blob: 121546e3383a1688d80a22114258d60c2b8c8e78 [file] [log] [blame]
package brooklyn.web.console
import grails.converters.JSON
import brooklyn.entity.Entity
import brooklyn.web.console.entity.EntitySummary
import brooklyn.web.console.entity.LocationSummary
import brooklyn.web.console.entity.PolicySummary
import brooklyn.location.Location
import brooklyn.location.basic.AbstractLocation
import brooklyn.policy.Policy
import brooklyn.policy.basic.AbstractPolicy
import brooklyn.policy.basic.GeneralPurposePolicy
import brooklyn.web.console.entity.JsTreeNode
import brooklyn.web.console.EntityService.NoSuchEntity
import brooklyn.entity.Effector
import brooklyn.entity.Group;
import brooklyn.entity.ParameterType
import brooklyn.entity.basic.BasicParameterType
class EntityController {
// Injected
def entityService
def index = {
def circles = {
Map<Location, Integer> ls = entityService.entityCountsAtLocatedLocations()
// Add locations that have no entities
entityService.applicationLocations().each {
if(!ls[it]) {
ls[it] = 0;
def locationInfo = [:];
ls.each { l, count -> locationInfo[l.getId()] = [
lat: l.getLocationProperty("latitude"),
lng: l.getLocationProperty("longitude"),
entity_count: count ]
render(locationInfo as JSON)
def list = {
render(entityService.getAllEntities().collect {new EntitySummary(it)} as JSON)
def info = {
String id =
if (id) {
Entity entity = entityService.getEntity(id)
if (entity != null) {
render(new EntitySummary(entity) as JSON)
} else {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id ''does not exist"}')
} else {
render(status: 400, text: '{message: "You must provide an entity id"}')
def search = {
render(entityService.getEntitiesMatchingCriteria(,, params.applicationId)
.collect {new EntitySummary (it)} as JSON)
def breadcrumbs = {
String id =
if (id) {
Entity entity = entityService.getEntity(id)
if (entity != null) {
List<Entity> parents = entityService.getAncestorsOf(entity)
def result = [[, entity.displayName]]
for(parent in parents){
result.add([, parent.displayName])
render(result as JSON)
} else {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id ''does not exist"}')
} else {
render(status: 400, text: '{message: "You must provide an entity id"}')
def locations = {
String id =
if (id) {
Entity entity = entityService.getEntity(id)
if (entity != null) {
Collection<AbstractLocation> entityLocations = entity.getLocations()
def locationSummaries = []
for (loc in entityLocations){
//for each loc create location summary and push to array
locationSummaries += new LocationSummary(loc)
render(locationSummaries as JSON)
else {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id ''does not exist"}')
} else {
render(status: 400, text: '{message: "You must provide an entity id"}')
def policies = {
String id =
if (id) {
Entity entity = entityService.getEntity(id)
if (entity != null) {
Collection<AbstractPolicy> entityPolicies = entityService.getPoliciesOfEntity(entity)
def policySummaries = []
for (policy in entityPolicies){
//for each policy create policy summary and push to array
policySummaries += new PolicySummary(policy)
render(policySummaries as JSON)
else {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id ''does not exist"}')
} else {
render(status: 400, text: '{message: "You must provide an entity id"}')
def effectors = {
if (! {
render(status: 400, text: '{message: "You must provide an entity id"}')
try {
render entityService.getEffectorsOfEntity( as JSON
} catch (NoSuchEntity e) {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id ''does not exist"}')
def sensors = {
if (! {
render(status: 400, text: '{message: "You must provide an entity id"}')
try {
render entityService.getSensorData( as JSON
} catch (NoSuchEntity e) {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id ''does not exist"}')
def sensor = {
if (!params.entityId) {
render(status: 400, text: '{message: "You must provide an entityId"}')
if (!params.sensorId) {
render(status: 400, text: '{message: "You must provide a sensorId"}')
try {
Entity ent = entityService.getEntity(params.entityId);
def v = ent.getAttribute(ent.getSensors().get(params.sensorId));
try { render(v as JSON) }
catch (Exception e) {
//not json, just return as text
render(text: ""+v)
} catch (NoSuchEntity e) {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id '+params.entityId+'does not exist"}')
def activity = {
if (! {
render(status: 400, text: '{message: "You must provide an entity id"}')
try {
render entityService.getTasksOfEntity( as JSON
} catch (NoSuchEntity e) {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id ''does not exist"}')
def allActivity = {
render entityService.getTasksOfAllEntities() as JSON
def jstree = {
Map<String, JsTreeNode> nodeMap = [:]
Collection<Entity> entities = entityService.getAllEntities()
entities.each { nodeMap.put(, new JsTreeNode(it)) }
entities.each {
entity ->
boolean hasChildren = false;
entity.getOwnedChildren().each {
child ->
hasChildren = true;
if (!hasChildren && entity in Group) ((Group)entity).getMembers().each {
//if we have a group with no children (the usual case for groups) show its members instead
//NB: tree view seems to hang if multiple identical children (poss mutiple identical elements in tree?)
child -> nodeMap[].children.add(nodeMap[])
List<JsTreeNode> roots = []
Collection<Entity> matches = entityService.getEntitiesMatchingCriteria(,, params.applicationId);
matches.each { match ->
if (!entityService.isChildOf(match, matches)) {
render([roots] as JSON)
def invoke = {
Entity entity = entityService.getEntity(params.entityId)
if (!entity) {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id '+params.entityId+'does not exist"}')
Collection<Effector> effectorsOfEntity = entityService.getEffectorsOfEntity(
if(effectorsOfEntity != null){
Effector effector = effectorsOfEntity.find {
if(effector != null){
Map<String,?> parameters = new HashMap<String,?>()
effector.parameters.each {
if (params.get( {
String parameterName =
Class parameterClass = it.parameterClass
Collection.isAssignableFrom(parameterClass) ?
params.get(parameterName).split('\n') :
entity.invoke(effector, parameters)
} else {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Cannot invoke effector '+ params.effectorName + ' does not exist"}')
render true
/* Execute an action against a policy with given ID and action string*/
def policyaction = {
Entity entity = entityService.getEntity(params.entityId)
if (!entity) {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Entity with specified id '+params.entityId+'does not exist"}')
Policy policy = entityService.getPolicyOfEntity(entity, params.policyId)
if(policy != null){
String action = params.chosenAction
entityService.executePolicyAction(action, policy, entity)
} else {
render(status: 404, text: '{message: "Cannot invoke policy action for '+ params.policyId + ' does not exist"}')
render true