blob: f8bb7cb2f9266d7c298359b8389bc4754a2be586 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal;
import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.groovy.GroovyJavaMethods.truth;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.effector.Effector;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.effector.ParameterType;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.Task;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.BasicParameterType;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityInternal;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.BrooklynTaskTags;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.entitlement.Entitlements;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.TypeCoercions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.PropagatedRuntimeException;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Utility methods for invoking effectors.
public class EffectorUtils {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EffectorUtils.class);
/** prepares arguments for an effector either accepting:
* an array, which should contain the arguments in order, optionally omitting those which have defaults defined;
* or a map, which should contain the arguments by name, again optionally omitting those which have defaults defined,
* and in this case also performing type coercion.
public static Object[] prepareArgsForEffector(Effector<?> eff, Object args) {
if (args != null && args.getClass().isArray()) {
return prepareArgsForEffectorFromArray(eff, (Object[]) args);
if (args instanceof Map) {
return prepareArgsForEffectorFromMap(eff, (Map) args);
log.warn("Deprecated effector invocation style for call to "+eff+", expecting a map or an array, got: "+args);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Deprecated effector invocation style for call to "+eff+", expecting a map or an array, got: "+args,
new Throwable("Trace for deprecated effector invocation style"));
return oldPrepareArgsForEffector(eff, args);
/** method used for calls such as entity.effector(arg1, arg2)
* get routed here from AbstractEntity.invokeMethod */
private static Object[] prepareArgsForEffectorFromArray(Effector<?> eff, Object args[]) {
int newArgsNeeded = eff.getParameters().size();
if (args.length==1 && args[0] instanceof Map) {
if (newArgsNeeded!=1 || !eff.getParameters().get(0).getParameterClass().isAssignableFrom(args[0].getClass())) {
// treat a map in an array as a map passed directly (unless the method takes a single-arg map)
// this is to support effector(param1: val1)
return prepareArgsForEffectorFromMap(eff, (Map) args[0]);
return prepareArgsForEffectorAsMapFromArray(eff, args).values().toArray(new Object[0]);
public static Map prepareArgsForEffectorAsMapFromArray(Effector<?> eff, Object args[]) {
int newArgsNeeded = eff.getParameters().size();
List l = Lists.newArrayList();
Map newArgs = new LinkedHashMap();
for (int index = 0; index < eff.getParameters().size(); index++) {
ParameterType<?> it = eff.getParameters().get(index);
if (l.size() >= newArgsNeeded) {
//all supplied (unnamed) arguments must be used; ignore map
newArgs.put(it.getName(), l.remove(0));
// TODO do we ignore arguments in the same order that groovy does?
} else if (!l.isEmpty() && it.getParameterClass().isInstance(l.get(0))) {
//if there are parameters supplied, and type is correct, they get applied before default values
//(this is akin to groovy)
newArgs.put(it.getName(), l.remove(0));
} else if (it instanceof BasicParameterType && ((BasicParameterType)it).hasDefaultValue()) {
//finally, default values are used to make up for missing parameters
newArgs.put(it.getName(), ((BasicParameterType)it).getDefaultValue());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments (count mismatch) for effector "+eff+": "+args);
if (newArgsNeeded > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments (missing "+newArgsNeeded+") for effector "+eff+": "+args);
if (!l.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments ("+l.size()+" extra) for effector "+eff+": "+args);
return newArgs;
private static Object[] prepareArgsForEffectorFromMap(Effector<?> eff, Map m) {
m = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(m); //make editable copy
List newArgs = Lists.newArrayList();
int newArgsNeeded = eff.getParameters().size();
for (int index = 0; index < eff.getParameters().size(); index++) {
ParameterType<?> it = eff.getParameters().get(index);
Object v;
if (truth(it.getName()) && m.containsKey(it.getName())) {
// argument is in the map
v = m.remove(it.getName());
} else if (it instanceof BasicParameterType && ((BasicParameterType)it).hasDefaultValue()) {
//finally, default values are used to make up for missing parameters
v = ((BasicParameterType)it).getDefaultValue();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments (missing argument "+it+") for effector "+eff+": "+m);
newArgs.add(TypeCoercions.coerce(v, it.getParameterClass()));
if (newArgsNeeded>0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments (missing "+newArgsNeeded+") for effector "+eff+": "+m);
if (!m.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("Unsupported parameter to "+eff+" (ignoring): "+m);
return newArgs.toArray(new Object[newArgs.size()]);
* Takes arguments, and returns an array of arguments suitable for use by the Effector
* according to the ParameterTypes it exposes.
* <p>
* The args can be:
* <ol>
* <li>an array of ordered arguments
* <li>a collection (which will be automatically converted to an array)
* <li>a single argument (which will then be wrapped in an array)
* <li>a map containing the (named) arguments
* <li>an array or collection single entry of a map (treated same as 5 above)
* <li>a semi-populated array or collection that also containing a map as first arg -
* uses ordered args in array, but uses named values from map in preference.
* <li>semi-populated array or collection, where default values will otherwise be used.
* </ol>
public static Object[] oldPrepareArgsForEffector(Effector<?> eff, Object args) {
//attempt to coerce unexpected types
Object[] argsArray;
if (args==null) {
argsArray = new Object[0];
} else if (args.getClass().isArray()) {
argsArray = (Object[]) args;
} else {
if (args instanceof Collection) {
argsArray = ((Collection) args).toArray(new Object[((Collection) args).size()]);
} else {
argsArray = new Object[] { args };
//if args starts with a map, assume it contains the named arguments
//(but only use it when we have insufficient supplied arguments)
List l = Lists.newArrayList();
Map m = (argsArray.length > 0 && argsArray[0] instanceof Map ? Maps.newLinkedHashMap((Map) l.remove(0)) : null);
List newArgs = Lists.newArrayList();
int newArgsNeeded = eff.getParameters().size();
boolean mapUsed = false;
for (int index = 0; index < eff.getParameters().size(); index++) {
ParameterType<?> it = eff.getParameters().get(index);
if (l.size() >= newArgsNeeded) {
//all supplied (unnamed) arguments must be used; ignore map
} else if (truth(m) && truth(it.getName()) && m.containsKey(it.getName())) {
//some arguments were not supplied, and this one is in the map
} else if (index == 0 && Map.class.isAssignableFrom(it.getParameterClass())) {
//if first arg is a map it takes the supplied map
mapUsed = true;
} else if (!l.isEmpty() && it.getParameterClass().isInstance(l.get(0))) {
//if there are parameters supplied, and type is correct, they get applied before default values
//(this is akin to groovy)
} else if (it instanceof BasicParameterType && ((BasicParameterType)it).hasDefaultValue()) {
//finally, default values are used to make up for missing parameters
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments (count mismatch) for effector "+eff+": "+args);
if (newArgsNeeded > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments (missing "+newArgsNeeded+") for effector "+eff+": "+args);
if (!l.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments ("+l.size()+" extra) for effector "+eff+": "+args);
if (truth(m) && !mapUsed) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments ("+m.size()+" extra named) for effector "+eff+": "+args);
return newArgs.toArray(new Object[newArgs.size()]);
* Invokes a method effector so that its progress is tracked. For internal use only, when we know the effector is backed by a method which is local.
public static <T> T invokeMethodEffector(Entity entity, Effector<T> eff, Object[] args) {
String name = eff.getName();
try {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Invoking effector {} on {}", new Object[] {name, entity});
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Invoking effector {} on {} with args {}", new Object[] {name, entity, args});
EntityManagementSupport mgmtSupport = ((EntityInternal)entity).getManagementSupport();
if (!mgmtSupport.isDeployed()) {
ManagementContextInternal mgmtContext = (ManagementContextInternal) ((EntityInternal) entity).getManagementContext();
mgmtSupport.getEntityChangeListener().onEffectorStarting(eff, args);
try {
return mgmtContext.invokeEffectorMethodSync(entity, eff, args);
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
handleEffectorException(entity, eff, e);
// (won't return below)
return null;
public static void handleEffectorException(Entity entity, Effector<?> effector, Throwable throwable) {
String message = "Error invoking " + effector.getName() + " at " + entity;
// Avoid throwing a PropagatedRuntimeException that just repeats the last PropagatedRuntimeException.
if (throwable instanceof PropagatedRuntimeException &&
throwable.getMessage() != null &&
throwable.getMessage().startsWith(message)) {
throw PropagatedRuntimeException.class.cast(throwable);
} else {
log.warn(message + ": " + Exceptions.collapseText(throwable));
throw new PropagatedRuntimeException(message, throwable);
public static <T> Task<T> invokeEffectorAsync(Entity entity, Effector<T> eff, Map<String,?> parameters) {
String name = eff.getName();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Invoking-async effector {} on {}", new Object[] { name, entity });
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Invoking-async effector {} on {} with args {}", new Object[] { name, entity, parameters });
EntityManagementSupport mgmtSupport = ((EntityInternal)entity).getManagementSupport();
if (!mgmtSupport.isDeployed()) {
ManagementContextInternal mgmtContext = (ManagementContextInternal) ((EntityInternal)entity).getManagementContext();
// FIXME seems brittle to have the listeners in the Utils method; better to move into the context.invokeEff
// (or whatever the last mile before invoking the effector is - though currently there is not such a canonical place!)
mgmtSupport.getEntityChangeListener().onEffectorStarting(eff, parameters);
try {
return mgmtContext.invokeEffector(entity, eff, parameters);
} finally {
// FIXME this is really Effector submitted
/** @deprecated since 0.7.0, not used */
public static Effector<?> findEffectorMatching(Entity entity, Method method) {
outer: for (Effector<?> effector : entity.getEntityType().getEffectors()) {
if (!effector.getName().equals(entity)) continue;
if (effector.getParameters().size() != method.getParameterTypes().length) continue;
for (int i = 0; i < effector.getParameters().size(); i++) {
if (effector.getParameters().get(i).getParameterClass() != method.getParameterTypes()[i]) continue outer;
return effector;
return null;
/** @deprecated since 0.7.0, expects parameters but does not use them! */
public static Effector<?> findEffectorMatching(Set<Effector<?>> effectors, String effectorName, Map<String, ?> parameters) {
// TODO Support overloading: check parameters as well
for (Effector<?> effector : effectors) {
if (effector.getName().equals(effectorName)) {
return effector;
return null;
/** matches effectors by name only (not parameters) */
public static Maybe<Effector<?>> findEffector(Collection<? extends Effector<?>> effectors, String effectorName) {
for (Effector<?> effector : effectors) {
if (effector.getName().equals(effectorName)) {
return Maybe.<Effector<?>>of(effector);
return Maybe.absent(new NoSuchElementException("No effector with name "+effectorName+" (contenders "+effectors+")"));
/** matches effectors by name only (not parameters), based on what is declared on the entity static type */
public static Maybe<Effector<?>> findEffectorDeclared(Entity entity, String effectorName) {
return findEffector(entity.getEntityType().getEffectors(), effectorName);
/** @deprecated since 0.7.0 use {@link #getTaskFlagsForEffectorInvocation(Entity, Effector, ConfigBag)} */
public static Map<Object,Object> getTaskFlagsForEffectorInvocation(Entity entity, Effector<?> effector) {
return getTaskFlagsForEffectorInvocation(entity, effector, null);
/** returns a (mutable) map of the standard flags which should be placed on an effector */
public static Map<Object,Object> getTaskFlagsForEffectorInvocation(Entity entity, Effector<?> effector, ConfigBag parameters) {
List<Object> tags = MutableList.of(
BrooklynTaskTags.tagForEffectorCall(entity, effector.getName(), parameters),
if (Entitlements.getEntitlementContext() != null) {
return MutableMap.builder()
.put("description", "Invoking effector "+effector.getName()
+" on "+entity.getDisplayName()
+(parameters!=null ? " with parameters "+parameters.getAllConfig() : ""))
.put("displayName", effector.getName())
.put("tags", tags)