blob: ddcc10648d072c3575c46fce1790647e514d0f74 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.query
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.{LimitExpression, PathExpression, SelectExpression}
import org.apache.atlas.repository.Constants
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes.{ArrayType, PrimitiveType, TypeCategory}
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types._
object TypeUtils {
val typSystem = TypeSystem.getInstance()
def numericTypes : Seq[PrimitiveType[_]] = Seq(DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE,
def combinedType(typ1 : IDataType[_], typ2 : IDataType[_]) : PrimitiveType[_] = {
val typ1Idx = if (numericTypes.contains(typ1)) Some(numericTypes.indexOf(typ1)) else None
val typ2Idx = if (numericTypes.contains(typ2)) Some(numericTypes.indexOf(typ2)) else None
if ( typ1Idx.isDefined && typ2Idx.isDefined ) {
val rIdx = math.max(typ1Idx.get, typ2Idx.get)
if ( (typ1 == DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE && typ2 == DataTypes.LONG_TYPE) ||
(typ1 == DataTypes.LONG_TYPE && typ2 == DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE) ) {
return DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE
return numericTypes(rIdx)
throw new AtlasException(s"Cannot combine types: ${typ1.getName} and ${typ2.getName}")
var tempStructCounter : AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
val TEMP_STRUCT_NAME_PREFIX = "__tempQueryResultStruct"
def createStructType(selectExprs : List[Expressions.AliasExpression]) : StructType = {
val aDefs = new Array[AttributeDefinition](selectExprs.size)
selectExprs.zipWithIndex.foreach { t =>
val (e,i) = t
aDefs(i) = new AttributeDefinition(e.alias,e.dataType.getName, Multiplicity.OPTIONAL, false, null)
return typSystem.defineQueryResultType(s"${TEMP_STRUCT_NAME_PREFIX}${tempStructCounter.getAndIncrement}",
object ResultWithPathStruct {
val pathAttrName = "path"
val resultAttrName = "result"
val pathAttrType = DataTypes.arrayTypeName(typSystem.getIdType.getStructType)
val pathAttr = new AttributeDefinition(pathAttrName, pathAttrType, Multiplicity.COLLECTION, false, null)
def createType(pE : PathExpression, resultType : IDataType[_]) : StructType = {
val resultAttr = new AttributeDefinition(resultAttrName, resultType.getName, Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null)
val typName = s"${TEMP_STRUCT_NAME_PREFIX}${tempStructCounter.getAndIncrement}"
val m : java.util.HashMap[String, IDataType[_]] = new util.HashMap[String, IDataType[_]]()
if (pE.child.isInstanceOf[SelectExpression] || pE.child.isInstanceOf[LimitExpression]) {
m.put(pE.child.dataType.getName, pE.child.dataType)
typSystem.defineQueryResultType(typName, m, pathAttr, resultAttr);
* Structure representing the Closure Graph.
* Returns:
* 1. A map of vertexId -> vertex Info(these are the attributes requested in the query)
* 2. A edges map: each entry is a mapping from an vertexId to the List of adjacent vertexIds.
* '''The Vertex Map doesn't contain all the vertices in the Graph. Only the ones for which Attributes are
* available.''' These are the vertices that represent the EntityType whose Closure was requested. For e.g. for
* Table Lineage the ''vertex map'' will contain information about Tables, but not about ''Load Process'' vertices
* that connect Tables.
object GraphResultStruct {
val SRC_PREFIX = "src"
val DEST_PREFIX = "dest"
val verticesAttrName = "vertices"
val edgesAttrName = "edges"
val vertexIdAttrName = "vertexId"
lazy val edgesAttrType = typSystem.defineMapType(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE,
def createType(resultWithPathType: StructType): StructType = {
val resultType = resultWithPathType.fieldMapping().fields.get(ResultWithPathStruct.resultAttrName).dataType()
val verticesAttrType = typSystem.defineMapType(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE,
val typName = s"${TEMP_STRUCT_NAME_PREFIX}${tempStructCounter.getAndIncrement}"
val verticesAttr = new AttributeDefinition(verticesAttrName, verticesAttrType.getName,
Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null)
val edgesAttr = new AttributeDefinition(edgesAttrName, edgesAttrType.getName, Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null)
val m: java.util.HashMap[String, IDataType[_]] = new util.HashMap[String, IDataType[_]]()
m.put(resultWithPathType.getName, resultWithPathType)
m.put(resultType.getName, resultType)
m.put(edgesAttrType.getName, edgesAttrType)
m.put(verticesAttrType.getName, verticesAttrType)
typSystem.defineQueryResultType(typName, m, verticesAttr, edgesAttr)
private def vertexType(resultType: StructType): StructType = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
var attrs: List[AttributeDefinition] =
resultType.fieldMapping.fields.asScala.filter(_._1.startsWith(s"${SRC_PREFIX}_")).mapValues { aInfo =>
new AttributeDefinition("${SRC_PREFIX}_".length), aInfo.dataType.getName,
aInfo.multiplicity, aInfo.isComposite, aInfo.reverseAttributeName)
attrs = new AttributeDefinition(vertexIdAttrName,,
Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null) :: attrs
return typSystem.defineQueryResultType(s"${TEMP_STRUCT_NAME_PREFIX}${tempStructCounter.getAndIncrement}",
attrs: _*)
def fieldMapping(iDataType: IDataType[_]) : Option[FieldMapping] = iDataType match {
case c : ClassType => Some(c.fieldMapping())
case t : TraitType => Some(t.fieldMapping())
case s : StructType => Some(s.fieldMapping())
case _ => None
def hasFields(iDataType: IDataType[_]) : Boolean = {
import scala.language.existentials
case class FieldInfo(dataType : IDataType[_],
attrInfo : AttributeInfo,
reverseDataType : IDataType[_] = null,
traitName : String = null) {
def isReverse = reverseDataType != null
override def toString : String = {
if ( traitName != null ) {
s"""FieldInfo("${dataType.getName}", "$traitName")"""
else if ( reverseDataType == null ) {
s"""FieldInfo("${dataType.getName}", "${}")"""
} else {
s"""FieldInfo("${dataType.getName}", "${}", "${reverseDataType.getName}")"""
val FIELD_QUALIFIER = "(.*?)(->.*)?".r
* Given a ComposedType `t` and a name resolve using the following rules:
* - if `id` is a field in `t` resolve to the field
* - if `id` is the name of a Struct|Class|Trait Type and it has a field that is of type `t` then return that type
* For e.g.
* 1. if we have types Table(name : String, cols : List[Column]), Column(name : String) then
* `resolveReference(Table, "cols")` resolves to type Column. So a query can be "Table.cols"
* 2. But if we have Table(name : String), Column(name : String, tbl : Table) then "Table.Column" will resolve
* to type Column
* This way the language will support navigation even if the relationship is one-sided.
* @param typ
* @param id
* @return
def resolveReference(typ : IDataType[_], id : String) : Option[FieldInfo] = {
val fMap = fieldMapping(typ)
if ( fMap.isDefined) {
if (fMap.get.fields.containsKey(id)) {
return Some(FieldInfo(typ,fMap.get.fields.get(id)))
val systemField = Constants.getAttributeInfoForSystemAttributes(id)
if (systemField != null) {
return Some(FieldInfo(systemField.dataType(), systemField))
try {
val FIELD_QUALIFIER(clsNm, rest) = id
val idTyp = typSystem.getDataType(classOf[IDataType[_]], clsNm)
val idTypFMap = fieldMapping(idTyp)
if (rest != null ) {
val attrNm = rest.substring(2)
if (idTypFMap.get.fields.containsKey(attrNm)) {
return Some(FieldInfo(typ,idTypFMap.get.fields.get(attrNm), idTyp))
if (idTypFMap.isDefined) {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
val fields: Seq[AttributeInfo] = idTypFMap.get.fields.values().filter { aInfo =>
aInfo.dataType() == typ ||
( aInfo.dataType().getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.ARRAY &&
aInfo.dataType().asInstanceOf[ArrayType].getElemType == typ
if (fields.size == 1) {
return Some(FieldInfo(typ, fields(0), idTyp))
* is there only 1 array field of this type?
* If yes resolve to it.
* @todo: allow user to specify the relationship to follow by further qualifying the type. for e.g.
* field("LoadProcess.inputTables")
val aFields = fields.filter { aInfo => aInfo.dataType().getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.ARRAY}
if (aFields.size == 1) {
return Some(FieldInfo(typ, aFields(0), idTyp))
} catch {
case _ : AtlasException => None
def resolveAsClassType(id : String) : Option[ClassType] = {
try {
Some(typSystem.getDataType(classOf[ClassType], id))
} catch {
case _ : AtlasException => None
def resolveAsTraitType(id : String) : Option[TraitType] = {
try {
Some(typSystem.getDataType(classOf[TraitType], id))
} catch {
case _ : AtlasException => None