blob: 10788026cec4ecd04a70c8dd51f0f4ac366f1139 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import brooklyn.entity.Entity;
* This is a Brooklyn extension to the Java {@link Executor}.
* The "context" could, for example, be an {@link Entity} so that tasks executed
* can be annotated as executing in that context.
public interface ExecutionContext extends Executor {
* Returns the current {@link Task} being executed by this context, or null if not currently executing a task.
* @deprecated in 0.5, use Tasks.current()
Task<?> getCurrentTask();
* Get the tasks executed through this context (returning an immutable set).
Set<Task<?>> getTasks();
* See {@link ExecutionManager#submit(Map, Task)} for properties that can be passed in.
Task<?> submit(Map<?, ?> properties, Runnable runnable);
* See {@link ExecutionManager#submit(Map, Task)} for properties that can be passed in.
<T> Task<T> submit(Map<?, ?> properties, Callable<T> callable);
<T> Task<T> submit(Task<T> task);