blob: 19c13bcbb51ac0b9cbebf80367cec6a0db1888b3 [file] [log] [blame]
Instructions for Running Examples
The commands below assume that the `brooklyn` script is on your $PATH, this project has been built,
and you are in this directory. Adjust to taste for other configurations.
export BROOKLYN_CLASSPATH=$(pwd)/target/classes
# Three-tier: auto-scaling app-server cluster fronted by nginx, MySql backend wired up, on localhost
brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.demo.WebClusterDatabaseExample --location localhost
The above requires passwordless `ssh localhost` and requires `gcc` to build `nginx`.
You could instead target your favourite cloud, where this has been tried and tested:
# Same three-tier, but in Amazon California, prompting for credentials
# (the location arg can be changed for any example, of course, and other clouds are available)
export JCLOUDS_AWS_EC2_CREDENTIAL=aT0Ps3cr3tC0D3wh1chAW5w1llG1V3y0uTOus333
brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.demo.WebClusterDatabaseExample --location aws-ec2:us-west-1
Other examples:
# A very simple app: a single web-server
brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.demo.SingleWebServerExample --location localhost
# A simple app: just load-balancer and appservers
brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.demo.WebClusterExample --location localhost
# Pure Java three-tier example
brooklyn launch --app brooklyn.demo.WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava --location localhost
Redistributable embedded example:
# To build a redistributable tar.gz with a script
# which invokes the `main` method in the example class to start
# (the redistributable will be at: target/brooklyn-*-bin.tar.gz )
mvn clean assembly:assembly
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