blob: a5544be7569d25ff6b6b9abf473cc93d9daa681a [file] [log] [blame]
package brooklyn.location.jclouds;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.jclouds.Constants;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.TemplateBuilder;
import org.jclouds.domain.LoginCredentials;
import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import brooklyn.entity.basic.ConfigKeys;
import brooklyn.event.basic.BasicConfigKey;
import brooklyn.location.basic.LocationConfigKeys;
import brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.SshTool;
public interface JcloudsLocationConfig extends CloudLocationConfig {
public static final ConfigKey<String> CLOUD_PROVIDER = LocationConfigKeys.CLOUD_PROVIDER;
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> RUN_AS_ROOT = new BasicConfigKey<Boolean>(Boolean.class, "runAsRoot",
"Whether to run initial setup as root (default true)", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> LOGIN_USER = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("loginUser",
"Override the user who logs in initially to perform setup " +
"(otherwise it is detected from the cloud or known defaults in cloud or VM OS)", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> LOGIN_USER_PASSWORD = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("loginUser.password",
"Custom password for the user who logs in initially", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> LOGIN_USER_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("loginUser.privateKeyData",
"Custom private key for the user who logs in initially", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> KEY_PAIR = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("keyPair",
"Custom keypair name to be re-used", null);
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> AUTO_GENERATE_KEYPAIRS = new BasicConfigKey<Boolean>(Boolean.class, "",
"Whether to generate keypairs for Nova");
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> AUTO_CREATE_FLOATING_IPS = new BasicConfigKey<Boolean>(Boolean.class, "",
"Whether to generate floating ips for Nova");
// not supported in jclouds
// public static final ConfigKey<String> LOGIN_USER_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE = ConfigKeys.newStringKey("loginUser.privateKeyPassphrase",
// "Passphrase for the custom private key for the user who logs in initially", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> LOGIN_USER_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("loginUser.privateKeyFile",
"Custom private key for the user who logs in initially", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> EXTRA_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA_TO_AUTH = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("extraSshPublicKeyData",
"Additional public key data to add to authorized_keys", null);
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> DONT_CREATE_USER = new BasicConfigKey<Boolean>(Boolean.class, "dontCreateUser",
"Whether to skip creation of 'user' when provisioning machines (default false)", false);
public static final ConfigKey<LoginCredentials> CUSTOM_CREDENTIALS = new BasicConfigKey<LoginCredentials>(LoginCredentials.class,
"customCredentials", "Custom jclouds LoginCredentials object to be used to connect to the VM", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> GROUP_ID = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("groupId");
// jclouds compatibility
public static final ConfigKey<String> JCLOUDS_KEY_USERNAME = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("userName", "Equivalent to 'user'; provided for jclouds compatibility", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> JCLOUDS_KEY_ENDPOINT = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(Constants.PROPERTY_ENDPOINT, "Equivalent to 'endpoint'; provided for jclouds compatibility", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> WAIT_FOR_SSHABLE = new BasicConfigKey<String>(String.class, "waitForSshable",
"Whether and how long to wait for a newly provisioned VM to be accessible via ssh; " +
"if 'false', won't check; if 'true' uses default duration; otherwise accepts a time string e.g. '5m' (the default) or a number of milliseconds", "5m");
// note causing problems on centos due to use of `sudo -n`; but required for default RHEL VM
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> OPEN_IPTABLES = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("openIptables",
"Whether to open the INBOUND_PORTS via iptables rules; " +
"if true then ssh in to run iptables commands, as part of machine provisioning", false);
public static final ConfigKey<Integer> MIN_RAM = new BasicConfigKey<Integer>(Integer.class, "minRam",
"Minimum amount of RAM (in MB), for use in selecting the machine/hardware profile", null);
public static final ConfigKey<Integer> MIN_CORES = new BasicConfigKey<Integer>(Integer.class, "minCores",
"Minimum number of cores, for use in selecting the machine/hardware profile", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> HARDWARE_ID = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("hardwareId",
"A system-specific identifier for the hardware profile or machine type to be used when creating a VM", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> IMAGE_ID = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("imageId",
"A system-specific identifier for the VM image to be used when creating a VM", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> IMAGE_NAME_REGEX = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("imageNameRegex",
"A regular expression to be compared against the 'name' when selecting the VM image to be used when creating a VM", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_REGEX = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("imageDescriptionRegex",
"A regular expression to be compared against the 'description' when selecting the VM image to be used when creating a VM", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> TEMPLATE_SPEC = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("templateSpec",
"A jclouds 'spec' string consisting of properties and values to be used when creating a VM " +
"(in most cases the properties can, and should, be specified individually using other Brooklyn location config keys)", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> DEFAULT_IMAGE_ID = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("defaultImageId",
"A system-specific identifier for the VM image to be used by default when creating a VM " +
"(if no other VM image selection criteria are supplied)", null);
public static final ConfigKey<TemplateBuilder> TEMPLATE_BUILDER = new BasicConfigKey<TemplateBuilder>(TemplateBuilder.class, "templateBuilder",
"A TemplateBuilder instance provided programmatically, to be used when creating a VM", null);
public static final ConfigKey<Object> SECURITY_GROUPS = new BasicConfigKey<Object>(Object.class, "securityGroups",
"Security groups to be applied when creating a VM, on supported clouds " +
"(either a single group identifier as a String, or an Iterable<String> or String[])", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> USER_DATA_UUENCODED = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("userData",
"Arbitrary user data, as a uuencoded string, on supported clouds", null);
public static final ConfigKey<Object> INBOUND_PORTS = new BasicConfigKey<Object>(Object.class, "inboundPorts",
"Inbound ports to be applied when creating a VM, on supported clouds " +
"(either a single port as a String, or an Iterable<Integer> or Integer[])", null);
public static final ConfigKey<Object> TAGS = new BasicConfigKey<Object>(Object.class, "tags",
"Tags to be applied when creating a VM, on supported clouds " +
"(either a single tag as a String, or an Iterable<String> or String[])", null);
public static final ConfigKey<Object> USER_METADATA = new BasicConfigKey<Object>(Object.class, "userMetadata",
"Arbitrary user metadata, as a map (or String of comma-separated key=value pairs), on supported clouds", null);
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> MAP_DEV_RANDOM_TO_DEV_URANDOM = new BasicConfigKey<Boolean>(
Boolean.class, "installDevUrandom", "Map /dev/random to /dev/urandom to prevent halting on insufficient entropy", false);
public static final ConfigKey<JcloudsLocationCustomizer> JCLOUDS_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZER = new BasicConfigKey<JcloudsLocationCustomizer>(
JcloudsLocationCustomizer.class, "customizer", "Optional location customizer", null);
public static final ConfigKey<String> JCLOUDS_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZER_TYPE = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"customizerType", "Optional location customizer type (to be class-loaded and constructed with no-arg constructor)", null);
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public static final ConfigKey<Collection<JcloudsLocationCustomizer>> JCLOUDS_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS =
new BasicConfigKey<Collection<JcloudsLocationCustomizer>>(
// TODO messy uncast then cast ... how to fix this?
(Class<Collection<JcloudsLocationCustomizer>>) (Class) Collection.class,
"customizers", "Optional location customizers", null);
public static final ConfigKey<File> LOCAL_TEMP_DIR = SshTool.PROP_LOCAL_TEMP_DIR;
public static final ConfigKey<Integer> OVERRIDE_RAM = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey("overrideRam", "Custom ram value");
* CUSTOM_MACHINE_SETUP_SCRIPT_URL accepts a URL location that points to a shell script.
* Please have a look at locations/jclouds/src/main/resources/sample/script/ as an example
public static final ConfigKey<String> CUSTOM_MACHINE_SETUP_SCRIPT_URL = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("setup.script", "Custom script to customize a node");
public static final ConfigKey<String> CUSTOM_MACHINE_SETUP_SCRIPT_VARS = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("setup.script.vars", "vars to customize a setup.script i.e.: key1:value1,key2:value2");
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> GENERATE_HOSTNAME = new BasicConfigKey<Boolean>(Boolean.class, "generate.hostname", "Use the nodename generated by jclouds ", false);
// "noDefaultSshKeys" - hints that local ssh keys should not be read as defaults
// this would be useful when we need to indicate a password