.JMX_RMI_CUSTOM_AGENT;
} else {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("Auto-detecting JMX configuration for "+entity+", set as JMXMP because it is "+ll);
jmxAgentMode = JmxAgentModes.JMXMP;
} else {
log.warn("Auto-detecting JMX configuration for "+entity+": cannot identify location so setting JMXMP");
jmxAgentMode = JmxAgentModes.JMXMP;
if (!ResourceUtils.create(this).doesUrlExist(getJmxAgentJarUrl())) {
// can happen e.g. if eclipse build
log.warn("JMX agent JAR not found ("+getJmxAgentJarUrl()+") when auto-detecting JMX settings for "+entity+"; " +
"likely cause is an incomplete build (e.g. from Eclipse; run a maven build then retry in the IDE); "+
"reverting to NONE (use built-in Java JMX support, which will not go through firewalls)");
jmxAgentMode = JmxAgentModes.NONE;
((EntityLocal)entity).setConfig(JMX_AGENT_MODE, jmxAgentMode);
if (isSecure && jmxAgentMode!=JmxAgentModes.JMXMP) {
String msg = "JMX SSL is specified, but it requires JMXMP which is disabled, when configuring "+entity;
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
public void setJmxUrl() {
((EntityInternal)entity).setAttribute(JMX_URL, getJmxUrl());
public String getJmxUrl() {
String host = entity.getAttribute(Attributes.HOSTNAME);
if (host==null) {
SshMachineLocation machine = EffectorTasks.getSshMachine(entity);
host = machine.getAddress().getHostName();
if (getJmxAgentMode()==JmxAgentModes.JMXMP) {
return JmxHelper.toJmxmpUrl(host, entity.getAttribute(JMX_PORT));
} else {
if (getJmxAgentMode()==JmxAgentModes.NONE) {
// this will work for agent or agentless
return JmxHelper.toRmiJmxUrl(host,
/** mode NONE cannot set a JMX (RMI server) port; it needs an RMI registry port,
* then gets redirected to an anonymous RMI server port;
* both the hostname and the anonymous port must be accessible to use this mode
* (hence the use of the other agents in most cases) */
protected int fixPortsForModeNone() {
assert getJmxAgentMode()==JmxAgentModes.NONE;
Integer jmxRemotePort = getEntity().getAttribute(JMX_PORT);
Integer rmiRegistryPort = getEntity().getAttribute(RMI_REGISTRY_PORT);
if (rmiRegistryPort!=null && rmiRegistryPort>0) {
if (jmxRemotePort==null || jmxRemotePort!=rmiRegistryPort) {
if (jmxRemotePort!=null && jmxRemotePort>0) {
// ignore RMI registry port when mode 'none' is set -- set same as JMX port here
// (bit irritating, but JMX_PORT will be ignored in this mode)
log.warn("Ignoring JMX_PORT "+jmxRemotePort+" when configuring agentless JMX on "+getEntity()+"; will use RMI_REGISTRY_PORT "+rmiRegistryPort);
jmxRemotePort = rmiRegistryPort;
((EntityLocal)getEntity()).setAttribute(JMX_PORT, jmxRemotePort);
} else {
if (jmxRemotePort==null || jmxRemotePort<=0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid JMX_PORT "+jmxRemotePort+" and RMI_REGISTRY_PORT "+rmiRegistryPort+" when configuring JMX "+getJmxAgentMode()+" on "+getEntity());
((EntityLocal)getEntity()).setAttribute(RMI_REGISTRY_PORT, jmxRemotePort);
return jmxRemotePort;
public List<String> getJmxJavaConfigOptions() {
if (getJmxAgentMode()==JmxAgentModes.NONE)
return MutableList.of();
return MutableList.of(String.format("-javaagent:%s", getJmxAgentJarDestinationFilePath()));
public String getJmxAgentJarDestinationFilePath() {
return Urls.mergePaths(getRunDir(), getJmxAgentJarBasename());
@Nullable public MavenArtifact getJmxAgentJarMavenArtifact() {
switch (getJmxAgentMode()) {
case JMXMP:
MavenArtifact result = BrooklynMavenArtifacts.artifact(null, "brooklyn-jmxmp-agent", "jar", "with-dependencies");
// the "with-dependencies" variant is needed; however the filename then has the classifier segment _replaced_ by "shaded" when this filename is created
return result;
return BrooklynMavenArtifacts.jar("brooklyn-jmxrmi-agent");
return null;
/** @deprecated since 0.6.0; use {@link #getJmxAgentJarMavenArtifact()} */
public String getJmxAgentJarBasename() {
MavenArtifact artifact = getJmxAgentJarMavenArtifact();
if (artifact==null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Either JMX is not enabled or there is an error in the configuration (JMX mode "+getJmxAgentMode()+" does not support agent JAR)");
return artifact.getFilename();
/** returns URL for accessing the java agent, throwing if not applicable;
* prefers on classpath where it should be, but will fall back to taking from maven hosted
* (known problem in Eclipse where JARs are not always copied)
public String getJmxAgentJarUrl() {
MavenArtifact artifact = getJmxAgentJarMavenArtifact();
if (artifact==null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Either JMX is not enabled or there is an error in the configuration (JMX mode "+getJmxAgentMode()+" does not support agent JAR)");
String jar = "classpath://" + artifact.getFilename();
if (ResourceUtils.create(this).doesUrlExist(jar))
return jar;
String result = MavenRetriever.localUrl(artifact);
if (warnedAboutNotOnClasspath) {
log.debug("JMX JAR for "+artifact+" is not on the classpath; taking from "+result);
} else {
log.warn("JMX JAR for "+artifact+" is not on the classpath; taking from "+result+" (subsequent similar messages will be logged at debug)");
warnedAboutNotOnClasspath = true;
return result;
/** applies _some_ of the common settings needed to connect via JMX */
public void applyJmxJavaSystemProperties(MutableMap.Builder<String,Object> result) {
if (!isJmx()) return ;
Integer jmxRemotePort;
String hostName = getEntity().getAttribute(Attributes.HOSTNAME);
if (hostName==null) hostName = checkNotNull(getMachine().get().getAddress().getHostName(), "hostname for entity " + entity);
result.put("", null);
switch (getJmxAgentMode()) {
case JMXMP:
jmxRemotePort = getEntity().getAttribute(JMX_PORT);
if (jmxRemotePort==null || jmxRemotePort<=0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported JMX port "+jmxRemotePort+" - when applying system properties ("+getJmxAgentMode()+" / "+getEntity()+")");
result.put(JmxmpAgent.JMXMP_PORT_PROPERTY, jmxRemotePort);
// with JMXMP don't try to tell it the hostname -- it isn't needed for JMXMP, and if specified
// it will break if the hostname we see is not known at the server, e.g. a forwarding public IP
// (should not be present, but remove just to be sure)
jmxRemotePort = getEntity().getAttribute(JMX_PORT);
if (jmxRemotePort==null || jmxRemotePort<=0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported JMX port "+jmxRemotePort+" - when applying system properties ("+getJmxAgentMode()+" / "+getEntity()+")");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(entity.getAttribute(UsesJmx.RMI_REGISTRY_PORT), "registry port"));
result.put(JmxRmiAgent.JMX_SERVER_PORT_PROPERTY, jmxRemotePort);
result.put("java.rmi.server.hostname", hostName);
case NONE:
// only for mode 'NONE' - other modes use different fields
jmxRemotePort = fixPortsForModeNone();
result.put("", jmxRemotePort);
result.put("java.rmi.server.hostname", hostName);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported JMX mode - when applying system properties ("+getJmxAgentMode()+" / "+getEntity()+")");
if (isSecure()) {
// set values true, and apply keys pointing to keystore / truststore
} else {
put("", false).
put("", false);
/** installs files needed for JMX, to the runDir given in constructor, assuming the runDir has been created */
public void install() {
if (getJmxAgentMode()!=JmxAgentModes.NONE) {
getJmxAgentJarUrl()), getJmxAgentJarDestinationFilePath());
if (isSecure()) {
protected JmxmpSslSupport getJmxSslSupport() {
return new JmxmpSslSupport(this);
/** sets JMR_RMI_CUSTOM_AGENT as the connection mode for the indicated apps.
* <p>
* TODO callers of this method have RMI dependencies in the actual app;
* we should look at removing them, so that those pieces of software can run behind
* forwarding public IP's and over SSL (both reasons JMXMP is preferred by us!)
public void recommendJmxRmiCustomAgent() {
// set JMX_RMI because the registry is needed (i think)
Object jmx = ((EntityInternal)entity).getConfigMap().getRawConfig(UsesJmx.JMX_AGENT_MODE);
if (jmx==null) {
setConfig(UsesJmx.JMX_AGENT_MODE, JmxAgentModes.JMX_RMI_CUSTOM_AGENT);
} else if (jmx!=JmxAgentModes.JMX_RMI_CUSTOM_AGENT) {
log.warn("Entity "+entity+" may not function unless running JMX_RMI_CUSTOM_AGENT mode (asked to use "+jmx+")");