blob: 69f1fa2f68cfe98b080ad5b79759cde5be20866a [file] [log] [blame]
<project xmlns=""
<name>Brooklyn REST JavaScript Web GUI</name>
JavaScript+HTML GUI for interacting with Brooklyn, using the REST API
<version>0.7.0-M1</version><!-- BROOKLYN_VERSION -->
<!-- see comment about fixtures below
<!-- The maven-war-plugin 2.1+ and the replacer plugin don't work well together. -->
<!-- run js tests with: $ mvn clean process-resources jasmine:test -->
The Jasmine Maven plugin is now on version It has several improvements,
but we're unable to upgrade to it because of a change to the way it handles our
fixtures. In 1.2 it serves target/fixtures at /fixtures. This no longer happens
in 1.3.1. Ideally, the plugin would have a configuration option to include other
directories for Jetty to serve. If this were added we would also be able to use
mvn jasmine:bdd.
<!-- avoid double phase executions -->
<!--Uses the require.js test spec-->
<id>Optimise resources</id>
<!-- Installs node.js in target/. Means we get the benefits of node's speed
(compared to Rhino) without having to install it manually. -->
<!-- target directory for node binaries -->
<!-- Runs the require.js optimiser with node to produce a single artifact. -->
<id>Optimise javascript</id>
<id>Concatenate CSS files</id>
<!-- Replaces Maven tokens in the build file with their values -->
<!-- Including the exploded goal means sources are in place ready for the replacer plugin. -->
<id>Use optimised resources in index.html</id>
<!-- Compress the minified files. Jetty will serve the gzipped content instead. -->
<!-- This section could be *way* simpler with `gzip -k`, but -k is a new addition
to gzip and we can't assume its presence -->