| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| # distributed with this work for additional information |
| # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| #+TITLE: Query DSL |
| #+AUTHOR: Harish Butani |
| #+EMAIL: hbutani@apache.org |
| #+LANGUAGE: en |
| #+INFOJS_OPT: view:showall toc:t ltoc:t mouse:underline path:http://orgmode.org/org-info.js |
| #+LINK_HOME: http://home.fnal.gov/~neilsen |
| #+LINK_UP: http://home.fnal.gov/~neilsen/notebook |
| #+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://orgmode.org/org-manual.css" /> |
| #+LaTeX_CLASS: smarticle |
| #+LaTeX_HEADER: \pdfmapfile{/home/neilsen/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/libertine/libertine.map} |
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| #+LaTeX_HEADER: \sectionfont{\normalfont\scshape} |
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| #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export |
| #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport |
| #+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} _:{} *:t TeX:t LaTeX:t |
| #+STARTUP: showall |
| #+OPTIONS: html-postamble:nil |
| |
| ** Example Type Definitions |
| #+begin_src plantuml :file class_diagram.png |
| scale 1300 width |
| |
| note left of Trait : traits are classifications/tags attached to Instances |
| class Trait |
| Trait <|-- JDbcAccess |
| Trait <|-- PII |
| Trait <|-- Dimension |
| Trait <|-- Metric |
| Trait <|-- ETL |
| |
| class Object |
| |
| Object --* Trait : traits > |
| |
| Object <|-- DB |
| Object <|-- Table |
| Object <|-- Column |
| |
| class DB { |
| name : String |
| owner : String |
| } |
| |
| class StorageDescriptor { |
| inputFormat : String |
| outputFormat : String |
| } |
| |
| class Column { |
| name : String |
| dataType : String |
| } |
| |
| class Table { |
| name: String |
| db: DB |
| } |
| Table -> StorageDescriptor : storageDesc > |
| Table -> DB : db > |
| |
| Column *-> StorageDescriptor : storageDesc > |
| |
| class LoadProcess { |
| name String |
| } |
| LoadProcess -* Table : inputTables > |
| LoadProcess -> Table : outputTable > |
| |
| class View { |
| name String |
| } |
| View -* Table : inputTables > |
| |
| #+end_src |
| |
| #+CAPTION: ETL and Reporting Scenario Types |
| #+LABEL: fig:sampleTypeDefs |
| #+results: |
| [[file:class_diagram.png]] |
| |
| ** Example Instance Graph |
| #+begin_src dot :file instanceGraph.png :cmdline -Kdot -Tpng |
| digraph G { |
| //size ="6 6"; |
| nodesep=.2; |
| //rankdir=LR; |
| ranksep=.25; |
| node [shape=record fontsize=9]; |
| compound=true; |
| |
| subgraph cluster0 { |
| style=bold; |
| label = "Sales Database"; fontsize=18; |
| salesDB[label="DB(sales)"] |
| |
| salesFact[label="Table(sales_fact)" style=filled; color="khaki"] |
| salesStorage[label="Storage(text,text)"] |
| sales_time_id[label="time_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| sales_product_id[label="product_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| sales_customer_id[label="customer_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| sales_sales[label="sales" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| sales_sales_metric[label="Metric" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| |
| salesFact -> salesDB; |
| salesFact -> salesStorage; |
| sales_time_id -> salesStorage; |
| sales_product_id -> salesStorage; |
| sales_customer_id -> salesStorage; |
| sales_sales -> salesStorage; |
| sales_sales -> sales_sales_metric; |
| |
| productDim[label="Table(product_dim)" style=filled; color="khaki"] |
| productStorage[label="Storage(text,text)"] |
| product_product_id[label="product_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| product_product_name[label="product_name" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| product_brand_name[label="brand_name" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| product_dimension[label="Dimension" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| |
| productDim -> salesDB; |
| productDim -> productStorage; |
| product_product_id -> productStorage; |
| product_product_name -> productStorage; |
| product_brand_name -> productStorage; |
| productDim -> product_dimension; |
| |
| productDim -> salesFact [style=invis]; |
| |
| timeDim[label="Table(time_dim)" style=filled; color="khaki"] |
| timeStorage[label="Storage(text,text)"] |
| time_time_id[label="time_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| time_dayOfYear[label="day_of_year" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| time_weekDay[label="week_day" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| time_dimension[label="Dimension" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| |
| timeDim -> salesDB; |
| timeDim -> timeStorage; |
| time_time_id -> timeStorage; |
| time_dayOfYear -> timeStorage; |
| time_weekDay -> timeStorage; |
| timeDim -> time_dimension; |
| |
| timeDim -> productDim [style=invis]; |
| |
| customerDim[label="Table(customer_dim)" style=filled; color="khaki"] |
| customerStorage[label="Storage(text,text)"] |
| customer_customer_id[label="customer_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| customer_name[label="name" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| customer_address[label="address" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| customer_dimension[label="Dimension" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| address_pii[label="PII" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| |
| customerDim -> salesDB; |
| customerDim -> customerStorage; |
| customer_customer_id -> customerStorage; |
| customer_name -> customerStorage; |
| customer_address -> customerStorage; |
| customerDim -> customer_dimension; |
| customer_address -> address_pii; |
| |
| customerDim -> timeDim [style=invis]; |
| |
| //{rank=min; salesDB}; |
| {rank=min; salesDB}; |
| }; |
| |
| subgraph cluster1 { |
| style=bold; |
| label = "Reporting Database"; fontsize=18; |
| |
| reportingDB[label="DB(reporting)"] |
| salesFactDaily[label="Table(sales_daily_mv)" style=filled; color="khaki"] |
| salesDailyStorage[label="Storage(orc,orc)"] |
| salesD_time_id[label="time_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| salesD_product_id[label="product_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| salesD_customer_id[label="customer_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| salesD_sales[label="sales" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| salesD_sales_metric[label="Metric" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| |
| salesFactDaily -> reportingDB; |
| salesFactDaily -> salesDailyStorage; |
| salesD_time_id -> salesDailyStorage; |
| salesD_product_id -> salesDailyStorage; |
| salesD_customer_id -> salesDailyStorage; |
| salesD_sales -> salesDailyStorage; |
| salesD_sales -> salesD_sales_metric; |
| |
| salesFactDaily -> reportingDB [style=invis]; |
| |
| productDimView[label="View(product_dim_v)" style=filled; color="khaki"] |
| productDim -> productDimView [style=dotted]; |
| productDimView_dim[label="Dimension" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| productDimView_jdbc[label="JdbcAccess" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| productDimView -> productDimView_dim; |
| productDimView -> productDimView_jdbc; |
| productDimView -> salesFactDaily [style=invis]; |
| |
| customerDimView[label="View(customer_dim_v)" style=filled; color="khaki"] |
| customerDim -> customerDimView [style=dotted]; |
| customerDimView_dim[label="Dimension" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| customerDimView_jdbc[label="JdbcAccess" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| customerDimView -> customerDimView_dim; |
| customerDimView -> customerDimView_jdbc; |
| customerDimView -> salesFactDaily [style=invis]; |
| |
| salesMonthly[label="Table(sales_monthly_mv)" style=filled; color="khaki"] |
| salesMonthlyStorage[label="Storage(orc,orc)"] |
| salesM_time_id[label="time_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| salesM_product_id[label="product_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| salesM_customer_id[label="customer_id" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| salesM_sales[label="sales" shape="circle" style=filled color="peachpuff"] |
| salesM_sales_metric[label="Metric" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| |
| salesMonthly -> reportingDB; |
| salesMonthly -> salesMonthlyStorage; |
| salesM_time_id -> salesMonthlyStorage; |
| salesM_product_id -> salesMonthlyStorage; |
| salesM_customer_id -> salesMonthlyStorage; |
| salesM_sales -> salesMonthlyStorage; |
| salesM_sales -> salesM_sales_metric; |
| |
| salesMonthly -> customerDimView [style=invis]; |
| |
| {rank=min; reportingDB}; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| loadSalesDaily[label="LoadProcess(loadSalesDaily)" style=filled; color="seagreen"; shape="octagon"] |
| loadSalesDaily_etl[label="ETL" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| salesFact -> loadSalesDaily [style=dotted]; |
| timeDim -> loadSalesDaily [style=dotted]; |
| loadSalesDaily -> salesFactDaily [style=dotted]; |
| loadSalesDaily -> loadSalesDaily_etl; |
| |
| loadSalesMonthly[label="LoadProcess(loadSalesMonthly)" style=filled; color="seagreen"; shape="octagon"] |
| loadSalesMonthly_etl[label="ETL" style=filled; shape="ellipse" color="turquoise"] |
| salesFactDaily -> loadSalesMonthly [style=dotted]; |
| timeDim -> loadSalesMonthly [style=dotted]; |
| loadSalesMonthly -> salesMonthly [style=dotted]; |
| loadSalesMonthly -> loadSalesMonthly_etl; |
| |
| } |
| #+end_src |
| |
| #+CAPTION: ETL and Reporting Scenario |
| #+LABEL: fig:sampleInstanceGraph |
| #+results: |
| [[file:instanceGraph.png]] |
| |