blob: 3a310a77942b2744976f69a70d5bac961a8e194c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.query
import java.lang.Boolean
import java.lang.Byte
import java.lang.Double
import java.lang.Float
import java.lang.Integer
import java.lang.Long
import java.lang.Short
import java.util.ArrayList
import scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer
import scala.collection.JavaConversions.bufferAsJavaList
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer.GremlinQueryOptimizer
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.CastExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LabeledExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyGenerationContext
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.IdentifierExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ListExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LiteralExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.AliasExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ArithmeticExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.BackReference
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ClassExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ComparisonExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.Expression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ExpressionException
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.FieldExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.FilterExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.InstanceExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.LimitExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ListLiteral
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.Literal
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.LogicalExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.LoopExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.OrderExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.PathExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.SelectExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.TraitExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.TraitInstanceExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.hasFieldLeafExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.hasFieldUnaryExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.isTraitLeafExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.isTraitUnaryExpression
import org.apache.atlas.repository.RepositoryException
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdgeDirection
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes.TypeCategory
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.IDataType
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.TypeSystem
import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.GroupByExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.MaxExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.MinExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.SumExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.CountExpression
import org.apache.atlas.util.AtlasRepositoryConfiguration
import java.util.HashSet
trait IntSequence {
def next: Int
case class GremlinQuery(expr: Expression, queryStr: String, resultMaping: Map[String, (String, Int)]) {
def hasSelectList = resultMaping != null
def isPathExpression = expr.isInstanceOf[PathExpression]
def isGroupBy = expr.isInstanceOf[GroupByExpression]
trait SelectExpressionHandling {
class AliasFinder extends PartialFunction[Expression,Unit] {
val aliases = new HashSet[String]()
def isDefinedAt(e: Expression) = true
def apply(e: Expression) = e match {
case e@AliasExpression(_, alias) => {
case x => Unit
class ReplaceAliasWithBackReference(aliases: HashSet[String]) extends PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
def isDefinedAt(e: Expression) = true
def apply(e: Expression) = e match {
case e@AliasExpression(child,alias) if aliases.contains(alias) => {
new BackReference(alias, child, None)
case x => x
// Removes back references in comparison expressions that are
// right after an alias expression.
//For example:
// .as('x').and(select('x').has(y),...) is changed to
// .as('x').and(has(y),...)
//This allows the "has" to be extracted out of the and/or by
//the GremlinQueryOptimizer so the index can be used to evaluate
//the predicate.
val RemoveUnneededBackReferences : PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
case filterExpr@FilterExpression(aliasExpr@AliasExpression(_,aliasName), filterChild) => {
val updatedChild = removeUnneededBackReferences(filterChild, aliasName)
val changed = !(updatedChild eq filterChild)
if(changed) {
FilterExpression(aliasExpr, updatedChild)
else {
case x => x
def removeUnneededBackReferences(expr: Expression, outerAlias: String) : Expression = expr match {
case logicalExpr@LogicalExpression(logicalOp,children) => {
var changed : Boolean = false;
val updatedChildren : List[Expression] = { child =>
val updatedChild = removeUnneededBackReferences(child, outerAlias);
changed |= ! (updatedChild eq child);
if(changed) {
else {
case comparisonExpr@ComparisonExpression(_,_,_) => {
var changed = false
val updatedLeft = removeUnneededBackReferences(comparisonExpr.left, outerAlias);
changed |= !( updatedLeft eq comparisonExpr.left);
val updatedRight = removeUnneededBackReferences(comparisonExpr.right, outerAlias);
changed |= !(updatedRight eq comparisonExpr.right);
if (changed) {
ComparisonExpression(comparisonExpr.symbol, updatedLeft, updatedRight)
} else {
case FieldExpression(fieldName, fieldInfo, Some(br @ BackReference(brAlias, _, _))) if outerAlias.equals(brAlias) => {
//Remove the back reference, since the thing it references is right in front
//of the comparison expression we're in
FieldExpression(fieldName, fieldInfo, None)
case x => x
//in groupby, convert alias expressions defined in the group by child to BackReferences
//in the groupby list and selectList.
val AddBackReferencesToGroupBy : PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
case GroupByExpression(child, groupBy, selExpr) => {
val aliases = ArrayBuffer[AliasExpression]()
val finder = new AliasFinder();
val replacer = new ReplaceAliasWithBackReference(finder.aliases)
val newGroupBy = new SelectExpression(
groupBy.child.transformUp(replacer), {
expr => expr.transformUp(replacer)
val newSelExpr = new SelectExpression(
selExpr.child.transformUp(replacer), {
expr => expr.transformUp(replacer)
new GroupByExpression(child, newGroupBy, newSelExpr)
case x => x
* To aide in gremlinQuery generation add an alias to the input of SelectExpressions
class AddAliasToSelectInput extends PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
private var idx = 0
def isDefinedAt(e: Expression) = true
class DecorateFieldWithAlias(aliasE: AliasExpression)
extends PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
def isDefinedAt(e: Expression) = true
def apply(e: Expression) = e match {
case fe@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, None) =>
FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, Some(BackReference(aliasE.alias, aliasE.child, None)))
case _ => e
def apply(e: Expression) = e match {
case SelectExpression(aliasE@AliasExpression(_, _), selList, forGroupBy) => {
idx = idx + 1
SelectExpression(aliasE, DecorateFieldWithAlias(aliasE))), forGroupBy)
case SelectExpression(child, selList, forGroupBy) => {
idx = idx + 1
val aliasE = AliasExpression(child, s"_src$idx")
SelectExpression(aliasE, DecorateFieldWithAlias(aliasE))), forGroupBy)
case OrderExpression(aliasE@AliasExpression(_, _), order, asc) => {
OrderExpression(aliasE, order.transformUp(new DecorateFieldWithAlias(aliasE)),asc)
case OrderExpression(child, order, asc) => {
idx = idx + 1
val aliasE = AliasExpression(child, s"_src$idx")
OrderExpression(aliasE, order.transformUp(new DecorateFieldWithAlias(aliasE)),asc)
case _ => e
def getSelectExpressionSrc(e: Expression): List[String] = {
val l = ArrayBuffer[String]()
e.traverseUp {
case BackReference(alias, _, _) => l += alias
case ClassExpression(clsName) => l += clsName
def validateSelectExprHaveOneSrc: PartialFunction[Expression, Unit] = {
case SelectExpression(_, selList, forGroupBy) => {
selList.foreach { se =>
val srcs = getSelectExpressionSrc(se)
if (srcs.size > 1) {
throw new GremlinTranslationException(se, "Only one src allowed in a Select Expression")
def groupSelectExpressionsBySrc(sel: SelectExpression): mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, List[Expression]] = {
val m = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, List[Expression]]()
sel.selectListWithAlias.foreach { se =>
val l = getSelectExpressionSrc(se.child)
if (!m.contains(l(0))) {
m(l(0)) = List()
m(l(0)) = m(l(0)) :+ se.child
* For each Output Column in the SelectExpression compute the ArrayList(Src) this maps to and the position within
* this list.
* @param sel
* @return
def buildResultMapping(sel: SelectExpression): Map[String, (String, Int)] = {
val srcToExprs = groupSelectExpressionsBySrc(sel)
val m = new mutable.HashMap[String, (String, Int)]
sel.selectListWithAlias.foreach { se =>
val src = getSelectExpressionSrc(se.child)(0)
val srcExprs = srcToExprs(src)
var idx = srcExprs.indexOf(se.child)
m(se.alias) = (src, idx)
class GremlinTranslationException(expr: Expression, reason: String) extends
ExpressionException(expr, s"Unsupported Gremlin translation: $reason")
class GremlinTranslator(expr: Expression,
gPersistenceBehavior: GraphPersistenceStrategies)
extends SelectExpressionHandling {
val preStatements = ArrayBuffer[GroovyExpression]()
val postStatements = ArrayBuffer[GroovyExpression]()
val wrapAndRule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
case f: FilterExpression if ((!f.condExpr.isInstanceOf[LogicalExpression]) &&
(f.condExpr.isInstanceOf[isTraitLeafExpression] || !f.namedExpressions.isEmpty)) =>
FilterExpression(f.child, new LogicalExpression("and", List(f.condExpr)))
val validateComparisonForm: PartialFunction[Expression, Unit] = {
case c@ComparisonExpression(op, left, right) =>
if (!left.isInstanceOf[FieldExpression]) {
throw new GremlinTranslationException(c, s"lhs of comparison is not a field")
if (!right.isInstanceOf[Literal[_]] && !right.isInstanceOf[ListLiteral[_]]) {
throw new GremlinTranslationException(c,
s"rhs of comparison is not a literal")
if(right.isInstanceOf[ListLiteral[_]] && (!op.equals("=") && !op.equals("!="))) {
throw new GremlinTranslationException(c,
s"operation not supported with list literal")
val counter = new IntSequence {
var i: Int = -1;
def next: Int = {
i += 1; i
def addAliasToLoopInput(c: IntSequence = counter): PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
case l@LoopExpression(aliasE@AliasExpression(_, _), _, _) => l
case l@LoopExpression(inputExpr, loopExpr, t) => {
val aliasE = AliasExpression(inputExpr, s"_loop${}")
LoopExpression(aliasE, loopExpr, t)
def instanceClauseToTop(topE : Expression) : PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
case le : LogicalExpression if (le fastEquals topE) => {
case ce : ComparisonExpression if (ce fastEquals topE) => {
case he : hasFieldUnaryExpression if (he fastEquals topE) => {
def traitClauseWithInstanceForTop(topE : Expression) : PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
// This topE check prevented the comparison of trait expression when it is a child. Like trait as t limit 2
case te : TraitExpression => {
val theTrait ="theTrait")
val theInstance = theTrait.traitInstance().as("theInstance")
val outE ="theTrait").as("traitDetails"),
def typeTestExpression(parent: GroovyExpression, typeName : String) : GroovyExpression = {
val stats = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateTypeTestExpression(gPersistenceBehavior, parent, typeName, counter)
preStatements ++= stats.init
val QUOTE = "\"";
private def cleanStringLiteral(l : Literal[_]) : String = {
return l.toString.stripPrefix(QUOTE).stripSuffix(QUOTE);
private def genQuery(parent: GroovyExpression, expr: Expression, inClosure: Boolean): GroovyExpression = expr match {
case ClassExpression(clsName) => typeTestExpression(parent, clsName)
case TraitExpression(clsName) => typeTestExpression(parent, clsName)
case fe@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, child)
if fe.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.PRIMITIVE || fe.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.ARRAY => {
val fN = gPersistenceBehavior.fieldNameInVertex(fInfo.dataType, fInfo.attrInfo)
val childExpr = translateOptChild(parent, child, inClosure);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateFieldExpression(childExpr, fInfo, fN, inClosure);
case fe@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, child)
if fe.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.CLASS || fe.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.STRUCT => {
val childExpr = translateOptChild(parent, child, inClosure);
val direction = if (fInfo.isReverse) AtlasEdgeDirection.IN else AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT
val edgeLbl = gPersistenceBehavior.edgeLabel(fInfo)
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(childExpr, direction, edgeLbl)
case fe@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, child) if fInfo.traitName != null => {
val childExpr = translateOptChild(parent, child, inClosure);
val direction = gPersistenceBehavior.instanceToTraitEdgeDirection
val edgeLbl = gPersistenceBehavior.edgeLabel(fInfo)
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(childExpr, direction, edgeLbl)
case c@ComparisonExpression(symb, f@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, ch), l) => {
val qualifiedPropertyName = s"${gPersistenceBehavior.fieldNameInVertex(fInfo.dataType, fInfo.attrInfo)}"
val childExpr = translateOptChild(parent, ch, inClosure)
val persistentExprValue : GroovyExpression = if(l.isInstanceOf[Literal[_]]) {
translateLiteralValue(fInfo.attrInfo.dataType, l.asInstanceOf[Literal[_]]);
else {
genQuery(null, l, inClosure);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateHasExpression(gPersistenceBehavior, childExpr, qualifiedPropertyName, c.symbol, persistentExprValue, fInfo);
case fil@FilterExpression(child, condExpr) => {
var newParent = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
val alias = "a" +;
newParent = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateAliasExpression(newParent, alias);
val translated = genQuery(newParent, condExpr, inClosure);
//we want the query to return instances of the class whose instances we are filtering out
//The act of filtering may traverse edges and have other side effects.
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateBackReferenceExpression(translated, false, alias);
case l@LogicalExpression(symb, children) => {
val translatedChildren : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = translateList(children, false);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateLogicalExpression(parent, symb, translatedChildren);
case sel@SelectExpression(child, selList, forGroupBy) => {
val m = groupSelectExpressionsBySrc(sel)
var srcNamesList: java.util.List[LiteralExpression] = new ArrayList()
var srcExprsList: List[java.util.List[GroovyExpression]] = List()
val it = m.iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
val (src, selExprs) =
srcNamesList.add(new LiteralExpression(src));
val translatedSelExprs : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = translateList(selExprs, true);
srcExprsList = srcExprsList :+ translatedSelExprs
val srcExprsStringList : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = new ArrayList();
srcExprsList.foreach { it =>
srcExprsStringList.add(new ListExpression(it));
val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure)
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateSelectExpression(childExpr, srcNamesList, srcExprsStringList);
case loop@LoopExpression(input, loopExpr, t) => {
val times : Integer = if(t.isDefined) {
else {
val alias = input.asInstanceOf[AliasExpression].alias;
val inputQry = genQuery(parent, input, inClosure)
val translatedLoopExpr = genQuery(GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.getLoopExpressionParent(inputQry), loopExpr, inClosure);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateLoopExpression(inputQry, gPersistenceBehavior, input.dataType, translatedLoopExpr, alias, times);
case BackReference(alias, _, _) => {
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateBackReferenceExpression(parent, inClosure, alias);
case AliasExpression(child, alias) => {
var childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateAliasExpression(childExpr, alias);
case isTraitLeafExpression(traitName, Some(clsExp)) => {
val label = gPersistenceBehavior.traitLabel(clsExp.dataType, traitName);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(parent, AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT, label);
case isTraitUnaryExpression(traitName, child) => {
val label = gPersistenceBehavior.traitLabel(child.dataType, traitName);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(parent, AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT, label);
case hasFieldLeafExpression(fieldName, clsExp) => clsExp match {
case None => GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateUnaryHasExpression(parent, fieldName)
case Some(x) => {
val fi = TypeUtils.resolveReference(clsExp.get.dataType, fieldName);
if(! fi.isDefined) {
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateUnaryHasExpression(parent, fieldName);
else {
val fName = gPersistenceBehavior.fieldNameInVertex(fi.get.dataType, fi.get.attrInfo)
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateUnaryHasExpression(parent, fName);
case hasFieldUnaryExpression(fieldName, child) =>
val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateUnaryHasExpression(childExpr, fieldName);
case ArithmeticExpression(symb, left, right) => {
val leftExpr = genQuery(parent, left, inClosure);
val rightExpr = genQuery(parent, right, inClosure);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateArithmeticExpression(leftExpr, symb, rightExpr);
case l: Literal[_] => {
if(parent != null) {
return new org.apache.atlas.groovy.FieldExpression(parent, cleanStringLiteral(l));
return translateLiteralValue(l.dataType, l);
case list: ListLiteral[_] => {
//Here, we are creating a Groovy list literal expression ([value1, value2, value3]). Because
//of this, any gremlin query expressions within the list must start with an anonymous traversal.
//We set 'inClosure' to true in this case to make that happen.
val values : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = translateList(list.rawValue, true);
return new ListExpression(values);
case in@TraitInstanceExpression(child) => {
val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
val direction = gPersistenceBehavior.traitToInstanceEdgeDirection;
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(childExpr, direction);
case in@InstanceExpression(child) => {
return genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
case pe@PathExpression(child) => {
val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure)
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generatePathExpression(childExpr);
case order@OrderExpression(child, odr, asc) => {
var orderExpression = odr
if(odr.isInstanceOf[BackReference]) {
orderExpression = odr.asInstanceOf[BackReference].reference
else if (odr.isInstanceOf[AliasExpression]) {
orderExpression = odr.asInstanceOf[AliasExpression].child
val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
var orderByParents : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.getOrderFieldParents();
val translatedParents : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = new ArrayList[GroovyExpression]();
var translatedOrderParents = orderByParents.foreach { it =>
translatedParents.add(genQuery(it, orderExpression, true));
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateOrderByExpression(childExpr, translatedParents,asc);
case limitOffset@LimitExpression(child, limit, offset) => {
val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
val totalResultRows = limit.value + offset.value;
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateRangeExpression(childExpr, offset.value, totalResultRows);
case count@CountExpression() => {
val listExpr = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.getClosureArgumentValue();
case max@MaxExpression(child) => {
//use "it" as the parent since the child will become
//part of a closure. Its value will be whatever vertex
//we are looking at in the collection.
val childExprParent = null;
val childExpr = genQuery(childExprParent, child, true);
val listExpr = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.getClosureArgumentValue();
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateMaxExpression(listExpr, childExpr);
case min@MinExpression(child) => {
//use "it" as the parent since the child will become
//part of a closure. Its value will be whatever vertex
//we are looking at in the collection.
val childExprParent = null;
val childExpr = genQuery(childExprParent, child, true);
val listExpr = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.getClosureArgumentValue();
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateMinExpression(listExpr, childExpr);
case sum@SumExpression(child) => {
//use "it" as the parent since the child will become
//part of a closure. Its value will be whatever vertex
//we are looking at in the collection.
val childExprParent = null;
val childExpr = genQuery(childExprParent, child, true);
val listExpr = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.getClosureArgumentValue();
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateSumExpression(listExpr, childExpr);
case groupByExpr@GroupByExpression(child, groupBy, selExpr) => {
//remove aliases
val groupByExprListToTranslate = (groupBy.asInstanceOf[SelectExpression]) {
x => x.child;
val grpByExprsList = translateList(groupByExprListToTranslate, true);
val groupByValue = new ListExpression(grpByExprsList);
//reduction only aggregate methods are supported here as of now.(Max, Min, Count)
//remove aliases
val srcExprListToTranslate = {
x => x.child;
val srcExprsList = translateList(srcExprListToTranslate, true, true);
val srcExprsStringList = new ListExpression(srcExprsList)
val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateGroupByExpression(childExpr, groupByValue, srcExprsStringList);
case x => throw new GremlinTranslationException(x, "expression not yet supported")
def translateList(exprs : List[Expressions.Expression], inClosure : Boolean, inGroupBy: Boolean = false) : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = {
var parent = if (inGroupBy) {
else if(inClosure) {
else {
var result : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = new java.util.ArrayList(exprs.size);
exprs.foreach { it =>
result.add(genQuery(parent, it, inClosure));
return result;
def translateOptChild(parent : GroovyExpression, child : Option[Expressions.Expression] , inClosure: Boolean) : GroovyExpression = child match {
case Some(x) => genQuery(parent, x, inClosure)
case None => parent
def translateLiteralValue(dataType: IDataType[_], l: Literal[_]): GroovyExpression = {
if (dataType == DataTypes.DATE_TYPE) {
try {
//Accepts both date, datetime formats
val dateStr = cleanStringLiteral(l)
val dateVal = ISODateTimeFormat.dateOptionalTimeParser().parseDateTime(dateStr).getMillis
return new LiteralExpression(dateVal)
} catch {
case pe: java.text.ParseException =>
throw new GremlinTranslationException(l,
"Date format " + l + " not supported. Should be of the format " +
else if(dataType == DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE) {
//cast needed, otherwise get class cast exception when trying to compare, since the
//persist value is assumed to be an Integer
return new CastExpression(new LiteralExpression(Byte.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true),"byte");
else if(dataType == DataTypes.INT_TYPE) {
return new LiteralExpression(Integer.valueOf(s"""${l}"""));
else if(dataType == DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
return new LiteralExpression(Boolean.valueOf(s"""${l}"""));
else if(dataType == DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE) {
return new CastExpression(new LiteralExpression(Short.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true),"short");
else if(dataType == DataTypes.LONG_TYPE) {
return new LiteralExpression(Long.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true);
else if(dataType == DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE) {
return new LiteralExpression(Float.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true);
else if(dataType == DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE) {
return new LiteralExpression(Double.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true);
else if(dataType == DataTypes.STRING_TYPE) {
return new LiteralExpression(cleanStringLiteral(l));
else {
return new LiteralExpression(l.rawValue);
def genFullQuery(expr: Expression, hasSelect: Boolean): String = {
var q : GroovyExpression = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, new IdentifierExpression(TraversalStepType.SOURCE, "g"),"V");
val debug:Boolean = false
if(gPersistenceBehavior.addGraphVertexPrefix(preStatements)) {
q = gPersistenceBehavior.addInitialQueryCondition(q);
q = genQuery(q, expr, false)
q = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateToListExpression(q);
q = gPersistenceBehavior.getGraph().addOutputTransformationPredicate(q, hasSelect, expr.isInstanceOf[PathExpression]);
if(AtlasRepositoryConfiguration.isGremlinOptimizerEnabled()) {
q = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(q);
val closureExpression = new ClosureExpression();
val overallExpression = new LabeledExpression("L", closureExpression);
val qryStr = generateGremlin(overallExpression);
if(debug) {
println(" query " + qryStr)
def generateGremlin(expr: GroovyExpression) : String = {
val ctx : GroovyGenerationContext = new GroovyGenerationContext();
return ctx.getQuery;
def translate(): GremlinQuery = {
var e1 = expr.transformUp(wrapAndRule)
e1 = e1.transformUp(AddBackReferencesToGroupBy)
e1 = e1.transformUp(new AddAliasToSelectInput)
e1 = e1.transformUp(addAliasToLoopInput())
e1 = e1.transformUp(instanceClauseToTop(e1))
e1 = e1.transformUp(traitClauseWithInstanceForTop(e1))
e1 = e1.transformUp(RemoveUnneededBackReferences)
//Following code extracts the select expressions from expression tree.
val se = SelectExpressionHelper.extractSelectExpression(e1)
if (se.isDefined) {
val rMap = buildResultMapping(se.get)
GremlinQuery(e1, genFullQuery(e1, true), rMap)
} else {
GremlinQuery(e1, genFullQuery(e1, false), null)
object SelectExpressionHelper {
* This method extracts the child select expression from parent expression
def extractSelectExpression(child: Expression): Option[SelectExpression] = {
child match {
case se@SelectExpression(child, selectList, false) =>{
case limit@LimitExpression(child, lmt, offset) => {
case order@OrderExpression(child, odr, odrBy) => {
case path@PathExpression(child) => {
case _ => {
* Translation Issues:
* 1. back references in filters. For e.g. testBackreference: 'DB as db Table where ( = "Reporting")'
* this is translated to:
* g.V.has("typeName","DB").as("db").in("Table.db").and(_().back("db").has("name", T.eq, "Reporting")).map().toList()
* But the '_().back("db") within the and is ignored, the has condition is applied on the current element.
* The solution is to to do predicate pushdown and apply the filter immediately on top of the referred Expression.