blob: 44330078f5e27e4739f748118e858f32ab63dc9e [file] [log] [blame]
package brooklyn.test
import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.*
import groovy.time.TimeDuration
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import brooklyn.entity.Entity
* Helper functions for tests of Tomcat, JBoss and others.
public class TestUtils {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestUtils.class)
private TestUtils() { }
/** True if two attempts to connect to the port succeed. */
public static boolean isPortInUse(int port, long retryAfterMillis=0) {
try {
def s = new Socket("localhost", port)
if (retryAfterMillis>0) {
log.debug "port {} still open, waiting 1s for it to really close", port
//give it 1s to close
Thread.sleep retryAfterMillis
s = new Socket("localhost", port)
log.debug "port {} still open (conclusive)", port
return true
} catch (ConnectException e) {
return false
/** Connects to the given HTTP URL and asserts that the response had status code 200. */
public static boolean urlRespondsWithStatusCode200(String url) {
def connection = connectToURL(url)
int status = ((HttpURLConnection) connection).getResponseCode() "connection to {} gives {}", url, status
if (status == 404)
throw new Exception("Connection to $url gave 404");
return status == 200
/** Connects to the given url and returns the connection. */
public static URLConnection connectToURL(String u) {
URL url = [u]
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection()
connection.getContentLength() // Make sure the connection is made.
return connection
//FIXME rename these to assertEventually, refactor to have boolean blockUntil in some other util class
//FIXME remove dupilcation with LanguageUtils.repeatUntilSuccess
public static void executeUntilSucceeds(Map flags=[:], Closure c) {
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(flags, c) { }
public static void executeUntilSucceeds(Map flags=[:], Callable c) {
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(flags, c) { }
public static void executeUntilSucceeds(Map flags=[:], Runnable r) {
if (r in Callable)
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(flags, {return ((Callable)r).call();}, { })
else if (r in Closure) // Closure check probably not necessary, just was trying to fix a server build which had a screwy problem
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(flags, {return ((Closure)r).call();}, { })
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(flags, {; return true}, { })
public static void executeUntilSucceedsElseShutdown(Map flags=[:], Entity entity, Closure c) {
try {
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(flags, c) { }
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t
/** convenience for entities to ensure they shutdown afterwards */
public static void executeUntilSucceedsWithShutdown(Map flags=[:], Entity entity, Closure c) {
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(flags, c) { entity.stop() }
public static void executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(Map flags=[:], Closure c, Closure finallyBlock={}) {
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlockInternal(flags, c, finallyBlock)
* Convenience method for cases where we need to test until something is true.
* The runnable will be invoked periodically until it succesfully concludes.
* Additionally, a finally block can be supplied.
* <p>
* The following flags are supported:
* <ul>
* <li>abortOnError (boolean, default true)
* <li>abortOnException - (boolean, default false)
* <li>useGroovyTruth - (defaults to false; any result code apart from 'false' will be treated as success including null; ignored for Runnables which aren't Callables)
* <li>timeout - (a TimeDuration or an integer in millis, defaults to 30*SECONDS)
* <li>period - (a TimeDuration or an integer in millis, for fixed retry time; if not set, defaults to exponentially increasing from 1 to 500ms)
* <li>minPeriod - (a TimeDuration or an integer in millis; only used if period not explicitly set; the minimum period when exponentially increasing; defaults to 1ms)
* <li>maxPeriod - (a TimeDuration or an integer in millis; only used if period not explicitly set; the maximum period when exponentially increasing; defaults to 500ms)
* <li>maxAttempts - (integer, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
* </ul>
* @param flags, accepts the flags listed above
* @param r
* @param finallyBlock
public static void executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(Map flags=[:], Callable<?> c, Closure finallyBlock={}) {
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlockInternal(flags, c, finallyBlock);
/** the "real" implementation, renamed to allow multiple entry points (depending whether closure cast to callable) */
private static void executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlockInternal(Map flags=[:], Callable<?> c, Closure finallyBlock={}) {
// log.trace "abortOnError = {}", flags.abortOnError
boolean abortOnException = flags.abortOnException ?: false
boolean abortOnError = flags.abortOnError ?: false
boolean useGroovyTruth = flags.useGroovyTruth ?: false
boolean logException = flags.logException ?: true
// To speed up tests, default is for the period to start small and increase...
TimeDuration duration = toTimeDuration(flags.timeout) ?: new TimeDuration(0,0,30,0)
TimeDuration fixedPeriod = toTimeDuration(flags.period) ?: null
TimeDuration minPeriod = fixedPeriod ?: toTimeDuration(flags.minPeriod) ?: new TimeDuration(0,0,0,1)
TimeDuration maxPeriod = fixedPeriod ?: toTimeDuration(flags.maxPeriod) ?: new TimeDuration(0,0,0,500)
int maxAttempts = flags.maxAttempts ?: Integer.MAX_VALUE
try {
Throwable lastException = null;
Object result;
long lastAttemptTime = 0;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
long expireTime = startTime+duration.toMilliseconds()
int attempt = 0;
long sleepTimeBetweenAttempts = minPeriod.toMilliseconds();
while (attempt<maxAttempts && lastAttemptTime<expireTime) {
try {
lastAttemptTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
result =
log.trace "Attempt {} after {} ms: {}", attempt, System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, result
if (useGroovyTruth) {
if (result) return;
} else if (result != false) {
if (result instanceof BooleanWithMessage)
log.warn "Test returned an instance of BooleanWithMessage but useGroovyTruth is not set! " +
"The result of this probably isn't what you intended."
lastException = null
} catch(Throwable e) {
lastException = e
log.trace "Attempt {} after {} ms: {}", attempt, System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, e.message
if (abortOnException) throw e
if (abortOnError && e in Error) throw e
long sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTimeBetweenAttempts, expireTime-System.currentTimeMillis())
if (sleepTime > 0) Thread.sleep(sleepTime)
sleepTimeBetweenAttempts = Math.min(sleepTimeBetweenAttempts*2, maxPeriod.toMilliseconds())
log.trace "Exceeded max attempts or timeout - {} attempts lasting {} ms", attempt, System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime
if (lastException != null)
throw lastException
fail "invalid result: $result"
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (logException)"failed execute-until-succeeds (rethrowing): "+t)
throw t
} finally {
public static <T> void assertSucceedsContinually(Map flags=[:], Callable<T> job) {
TimeDuration duration = toTimeDuration(flags.timeout) ?: new TimeDuration(0,0,1,0)
TimeDuration period = toTimeDuration(flags.period) ?: new TimeDuration(0,0,0,10)
long periodMs = period.toMilliseconds()
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
long expireTime = startTime+duration.toMilliseconds()
boolean first = true;
while (first || System.currentTimeMillis() <= expireTime) {;
if (periodMs > 0) sleep(periodMs);
first = false;
public static <T> void assertContinually(Map flags=[:], Supplier<? extends T> supplier, Predicate<T> predicate) {
assertContinually(flags, supplier, predicate, (String)null);
public static <T> void assertContinually(Map flags=[:], Supplier<? extends T> supplier, Predicate<T> predicate, String errMsg, long durationMs) {
TimeDuration duration = toTimeDuration(flags.timeout) ?: new TimeDuration(0,0,1,0)
TimeDuration period = toTimeDuration(flags.period) ?: new TimeDuration(0,0,0,10)
long periodMs = period.toMilliseconds()
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
long expireTime = startTime+duration.toMilliseconds()
boolean first = true;
while (first || System.currentTimeMillis() <= expireTime) {
assertTrue(predicate.apply(supplier.get()), "supplied="+supplier.get()+"; predicate="+predicate+(errMsg!=null?"; "+errMsg:""));
if (periodMs > 0) sleep(periodMs);
first = false;
public static class BooleanWithMessage {
boolean value; String message;
public BooleanWithMessage(boolean value, String message) {
this.value = value; this.message = message;
public boolean asBoolean() {
return value
public String toString() {
return message
public static File getResource(String path, ClassLoader loader) {
URL resource = loader.getResource(path)
if (resource==null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot find required entity '"+path+"'");
return new File(resource.path)
public static TimeDuration toTimeDuration(Object duration) {
if (duration == null) {
return null
} else if (duration instanceof TimeDuration) {
return (TimeDuration) duration
} else if (duration instanceof Number) {
return new TimeDuration(0,0,0,(int)duration)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert $duration of type ${} to a TimeDuration")
public static Throwable unwrapThrowable(Throwable t) {
if (t.getCause() == null) {
return t;
} else if (t instanceof ExecutionException) {
return unwrapThrowable(t.getCause())
} else if (t instanceof InvokerInvocationException) {
return unwrapThrowable(t.getCause())
} else {
return t
public static void assertUrlHasText(Map flags=[:], String url, String ...phrases) {
String contents;
TimeDuration timeout = flags.timeout in Number ? flags.timeout*TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS : flags.timeout ?: 30*TimeUnit.SECONDS
executeUntilSucceeds(timeout:timeout, maxAttempts:50) {
contents = new URL(url).openStream().getText();
assertTrue(contents!=null && contents.length()>0)
for (String text: phrases) {
if (!contents.contains(text)) {
log.warn("CONTENTS OF URL MISSING TEXT: $text\n"+contents)
fail("URL $url does not contain text: $text")