blob: 9c3008b96752ed9a85b99fce610c620972f6a850 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
* Represents a unit of work for execution.
* When used with an {@link ExecutionManager} or {@link ExecutionContext} it will record submission time,
* execution start time, end time, and any result. A task can be submitted to the ExecutionManager or
* ExecutionContext, in which case it will be returned, or it may be created by submission
* of a {@link Runnable} or {@link Callable} and thereafter it can be treated just like a {@link Future}.
public interface Task<T> extends TaskStub, Future<T> {
public Set<Object> getTags();
public long getSubmitTimeUtc();
public long getStartTimeUtc();
public long getEndTimeUtc();
public String getDisplayName();
public String getDescription();
/** task which submitted this task, if was submitted by a task */
public Task<?> getSubmittedByTask();
/** The thread where the task is running, if it is running. */
public Thread getThread();
* Whether task has been submitted
* Submitted tasks are normally expected to start running then complete,
* but unsubmitted tasks are sometimes passed around for someone else to submit them.
public boolean isSubmitted();
* Whether task has started running.
* Will remain true after normal completion or non-cancellation error.
* will be true on cancel iff the thread did actually start.
public boolean isBegun();
* Whether the task threw an error, including cancellation (implies {@link #isDone()})
public boolean isError();
* Causes calling thread to block until the task is started.
public void blockUntilStarted();
* Causes calling thread to block until the task is ended.
* Either normally or by cancellation or error, but without throwing error on cancellation or error.
* (Errors are logged at debug.)
public void blockUntilEnded();
public String getStatusSummary();
* Returns detailed status, suitable for a hover.
* Plain-text format, with new-lines (and sometimes extra info) if multiline enabled.
public String getStatusDetail(boolean multiline);
/** As get, but propagating checked exceptions as unchecked for convenience. */
public T getUnchecked();