blob: 8f4db88c19df679bf015106890260d649af6e207 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.EntitySpec;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.Location;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ManagementContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.classloading.BrooklynClassLoadingContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.typereg.RegisteredType;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.catalog.internal.CatalogUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTags;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTaskTags;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.ManagementContextInjectable;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.classloading.JavaBrooklynClassLoadingContext;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.resolve.entity.EntitySpecResolver;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.FlagUtils;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.FlagUtils.FlagConfigKeyAndValueRecord;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.task.Tasks;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This generates instances of a template resolver that use a {@link ServiceTypeResolver}
* to parse the {@code serviceType} line in the template.
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Because of ServiceTypeResolver
public class BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver.class);
private final BrooklynClassLoadingContext loader;
private final ManagementContext mgmt;
private final ConfigBag attrs;
private final Maybe<AbstractResource> template;
private final BrooklynYamlTypeInstantiator.Factory yamlLoader;
private final String type;
private final AtomicBoolean alreadyBuilt = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final EntitySpecResolver serviceSpecResolver;
private BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver(BrooklynClassLoadingContext loader, ConfigBag attrs, AbstractResource optionalTemplate, String type) {
this.loader = loader;
this.mgmt = loader.getManagementContext();
this.attrs = ConfigBag.newInstanceCopying(attrs);
this.template = Maybe.fromNullable(optionalTemplate);
this.yamlLoader = new BrooklynYamlTypeInstantiator.Factory(loader, this);
this.type = type;
this.serviceSpecResolver = new CampServiceSpecResolver(mgmt, getServiceTypeResolverOverrides());
// Deprecated because want to keep as much of the state private as possible
// Can't remove them because used by ServiceTypeResolver implementations
/** @deprecated since 0.9.0 */
@Deprecated public ManagementContext getManagementContext() { return mgmt; }
@Deprecated public ConfigBag getAttrs() { return attrs; }
@Deprecated public BrooklynYamlTypeInstantiator.Factory getYamlLoader() { return yamlLoader; }
@Deprecated public String getDeclaredType() { return type; }
public static class Factory {
public static BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver newInstance(BrooklynClassLoadingContext context, Map<String, ?> childAttrs) {
return newInstance(context, ConfigBag.newInstance(childAttrs), null);
public static BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver newInstance(BrooklynClassLoadingContext context, AbstractResource template) {
return newInstance(context, ConfigBag.newInstance(template.getCustomAttributes()), template);
public static BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver newInstance(BrooklynClassLoadingContext context, String serviceType) {
return newInstance(context, ConfigBag.newInstance().configureStringKey("serviceType", serviceType), null);
private static BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver newInstance(BrooklynClassLoadingContext context, ConfigBag attrs, AbstractResource optionalTemplate) {
String type = getDeclaredType(null, optionalTemplate, attrs);
return new BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver(context, attrs, optionalTemplate, type);
private static String getDeclaredType(String knownServiceType, AbstractResource optionalTemplate, @Nullable ConfigBag attrs) {
String type = knownServiceType;
if (type==null && optionalTemplate!=null) {
type = optionalTemplate.getType();
if (type.equals(AssemblyTemplate.CAMP_TYPE) || type.equals(PlatformComponentTemplate.CAMP_TYPE) || type.equals(ApplicationComponentTemplate.CAMP_TYPE))
// ignore these values for the type; only subclasses are interesting
type = null;
if (type==null) type = extractServiceTypeAttribute(attrs);
return type;
private static String extractServiceTypeAttribute(@Nullable ConfigBag attrs) {
return BrooklynYamlTypeInstantiator.InstantiatorFromKey.extractTypeName("service", attrs).orNull();
public boolean canResolve() {
return serviceSpecResolver.accepts(type, loader);
public <T extends Entity> EntitySpec<T> resolveSpec(Set<String> encounteredRegisteredTypeSymbolicNames) {
if (alreadyBuilt.getAndSet(true))
throw new IllegalStateException("Spec can only be used once: "+this);
EntitySpec<?> spec = serviceSpecResolver.resolve(type, loader, encounteredRegisteredTypeSymbolicNames);
if (spec == null) {
// Try to provide some troubleshooting details
final String msgDetails;
RegisteredType item = mgmt.getTypeRegistry().get(Strings.removeFromStart(type, "catalog:"));
String proto = Urls.getProtocol(type);
if (item != null && encounteredRegisteredTypeSymbolicNames.contains(item.getSymbolicName())) {
msgDetails = "Cycle between catalog items detected, starting from " + type +
". Other catalog items being resolved up the stack are " + encounteredRegisteredTypeSymbolicNames +
". Tried loading it as a Java class instead but failed.";
} else if (proto != null) {
msgDetails = "The reference " + type + " looks like a URL (running the CAMP Brooklyn assembly-template instantiator) but the protocol " +
proto + " isn't white listed (" + BrooklynCampConstants.YAML_URL_PROTOCOL_WHITELIST + "). " +
"It's also neither a catalog item nor a java type.";
} else {
msgDetails = "No resolver knew how to handle it. Using resolvers: " + serviceSpecResolver;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create spec for type " + type + ". " + msgDetails);
populateSpec(spec, encounteredRegisteredTypeSymbolicNames);
EntitySpec<T> typedSpec = (EntitySpec<T>) spec;
return typedSpec;
private List<EntitySpecResolver> getServiceTypeResolverOverrides() {
List<EntitySpecResolver> overrides = new ArrayList<>();
ServiceLoader<ServiceTypeResolver> loader = ServiceLoader.load(ServiceTypeResolver.class, mgmt.getCatalogClassLoader());
for (ServiceTypeResolver resolver : loader) {
overrides.add(new ServiceTypeResolverAdaptor(this, resolver));
return overrides;
private <T extends Entity> void populateSpec(EntitySpec<T> spec, Set<String> encounteredRegisteredTypeIds) {
String name, source=null, templateId=null, planId=null;
if (template.isPresent()) {
name = template.get().getName();
templateId = template.get().getId();
source = template.get().getSourceCode();
} else {
name = (String)attrs.getStringKey("name");
planId = (String)attrs.getStringKey("id");
if (planId==null)
planId = (String) attrs.getStringKey(BrooklynCampConstants.PLAN_ID_FLAG);
Object childrenObj = attrs.getStringKey(BrooklynCampReservedKeys.BROOKLYN_CHILDREN);
if (childrenObj != null) {
Iterable<Map<String,?>> children = (Iterable<Map<String,?>>)childrenObj;
for (Map<String,?> childAttrs : children) {
BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver entityResolver = BrooklynComponentTemplateResolver.Factory.newInstance(loader, childAttrs);
// encounteredRegisteredTypeIds must contain the items currently being loaded (the dependency chain),
// but not parent items in this type already resolved.
EntitySpec<? extends Entity> childSpec = entityResolver.resolveSpec(encounteredRegisteredTypeIds);
if (source!=null)
if (!Strings.isBlank(name))
if (templateId != null)
spec.configure(BrooklynCampConstants.TEMPLATE_ID, templateId);
if (planId != null)
spec.configure(BrooklynCampConstants.PLAN_ID, planId);
List<Location> childLocations = new BrooklynYamlLocationResolver(mgmt).resolveLocations(attrs.getAllConfig(), true);
if (childLocations != null)
decorateSpec(spec, encounteredRegisteredTypeIds);
private <T extends Entity> void decorateSpec(EntitySpec<T> spec, Set<String> encounteredRegisteredTypeIds) {
new BrooklynEntityDecorationResolver.PolicySpecResolver(yamlLoader).decorate(spec, attrs);
new BrooklynEntityDecorationResolver.EnricherSpecResolver(yamlLoader).decorate(spec, attrs);
new BrooklynEntityDecorationResolver.InitializerResolver(yamlLoader).decorate(spec, attrs);
new BrooklynEntityDecorationResolver.SpecParameterResolver(yamlLoader).decorate(spec, attrs);
configureEntityConfig(spec, encounteredRegisteredTypeIds);
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private void configureEntityConfig(EntitySpec<?> spec, Set<String> encounteredRegisteredTypeIds) {
// first take *recognised* flags and config keys from the top-level, and put them in the bag (of brooklyn.config)
// attrs will contain only properties when coming from BrooklynEntityMatcher.
// Any top-level flags will go into "brooklyn.flags". When resolving a spec from $brooklyn:entitySpec
// top level flags remain in place. Have to support both cases.
ConfigBag bag = ConfigBag.newInstance((Map<Object, Object>) attrs.getStringKey(BrooklynCampReservedKeys.BROOKLYN_CONFIG));
ConfigBag bagFlags = ConfigBag.newInstanceCopying(attrs);
if (attrs.containsKey(BrooklynCampReservedKeys.BROOKLYN_FLAGS)) {
bagFlags.putAll((Map<String, Object>) attrs.getStringKey(BrooklynCampReservedKeys.BROOKLYN_FLAGS));
Collection<FlagConfigKeyAndValueRecord> topLevelApparentConfig = findAllFlagsAndConfigKeys(spec, bagFlags);
for (FlagConfigKeyAndValueRecord r: topLevelApparentConfig) {
if (r.getConfigKeyMaybeValue().isPresent())
bag.putIfAbsent((ConfigKey)r.getConfigKey(), r.getConfigKeyMaybeValue().get());
if (r.getFlagMaybeValue().isPresent())
bag.putAsStringKeyIfAbsent(r.getFlagName(), r.getFlagMaybeValue().get());
// now set configuration for all the items in the bag
Collection<FlagConfigKeyAndValueRecord> records = findAllFlagsAndConfigKeys(spec, bag);
Set<String> keyNamesUsed = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for (FlagConfigKeyAndValueRecord r: records) {
if (r.getFlagMaybeValue().isPresent()) {
Object transformed = new SpecialFlagsTransformer(loader, encounteredRegisteredTypeIds).apply(r.getFlagMaybeValue().get());
spec.configure(r.getFlagName(), transformed);
if (r.getConfigKeyMaybeValue().isPresent()) {
Object transformed = new SpecialFlagsTransformer(loader, encounteredRegisteredTypeIds).apply(r.getConfigKeyMaybeValue().get());
spec.configure((ConfigKey<Object>)r.getConfigKey(), transformed);
// set unused keys as anonymous config keys -
// they aren't flags or known config keys, so must be passed as config keys in order for
// EntitySpec to know what to do with them (as they are passed to the spec as flags)
for (String key: MutableSet.copyOf(bag.getUnusedConfig().keySet())) {
// we don't let a flag with the same name as a config key override the config key
// (that's why we check whether it is used)
if (!keyNamesUsed.contains(key)) {
Object transformed = new SpecialFlagsTransformer(loader, encounteredRegisteredTypeIds).apply(bag.getStringKey(key));
spec.configure(ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Object.class, key.toString()), transformed);
* Searches for config keys in the type, additional interfaces and the implementation (if specified)
private Collection<FlagConfigKeyAndValueRecord> findAllFlagsAndConfigKeys(EntitySpec<?> spec, ConfigBag bagFlags) {
Set<FlagConfigKeyAndValueRecord> allKeys = MutableSet.of();
allKeys.addAll(FlagUtils.findAllFlagsAndConfigKeys(null, spec.getType(), bagFlags));
if (spec.getImplementation() != null) {
allKeys.addAll(FlagUtils.findAllFlagsAndConfigKeys(null, spec.getImplementation(), bagFlags));
for (Class<?> iface : spec.getAdditionalInterfaces()) {
allKeys.addAll(FlagUtils.findAllFlagsAndConfigKeys(null, iface, bagFlags));
allKeys.addAll(FlagUtils.findAllParameterConfigKeys(spec.getParameters(), bagFlags));
return allKeys;
private static class SpecialFlagsTransformer implements Function<Object, Object> {
protected final ManagementContext mgmt;
/* TODO find a way to make do without loader here?
* it is not very nice having to serialize it; but serialization of BLCL is now relatively clean.
* it is only used to instantiate classes, and now most types should be registered;
* the notable exception is when one entity in a bundle is creating another in the same bundle,
* it wants to use his bundle CLC to do that. but we can set up some unique reference to the entity
* which can be used to find it from mgmt, rather than pass the loader.
private BrooklynClassLoadingContext loader = null;
private Set<String> encounteredRegisteredTypeIds;
public SpecialFlagsTransformer(BrooklynClassLoadingContext loader, Set<String> encounteredRegisteredTypeIds) {
this.loader = loader;
mgmt = loader.getManagementContext();
this.encounteredRegisteredTypeIds = encounteredRegisteredTypeIds;
public Object apply(Object input) {
if (input instanceof Map)
return transformSpecialFlags((Map<?, ?>)input);
else if (input instanceof Set<?>)
return MutableSet.of(transformSpecialFlags((Iterable<?>)input));
else if (input instanceof List<?>)
return MutableList.copyOf(transformSpecialFlags((Iterable<?>)input));
else if (input instanceof Iterable<?>)
return transformSpecialFlags((Iterable<?>)input);
return transformSpecialFlags((Object)input);
protected Map<?, ?> transformSpecialFlags(Map<?, ?> flag) {
return Maps.transformValues(flag, this);
protected Iterable<?> transformSpecialFlags(Iterable<?> flag) {
return Iterables.transform(flag, this);
protected BrooklynClassLoadingContext getLoader() {
if (loader!=null) return loader;
// TODO currently loader will non-null unless someone has messed with the rebind files,
// but we'd like to get rid of it; ideally we'd have a reference to the entity.
// for now, this is a slightly naff way to do it, if we have to set loader=null as a workaround
Entity entity = BrooklynTaskTags.getTargetOrContextEntity(Tasks.current());
if (entity!=null) return CatalogUtils.getClassLoadingContext(entity);
return JavaBrooklynClassLoadingContext.create(mgmt);
* Makes additional transformations to the given flag with the extra knowledge of the flag's management context.
* @return The modified flag, or the flag unchanged.
protected Object transformSpecialFlags(Object flag) {
if (flag instanceof EntitySpecConfiguration) {
EntitySpecConfiguration specConfig = (EntitySpecConfiguration) flag;
// TODO: This should called from BrooklynAssemblyTemplateInstantiator.configureEntityConfig
// And have transformSpecialFlags(Object flag, ManagementContext mgmt) drill into the Object flag if it's a map or iterable?
Map<String, Object> resolvedConfig = (Map<String, Object>)transformSpecialFlags(specConfig.getSpecConfiguration());
return Factory.newInstance(getLoader(), specConfig.getSpecConfiguration()).resolveSpec(encounteredRegisteredTypeIds);
if (flag instanceof ManagementContextInjectable) {
log.debug("Injecting Brooklyn management context info object: {}", flag);
((ManagementContextInjectable) flag).setManagementContext(loader.getManagementContext());
return flag;