blob: 73eeb90d5c04e0d118fa6ab679330f8c2ebc51f9 [file] [log] [blame]
package brooklyn.location.basic;
import static brooklyn.util.JavaGroovyEquivalents.groovyTruth;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import brooklyn.entity.proxying.InternalLocationFactory;
import brooklyn.entity.rebind.BasicLocationRebindSupport;
import brooklyn.entity.rebind.RebindSupport;
import brooklyn.entity.trait.Configurable;
import brooklyn.event.basic.BasicConfigKey;
import brooklyn.location.Location;
import brooklyn.location.LocationSpec;
import brooklyn.location.geo.HasHostGeoInfo;
import brooklyn.location.geo.HostGeoInfo;
import brooklyn.mementos.LocationMemento;
import brooklyn.util.collections.SetFromLiveMap;
import brooklyn.util.config.ConfigBag;
import brooklyn.util.flags.FlagUtils;
import brooklyn.util.flags.SetFromFlag;
import brooklyn.util.flags.TypeCoercions;
import brooklyn.util.text.Identifiers;
* A basic implementation of the {@link Location} interface.
* This provides an implementation which works according to the requirements of
* the interface documentation, and is ready to be extended to make more specialized locations.
* Override {@link #configure(Map)} to add special initialization logic.
public abstract class AbstractLocation implements Location, HasHostGeoInfo, Configurable {
public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractLocation.class);
public static final ConfigKey<Location> PARENT_LOCATION = new BasicConfigKey<Location>(Location.class, "parentLocation");
private final AtomicBoolean configured = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private String id = Identifiers.makeRandomId(8);
// _not_ set from flag; configured explicitly in configure, because we also need to update the parent's list of children
private Location parentLocation;
private Reference<Long> creationTimeUtc = new BasicReference<Long>(System.currentTimeMillis());
private Reference<Location> parent = new BasicReference<Location>();
private Set<Location> children = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
private Reference<String> name = new BasicReference<String>();
private boolean displayNameAutoGenerated = true;
private Reference<HostGeoInfo> hostGeoInfo = new BasicReference<HostGeoInfo>();
private ConfigBag configBag = new ConfigBag();
private volatile ManagementContext managementContext;
private volatile boolean managed;
private boolean _legacyConstruction;
private boolean inConstruction;
* Construct a new instance of an AbstractLocation.
* The properties map recognizes the following keys:
* <ul>
* <li>name - a name for the location
* <li>parentLocation - the parent {@link Location}
* </ul>
* Other common properties (retrieved via get/findLocationProperty) include:
* <ul>
* <li>latitude
* <li>longitude
* <li>displayName
* <li>iso3166 - list of iso3166-2 code strings
* <li>timeZone
* <li>abbreviatedName
* </ul>
* @param properties
public AbstractLocation() {
public AbstractLocation(Map properties) {
inConstruction = true;
_legacyConstruction = !InternalLocationFactory.FactoryConstructionTracker.isConstructing();
if (_legacyConstruction) {
LOG.warn("Deprecated use of old-style location construction for "+getClass().getName()+"; instead use LocationManager().createLocation(spec)");
boolean deferConstructionChecks = (properties.containsKey("deferConstructionChecks") && TypeCoercions.coerce(properties.get("deferConstructionChecks"), Boolean.class));
if (!deferConstructionChecks) {
inConstruction = false;
protected void assertNotYetManaged() {
if (!inConstruction && (managementContext != null && managementContext.getLocationManager().isManaged(this))) {
LOG.warn("configuration being made to {} after deployment; may not be supported in future versions", this);
//throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set configuration "+key+" on active location "+this)
public void setManagementContext(ManagementContextInternal managementContext) {
this.managementContext = managementContext;
if (displayNameAutoGenerated && id != null) name.set(getClass().getSimpleName()+":"+id.substring(0, 4));
Location oldParent = parent.get();
Set<Location> oldChildren = children;
Map<String, Object> oldConfig = configBag.getAllConfigRaw();
long oldCreationTimeUtc = creationTimeUtc.get();
String oldDisplayName = name.get();
HostGeoInfo oldHostGeoInfo = hostGeoInfo.get();
parent = managementContext.getStorage().getReference(id+"-parent");
children = SetFromLiveMap.create(managementContext.getStorage().<Location,Boolean>getMap(id+"-children"));
creationTimeUtc = managementContext.getStorage().getReference(id+"-creationTime");
hostGeoInfo = managementContext.getStorage().getReference(id+"-hostGeoInfo");
name = managementContext.getStorage().getReference(id+"-displayName");
// Only override stored defaults if we have actual values. We might be in setManagementContext
// because we are reconstituting an existing entity in a new brooklyn management-node (in which
// case believe what is already in the storage), or we might be in the middle of creating a new
// entity. Normally for a new entity (using EntitySpec creation approach), this will get called
// before setting the parent etc. However, for backwards compatibility we still support some
// things calling the entity's constructor directly.
if (oldParent != null) parent.set(oldParent);
if (oldChildren.size() > 0) children.addAll(oldChildren);
if (creationTimeUtc.isNull()) creationTimeUtc.set(oldCreationTimeUtc);
if (hostGeoInfo.isNull()) hostGeoInfo.set(oldHostGeoInfo);
if (name.isNull()) {
} else {
displayNameAutoGenerated = false;
configBag = new ConfigBag(managementContext.getStorage().<String,Object>getMap(id+"-config"));
if (oldConfig.size() > 0) {
protected ManagementContext getManagementContext() {
return managementContext;
* Will set fields from flags. The unused configuration can be found via the
* {@linkplain ConfigBag#getUnusedConfig()}.
* This can be overridden for custom initialization but note the following.
* <p>
* For new-style locations (i.e. not calling constructor directly, this will
* be invoked automatically by brooklyn-core post-construction).
* <p>
* For legacy location use, this will be invoked by the constructor in this class.
* Therefore if over-riding you must *not* rely on field initializers because they
* may not run until *after* this method (this method is invoked by the constructor
* in this class, so initializers in subclasses will not have run when this overridden
* method is invoked.) If you require fields to be initialized you must do that in
* this method with a guard (as in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation).
public void configure(Map properties) {
boolean firstTime = configured.getAndSet(true);
if (properties.containsKey(PARENT_LOCATION.getName())) {
// need to ensure parent's list of children is also updated
// don't include parentLocation in configBag, as breaks rebind
// NB: flag-setting done here must also be done in BasicLocationRebindSupport
FlagUtils.setFieldsFromFlagsWithBag(this, properties, configBag, firstTime);
// TODO For consistency with entity, we should use "displayName" as primary;
// previous comment was that "name" was primary and "displayName" was legacy - that's still the case...
if (properties.get("name") != null) {
name.set((String) properties.remove("name"));
displayNameAutoGenerated = false;
} else if (properties.get("displayName") != null) {
name.set((String) properties.remove("displayName"));
displayNameAutoGenerated = false;
} else if (isLegacyConstruction()) {
name.set(getClass().getSimpleName()+":"+id.substring(0, 4));
displayNameAutoGenerated = true;
// TODO Explicitly dealing with iso3166 here because want custom splitter rule comma-separated string.
// Is there a better way to do it (e.g. more similar to latitude, where configKey+TypeCoercion is enough)?
if (groovyTruth(properties.get("iso3166"))) {
Object rawCodes = properties.remove("iso3166");
Set<String> codes;
if (rawCodes instanceof CharSequence) {
codes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Splitter.on(",").trimResults().split((CharSequence)rawCodes));
} else {
codes = TypeCoercions.coerce(rawCodes, Set.class);
configBag.put(LocationConfigKeys.ISO_3166, codes);
* Called by framework (in new-style locations) after configuring, setting parent, etc,
* but before a reference to this location is shared with other locations.
* To preserve backwards compatibility for if the location is constructed directly, one
* can call the code below, but that means it will be called after references to this
* location have been shared with other entities.
* <pre>
* {@code
* if (isLegacyConstruction()) {
* init();
* }
* }
* </pre>
public void init() {
// no-op
* Called by framework (in new-style entities) when recreating a location, on restart.
* To preserve backwards compatibility, the {@linke #getRebindSupport()}'s
* {@link BasicLocationRebindSupport#reconstruct(brooklyn.entity.rebind.RebindContext, LocationMemento)}
* will call this method.
public void reconstruct() {
// no-op
public boolean isManaged() {
return managementContext != null && managed;
public void onManagementStarted() {
if (displayNameAutoGenerated) name.set(getClass().getSimpleName()+":"+id.substring(0, 4));
this.managed = true;
public void onManagementStopped() {
this.managed = false;
protected boolean isLegacyConstruction() {
return _legacyConstruction;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getDisplayName() {
return name.get();
/** @since 0.6.0 (?) - use getDisplayName */
public String getName() {
return getDisplayName();
public Location getParent() {
return parentLocation;
public Collection<Location> getChildren() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(children);
public void setParent(Location parent) {
if (parent == this) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Location cannot be its own parent: "+this);
if (parent == parentLocation) {
return; // no-op; already have desired parent
// TODO Should we support a location changing parent? The resulting unmanage/manage might cause problems.
if (parentLocation != null) {
Location oldParent = parentLocation;
parentLocation = null;
((AbstractLocation)oldParent).removeChild(this); // FIXME Nasty cast
if (parent != null) {
parentLocation = parent;
((AbstractLocation)parentLocation).addChild(this); // FIXME Nasty cast
public Location getParentLocation() {
return getParent();
public Collection<Location> getChildLocations() {
return getChildren();
public void setParentLocation(Location parent) {
public <T> T getConfig(ConfigKey<T> key) {
if (hasConfig(key, false)) return getConfigBag().get(key);
if (getParent()!=null) return getParent().getConfig(key);
return key.getDefaultValue();
public boolean hasConfig(ConfigKey<?> key) {
return hasConfig(key, false);
public boolean hasConfig(ConfigKey<?> key, boolean includeInherited) {
boolean locally = getRawLocalConfigBag().containsKey(key);
if (locally) return true;
if (!includeInherited) return false;
if (getParent()!=null) return getParent().hasConfig(key, true);
return false;
public Map<String,Object> getAllConfig() {
return getAllConfig(false);
public Map<String,Object> getAllConfig(boolean includeInherited) {
Map<String,Object> result = null;
if (includeInherited) {
Location p = getParent();
if (p!=null) result = getParent().getAllConfig(true);
if (result==null) {
result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
return result;
/** @deprecated since 0.6.0 use {@link #getRawLocalConfigBag()} */
public ConfigBag getConfigBag() {
return configBag;
public ConfigBag getRawLocalConfigBag() {
return configBag;
public <T> T setConfig(ConfigKey<T> key, T value) {
return configBag.put(key, value);
/** @since 0.6.0 (?) - use getDisplayName */
public void setName(String newName) {
displayNameAutoGenerated = false;
public void setDisplayName(String newName) {
displayNameAutoGenerated = false;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (! (o instanceof Location)) {
return false;
Location l = (Location) o;
return getId().equals(l.getId());
public int hashCode() {
return getId().hashCode();
public boolean containsLocation(Location potentialDescendent) {
Location loc = potentialDescendent;
while (loc != null) {
if (this == loc) return true;
loc = loc.getParent();
return false;
* @deprecated since 0.6
* @see addChild(Location)
public void addChildLocation(Location child) {
protected <T extends Location> T addChild(LocationSpec<T> spec) {
T child = managementContext.getLocationManager().createLocation(spec);
return child;
public void addChild(Location child) {
// Previously, setParent delegated to addChildLocation and we sometimes ended up with
// duplicate entries here. Instead this now uses a similar scheme to
// AbstractLocation.setParent/addChild (with any weaknesses for distribution that such a
// scheme might have...).
// We continue to use a list to allow identical-looking locations, but they must be different
// instances.
for (Location contender : children) {
if (contender == child) {
// don't re-add; no-op
// if (managementContext != null && !isManaged()) {
// // Some entities within their init/constructor will add child locations.
//// However, if we are not yet managed then when the chilld does
// managementContext.getLocationManager().manage(child);
// }
if (isManaged()) {
* @deprecated since 0.6
* @see removeChild(Location)
protected boolean removeChildLocation(Location child) {
return removeChild(child);
protected boolean removeChild(Location child) {
boolean removed = children.remove(child);
if (removed) {
if (child instanceof Closeable) {
if (isManaged()) {
return removed;
public boolean hasLocationProperty(String key) { return configBag.containsKey(key); }
public Object getLocationProperty(String key) { return configBag.getStringKey(key); }
public Object findLocationProperty(String key) {
if (hasLocationProperty(key)) return getLocationProperty(key);
if (parentLocation != null) return parentLocation.findLocationProperty(key);
return null;
// @Override
// public Map<String,?> getLocationProperties() {
// return Collections.<String,Object>unmodifiableMap(leftoverProperties);
// }
/** Default String representation is simplified name of class, together with selected fields. */
public String toString() {
return string().toString();
public String toVerboseString() {
return toString();
/** override this, adding to the returned value, to supply additional fields to include in the toString */
protected ToStringHelper string() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(getClass()).add("id", id).add("name", name);
public HostGeoInfo getHostGeoInfo() { return hostGeoInfo.get(); }
public void setHostGeoInfo(HostGeoInfo hostGeoInfo) {
if (hostGeoInfo!=null) {
setConfig(LocationConfigKeys.LATITUDE, hostGeoInfo.latitude);
setConfig(LocationConfigKeys.LONGITUDE, hostGeoInfo.longitude);
public RebindSupport<LocationMemento> getRebindSupport() {
return new BasicLocationRebindSupport(this);