Merge pull request #981 from jdtoy/060rc1-releasenotes

Release notes for 0.6.0 (GA)
Merging autonomously, per procurationem @aledsage.
diff --git a/docs/start/ b/docs/start/
index eae54e1..b663d4d 100644
--- a/docs/start/
+++ b/docs/start/
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 toc: ../toc.json
-## Brooklyn Version 0.5.0 RC1 (0.5.0-rc.1)
-API Tidy on top of M2, using `init()` as the method to override when building composed Application and Entity classes.
-There are known issues with Whirr clusters and the Cloud Foundry example (moving) which will be resolved for RC2.   
-## Brooklyn Version 0.5.0 Milestone Two (0.5.0-M2)
+## Brooklyn Version 0.6.0 
+* Introduction
+* New Features
+* Backwards Compatibility
+* Community Activity
 ### Introduction
-This milestone release includes many big features, and brings us much closer to a 0.5.0 release.
+This release includes many big features. It incorporates a lot of improvements and feedback from our community. Thank you!
-It incorporates a lot of improvements and feedback from our community. Thank you!
+Thanks also go to Brooklyn's commercial users. Brooklyn continues to be used in many exciting projects, including managing distributed database clusters, and cloud-enabling financial service applications (not to mention the custom PaaS offerings, big data clusters, and three-tier web-apps that Brooklyn was being used in at Version 0.5.0).
-Thanks also go to Brooklyn's commercial users. Already Brooklyn has been adopted into some very exciting projects including controlling custom PaaS offerings, big data clusters, and three-tier web-apps.
-Work on this release can be tracked using Brooklyn's GitHub issue tracker:
-* [](
-And via the mailing lists:
+For more information, please checkout [](, and the mailing lists:
 * [](
 * [](
 ### New Features
-The major changes between M1 and M2 are:
-1. Entities have been separated into an interface and implementation, rather than just a single class. Construction of entities is now done using an EntitySpec, rather than directly calling the constructor. This improvement is required to simplify remoting in a distributed brooklyn management plane.
-2. Downloading of entity installers is greatly improved:
-	* More configurable, with ability to specify URLs in the brooklyn configuration files or to override in code.
-	* Will fallback to a repository maintained by Cloudsoft, so if an artifact is removed from the official public site then it will not break the entity. 
-		See [](
-3. Support for running applications across private subnets.
-4. Policies can now be re-configured on-the-fly through the REST api and through the web-console.
-5. Some entities now support configuration files being supplied in FreeMarker template format. These include JBoss AS7, ActiveMQ and MySql. More will be converted to use this pattern.
-6. Several new entities have been added, including:
-	* MongoDB
-	* Cassandra
-	* RubyRep
-	* DynamicWebAppFabric
+*The changes listed here compare Brooklyn 0.5.0 and 0.6.0, and incorporate changes from the 0.6.0 milestone releases. Items marked **¹** are new since 0.6.0-M2*
-### Backwards Compatibility
+1. Locations are now constructed using a `LocationSpec`, rather than calling the constructor directly. This improvement is required to allow the Brooklyn management plane to track locations and persist their state.
-For upgrading from 0.5.0-M1 to M2:
+2. Location specific and advanced features can be implemented using location extension points. The extension mechanism allows client-code to call `location.hasExtension(extensionClass)` and `location.getExtension(extensionClass)`.
-1. Entity classes have been renamed, e.g. MySqlNode is now an interface and the implementationis MySqlNodeImpl.
-	* The minimum change for this to work is to update your references to include the Impl suffixes. However, that will result in deprecation warnings.
-	* The recommended approach is to use the EntitySpec when constructing entities. A good place to start is to look at the updated example applications.
+3. Hazelcast datagrid implementation added. (NB: this is still considered experimental.)
-2. The default username for provisioning with jclouds has changed to use the name of the user executing the Brooklyn process. 
-	* Java's `System.getProperty("")` is used instead of 'root' or 'ubuntu'
-	* Usernames can be overridden in `` or using system properties.
-		For example, by entering '`brooklyn.location.named.acmecloud.user=root`' in `` or using the command syntax `-Dbrooklyn.location.named.acmecloud.user=root`.
-		'``' could also be used to apply `user=root` to all aws-ec2 VMs. 
+4. A datagrid can be used to store the entity/location state within Brooklyn. This feature is currently disabled by default (i.e. storing to an in-memory pseduo-datagrid); work will continue on this in subsequent releases.
-3. Some deprecated code has been deleted. All of this code was commented in 0.4.0 with text such as "will be deleted in 0.5".
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+5. Brooklyn now tracks location and application usage, and records it in the datagrid. More generally:
+	* Create/destroy of VMs (through location manage/unmanage) is tracked
+	* Application start/stop/destroy is tracked
+	* Current and historic usage information can be retrieved through the REST API.
+6. Improved Support for Chef, significantly improving support for using Windows machines. 
+7. Several additional clouds are supported, including:
+	* Abiquo (see also [this blog post](
+	* Google Compute Engine
+	* *See also:* Community Activity, below.
+8. Several new entities have been added, including:
+	* BindDnsServer
+	* Jetty6Server
+	* MongoDB replica sets
+	* BrooklynNode (for Brooklyn bootstrap deploying Brooklyn)
+	* New PostgreSQL entity (via Chef)
+9. A new []( file allows metadata values (e.g. ISO-3166, lat/lon coordinates, etc) to be added to and overridden. Metadata in `` overrides metadata in ``.
+10. GUI Improvements: Better ability to drill down on tasks, auto-updating entity-tree with status indicators, faster status updates, and better performance over slow links.
+11. Improved entity and machine restart logic¹, to handle failed components and dead-on-arrival¹ machines even better.
+12. Improved onboarding, with the creation of a Maven Archetype for a sample application, (which can be used as a template for new applications) and updates to the [Getting Started](/use/guide/quickstart/ to get HP Cloud and SoftLayer users onboard faster.
+13. Sandbox: Support for rolling out complex apps described using CAMP YAML. This simplifies writing application blueprints, as YAML config files are more accessible and easier to write than Java code. ¹
+14. Big improvements to the Cassandra integration, including new tutorials for high-availability and wide-area (inter-cloud-provider) cassandra clusters.¹
+15. The policies for an entity can now be defined in in an entity's spec. (Simplifying adding policies to entities, and requiring less code to be written.) ¹
+16. Added support for a cluster to spread its members across a provider's availability zones (e.g. in [AWS](, to give high availability for that cluster. ¹
+17. Improved the Brooklyn load balancer abstraction, so that it can be used with things like the CloudStack load balancer or AWS elastic load balancer. ¹
+### Backwards Compatibility  
+For upgrading from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0, existing entities/applications/policies will still work, provided they did not previously have deprecation warnings.
+Some additional code has been deprecated - users are strongly encouraged to update these:
+1. Use `LocationSpec` (and `managementContext.getLocationManager().createLocation(LocationSpec.spec(MyLocClazz.class)`), rather than calling location constructors directly.
+1. In Locations must now be specified as `brooklyn.location.*`  (e.g. `brooklyn.location.jclouds.*` rather than brooklyn.jclouds.*). Property names should use CamelCase (e.g. `brooklyn.location.jclouds.publicKeyFile` instead of brooklyn.jclouds.public-key-file). Using the old conventions will give deprecation warnings in the logs.
+1. Use `@Effector` and `@EffectorParam` for annotating effector methods in an entity (rather than `@Description`, `@NamedParameter` and `@DefaultValue`).
+`location.getName()` has been renamed to `location.getDisplayName()`, to be consistent with Entity. The `location.getChildLocations()` and `location.getParentLocation()` have also been renamed to `getChildren()` and `getParent()` respectively.
+1. If overriding a config key in an entity to change the default value specified in a super-type entity or constant, then use `ConfigKeys.newConfigKeyWithDefault(...)`.
+1. Use `ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(...)` and similar methods, rather than using `new ConfigKey<String>(String.class, ...)`
+1. `ListConfigKey` has been deprecated because it no longer guarantees order; instead use `SetConfigKey`. This is a consequence of efficiently using a datagrid to store the data.
+1. Use the new `FeedConfig.onFailure()`, `FeedConfig.onError()` and `FeedConfig.checkSuccess()`. For example, This is now called to determine if a http 404 is a success or failure (default: failure), and if an ssh non-zero exit code is a failure (default: yes).
+1. Some package/class changes, such as:
+	* `brooklyn.util.NetworkUtils` renamed to ``  
+	* `brooklyn.entity.basic.lifecycle.CommonCommands` renamed to `brooklyn.util.ssh.CommonCommands`  
+	* `brooklyn.util.MutableMap` renamed to `brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap` 
+1. Logging has been updated. Please see [](/docs/dev/tips/logging.html).  Existing custom logback.xml configuration may no longer work (e.g. brooklyn logback-defaults.xml no longer exists).
+1. `EntitySpecs.spec(...)` is now deprecated; use `EntitySpec.create(...)` instead.
+1. `JcloudsLocationCustomizer`: method signatures have changed. For those extending `BasicJcloudsLocationCustomizer` as recommended, existing code will work but should be changed to use the new signatures.
+1. Deprecated `new BasicConfigKey(key, defaultValue)`. Instead use `ConfigKeys.newConfigKeyWithDefault(key, defaultValue)`.
+There have been some other minor changes, where code is now deprecated - all such changes are clearly marked in the javadoc, indicating the recommended approach.
+### Community Activity
+[Cloudsoft]( has created Locations for IBM SmartCloud Enterprise and Ravello (repos: [github:cloudsoft/ibm-smartcloud](, [github:cloudsoft/brooklyn-ravello]( This code is public, subject to the Cloudsoft developer licence.
+### 0.6.0-M2 - GA Changes
+Features marked **&sup1;** (Features 11, 13-17, above) were added in the last push to 0.6.0 GA.
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