blob: b6de4f25364a191550780c82deebe2449cd17477 [file] [log] [blame]
package brooklyn.entity.basic;
import java.util.Map;
import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import brooklyn.entity.Entity;
import brooklyn.entity.trait.Startable;
import brooklyn.event.AttributeSensor;
import brooklyn.event.basic.BasicAttributeSensor;
import brooklyn.event.basic.BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
import brooklyn.event.basic.MapConfigKey;
import brooklyn.event.basic.Sensors;
import brooklyn.location.MachineProvisioningLocation;
import brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import brooklyn.util.flags.SetFromFlag;
public interface SoftwareProcess extends Entity, Startable {
public static final AttributeSensor<String> HOSTNAME = Attributes.HOSTNAME;
public static final AttributeSensor<String> ADDRESS = Attributes.ADDRESS;
public static final AttributeSensor<String> SUBNET_HOSTNAME = Attributes.SUBNET_HOSTNAME;
public static final AttributeSensor<String> SUBNET_ADDRESS = Attributes.SUBNET_ADDRESS;
public static final ConfigKey<Integer> START_TIMEOUT = BrooklynConfigKeys.START_TIMEOUT;
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> START_LATCH = BrooklynConfigKeys.START_LATCH;
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> INSTALL_LATCH = BrooklynConfigKeys.INSTALL_LATCH;
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> CUSTOMIZE_LATCH = BrooklynConfigKeys.CUSTOMIZE_LATCH;
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> LAUNCH_LATCH = BrooklynConfigKeys.LAUNCH_LATCH;
public static final ConfigKey<String> SUGGESTED_VERSION = BrooklynConfigKeys.SUGGESTED_VERSION;
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String> DOWNLOAD_URL = Attributes.DOWNLOAD_URL;
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<Map<String,String>> DOWNLOAD_ADDON_URLS = Attributes.DOWNLOAD_ADDON_URLS;
public static final ConfigKey<String> INSTALL_UNIQUE_LABEL = BrooklynConfigKeys.INSTALL_UNIQUE_LABEL;
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String> EXPANDED_INSTALL_DIR = BrooklynConfigKeys.EXPANDED_INSTALL_DIR;
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String> INSTALL_DIR = BrooklynConfigKeys.INSTALL_DIR;
public static final ConfigKey<String> SUGGESTED_INSTALL_DIR = BrooklynConfigKeys.SUGGESTED_INSTALL_DIR;
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey<String> RUN_DIR = BrooklynConfigKeys.RUN_DIR;
public static final ConfigKey<String> SUGGESTED_RUN_DIR = BrooklynConfigKeys.SUGGESTED_RUN_DIR;
public static final MapConfigKey<Object> SHELL_ENVIRONMENT = new MapConfigKey<Object>(Object.class,
"shell.env", "Map of environment variables to pass to the runtime shell", MutableMap.<String,Object>of());
public static final MapConfigKey<Object> PROVISIONING_PROPERTIES = new MapConfigKey<Object>(Object.class,
"", "Custom properties to be passed in when provisioning a new machine", MutableMap.<String,Object>of());
/** controls the behavior when starting (stop, restart) {@link Startable} children as part of the start (stop, restart) effector on this entity
* <p>
* (NB: restarts are currently not propagated to children in the default {@link SoftwareProcess}
* due to the various semantics which may be desired; this may change, but if entities have specific requirements for restart,
* developers should either subclass the {@link SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks} and/or lean on sensors from the parent */
public enum ChildStartableMode {
/** do nothing with {@link Startable} children */
NONE(true, false, false),
/** start (stop) {@link Startable} children concurrent with *driver* start (stop),
* in foreground, so invoking entity will wait for children to complete.
* <p>
* if the child requires the parent to reach a particular state before acting,
* when running in foreground the parent should communicate its state using sensors
* which the child listens for.
* note that often sensors at the parent are not activated until it is started,
* so the usual sensors connected at an entity may not be available when running in this mode */
FOREGROUND(false, false, false),
/** as {@link #FOREGROUND} but {@link ChildStartableMode#isLate} */
FOREGROUND_LATE(false, false, true),
/** start {@link Startable} children concurrent with *driver* start (stop, restart),
* but in background, ie disassociated from the effector task at this entity
* (so that this entity can complete start/stop independent of children) */
BACKGROUND(false, true, false),
/** as {@link #BACKGROUND} but {@link ChildStartableMode#isLate} */
BACKGROUND_LATE(false, true, true);
/** whether starting (stopping, restarting) children is disabled */
public final boolean isDisabled;
/** whether starting (stopping, restarting) children is backgrounded, so parent should not wait on them */
public final boolean isBackground;
/** whether starting (stopping, restarting) children should be nested, so start occurs after the driver is started,
* and stop before the driver is stopped (if false the children operations are concurrent with the parent),
* (with restart always being done in parallel though this behaviour may change) */
public final boolean isLate;
private ChildStartableMode(boolean isDisabled, boolean isBackground, boolean isLate) {
this.isDisabled = isDisabled;
this.isBackground = isBackground;
this.isLate = isLate;
public static final ConfigKey<ChildStartableMode> CHILDREN_STARTABLE_MODE = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(ChildStartableMode.class, "children.startable.mode");
public static final AttributeSensor<MachineProvisioningLocation> PROVISIONING_LOCATION = new BasicAttributeSensor<MachineProvisioningLocation>(
MachineProvisioningLocation.class, "softwareservice.provisioningLocation", "Location used to provision a machine where this is running");
public static final AttributeSensor<Lifecycle> SERVICE_STATE = Attributes.SERVICE_STATE;
public static final AttributeSensor<String> PID_FILE = Sensors.newStringSensor("", "PID file");