
Signed-off-by: apoorvnaik <>
diff --git a/docs/src/site/twiki/Export-API.twiki b/docs/src/site/twiki/Export-API.twiki
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+---+ Export API
+The general approach is:
+   * Consumer specifies the scope of data to be exported (details below).
+   * The API if successful, will return the stream in the format specified.
+   * Error will be returned on failure of the call.
+See [[Export-HDFS-API][here]] for details on exporting *hdfs_path* entities.
+|*Title*|*Export API*|
+| _Example_ | See Examples sections below. |
+| _URL_ |_api/atlas/admin/export_ |
+| _Method_ |_POST_ |
+| _URL Parameters_ |_None_ |
+| _Data Parameters_| The class _!AtlasExportRequest_ is used to specify the items to export. The list of _!AtlasObjectId_(s) allow for specifying the multiple items to export in a session. The _!AtlasObjectId_ is a tuple of entity type, name of unique attribute, value of unique attribute. Several items can be specified. See examples below.|
+| _Success Response_|File stream as _application/zip_.|
+|_Error Response_|Errors that are handled within the system will be returned as _!AtlasBaseException_. |
+| _Notes_ | Consumer could choose to consume the output of the API by programmatically using or by manually, save the contents of the stream to a file on the disk.|
+__Method Signature__
+---+++ Additional Options
+It is possible to specify additional parameters for the _Export_ operation.
+Current implementation has 2 options. Both are optional:
+   * _matchType_ This option configures the approach used for fetching the starting entity. It has follow values:
+      * _startsWith_ Search for an entity that is prefixed with the specified criteria.
+      * _endsWith_ Search for an entity that is suffixed with the specified criteria.
+      * _contains_ Search for an entity that has the specified criteria as a sub-string.
+      * _matches_ Search for an entity that is a regular expression match with the specified criteria.
+   * _fetchType_ This option configures the approach used for fetching entities. It has following values:
+      * _FULL_: This fetches all the entities that are connected directly and indirectly to the starting entity. E.g. If a starting entity specified is a table, then this option will fetch the table, database and all the other tables within the database.
+      * _CONNECTED_: This fetches all the etnties that are connected directly to the starting entity. E.g. If a starting entity specified is a table, then this option will fetch the table and the database entity only.
+If no _matchType_ is specified, exact match is used. Which means, that the entire string is used in the search criteria.
+Searching using _matchType_ applies for all types of entities. It is particularly useful for matching entities of type hdfs_path (see [[Export-HDFS-API][here]]).
+The _fetchType_ option defaults to _FULL_.
+For complete example see section below.
+---+++ Contents of Exported ZIP File
+The exported ZIP file has the following entries within it:
+   * _atlas-export-result.json_:
+      * Input filters: The scope of export.
+      * File format: The format chosen for the export operation.
+      * Metrics: The number of entity definitions, classifications and entities exported.
+   * _atlas-typesdef.json_: Type definitions for the entities exported.
+   * _atlas-export-order.json_: Order in which entities should be exported.
+   * _{guid}.json_: Individual entities are exported with file names that correspond to their id.
+---+++ Examples
+The _!AtlasExportRequest_ below shows filters that attempt to export 2 databases in cluster cl1:
+    "itemsToExport": [
+       { "typeName": "hive_db", "uniqueAttributes": { "qualifiedName": "accounts@cl1" } },
+       { "typeName": "hive_db", "uniqueAttributes": { "qualifiedName": "hr@cl1" } }
+    ]
+The _!AtlasExportRequest_ below specifies the _fetchType_ as _FULL_. The _matchType_ option will fetch _accounts@cl1_.
+    "itemsToExport": [
+       { "typeName": "hive_db", "uniqueAttributes": { "qualifiedName": "accounts@" } },
+    ],
+    "options" {
+        "fetchType": "FULL",
+        "matchType": "startsWith"
+    }
+The _!AtlasExportRequest_ below specifies the _fetchType_ as _connected_. The _matchType_ option will fetch _accountsReceivable_, _accountsPayable_, etc present in the database.
+    "itemsToExport": [
+       { "typeName": "hive_db", "uniqueAttributes": { "name": "accounts" } },
+    ],
+    "options" {
+        "fetchType": "CONNECTED",
+        "matchType": "startsWith"
+    }
+Below is the _!AtlasExportResult_ JSON for the export of the _Sales_ DB present in the _!QuickStart_.
+The _metrics_ contains the number of types and entities exported as part of the operation.
+    "clientIpAddress": "",
+    "hostName": "",
+    "metrics": {
+        "duration": 1415,
+        "entitiesWithExtInfo": 12,
+        "entity:DB_v1": 2,
+        "entity:LoadProcess_v1": 2,
+        "entity:Table_v1": 6,
+        "entity:View_v1": 2,
+        "typedef:Column_v1": 1,
+        "typedef:DB_v1": 1,
+        "typedef:LoadProcess_v1": 1,
+        "typedef:StorageDesc_v1": 1,
+        "typedef:Table_v1": 1,
+        "typedef:View_v1": 1,
+        "typedef:classification": 6
+    },
+    "operationStatus": "SUCCESS",
+    "request": {
+        "itemsToExport": [
+            {
+                "typeName": "DB_v1",
+                "uniqueAttributes": {
+                    "name": "Sales"
+                }
+            }
+        ],
+        "options": {
+            "fetchType": "full"
+        }
+    },
+    "userName": "admin"
+---+++ CURL Calls
+Below are sample CURL calls that demonstrate Export of _!QuickStart_ database.
+curl -X POST -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{
+    "itemsToExport": [
+            { "typeName": "DB", "uniqueAttributes": { "name": "Sales" }
+            { "typeName": "DB", "uniqueAttributes": { "name": "Reporting" }
+            { "typeName": "DB", "uniqueAttributes": { "name": "Logging" }
+        }
+    ],
+    "options": "full"
+}' "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/admin/export" >
diff --git a/docs/src/site/twiki/Export-HDFS-API.twiki b/docs/src/site/twiki/Export-HDFS-API.twiki
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index 0000000..64ba123
--- /dev/null
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+---+ Export & Import APIs for HDFS Path
+---+++ Introduction
+The general approach for using the Import-Export APIs for HDFS Paths remain the same. There are minor variations caused how HDFS paths are handled within Atlas.
+Unlike HIVE entities, HDFS entities within Atlas are created manually using the _Create Entity_ link within the Atlas Web UI.
+Also, HDFS paths tend to be hierarchical, in the sense that users tend to model the same HDFS storage structure within Atlas.
+__Sample HDFS Setup__
+<table border="1" cellpadding="pixels" cellspacing="pixels">
+  <tr>
+    <th><strong>HDFS Path</strong></th> <th><strong>Atlas Entity</strong></th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">
+        <em>/apps/warehouse/finance</em>
+    </td>
+    <td  style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">
+        <strong>Entity type: </strong><em>hdfs_path</em> <br/>
+        <strong>Name: </strong><em>Finance</em> <br/>
+        <strong>QualifiedName: </strong><em>FinanceAll</em>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">
+        <em>/apps/warehouse/finance/accounts-receivable</em>
+    </td>
+    <td  style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">
+        <strong>Entity type: </strong><em>hdfs_path</em> <br/>
+        <strong>Name: </strong><em>FinanceReceivable</em> <br/>
+        <strong>QualifiedName: </strong><em>FinanceReceivable</em> <br/>
+        <strong>Path: </strong><em>/apps/warehouse/finance</em>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+    <td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">
+        <em>/apps/warehouse/finance/accounts-payable</em>
+    </td>
+    <td  style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">
+        <strong>Entity type: </strong><em>hdfs_path</em> <br/>
+        <strong>Name: </strong><em>Finance-Payable</em> <br/>
+        <strong>QualifiedName: </strong><em>FinancePayable</em> <br/>
+        <strong>Path: </strong><em>/apps/warehouse/finance/accounts-payable</em>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+    </tr>
+      <td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">
+          <em>/apps/warehouse/finance/billing</em>
+      </td>
+      <td  style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">
+          <strong>Entity type: </strong><em>hdfs_path</em> <br/>
+          <strong>Name: </strong><em>FinanceBilling</em> <br/>
+          <strong>QualifiedName: </strong><em>FinanceBilling</em> <br/>
+          <strong>Path: </strong><em>/apps/warehouse/finance/billing</em>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+---+++ Export API Using matchType
+To export entities that represent HDFS path, use the Export API using the _matchType_ option. Details can be found [[Export-API][here]].
+---+++ Example Using CURL Calls
+Below are sample CURL calls that performs export operation on the _Sample HDFS Setup_ shown above.
+curl -X POST -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{
+    "itemsToExport": [
+            { "typeName": "hdfs_path", "uniqueAttributes": { "name": "FinanceAll" }
+        }
+    ],
+    "options": {
+     "fetchType": "full",
+     "matchType": "startsWith"
+    }
+}' "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/admin/export" >
diff --git a/docs/src/site/twiki/Import-API.twiki b/docs/src/site/twiki/Import-API.twiki
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index 0000000..7eedf19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/site/twiki/Import-API.twiki
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+---+ Import API
+The general approach is:
+   * Consumer makes a ZIP file available for import operation. See details below for the 2 flavors of the API.
+   * The API if successful, will return the results of the operation.
+   * Error will be returned on failure of the call.
+---+++ Import ZIP File Using POST
+|*Title*|*Import API*|
+| _Example_ | See Examples sections below. |
+| _Description_|Provide the contents of the file to be imported in the request body.|
+| _URL_ |_api/atlas/admin/import_ |
+| _Method_ |_POST_ |
+| _URL Parameters_ |_None_ |
+| _Data Parameters_|_None_|
+| _Success Response_ | _!AtlasImporResult_ is returned as JSON. See details below.|
+|_Error Response_|Errors that are handled within the system will be returned as _!AtlasBaseException_. |
+---+++ Import ZIP File Available on Server
+|*Title*|*Import API*|
+| _Example_ | See Examples sections below. |
+| _Description_|Provide the path of the file to be imported.|
+| _URL_ |_api/atlas/admin/importfile_ |
+| _Method_ |_POST_ |
+| _URL Parameters_ |_?FILENAME=<path of file>_  Specify the options as name-value pairs. Use _FILENAME_ to specify the file path. |
+| _Data Parameters_|_None_|
+| _Success Response_ | _!AtlasImporResult_ is returned as JSON. See details below.|
+|_Error Response_|Errors that are handled within the system will be returned as _!AtlasBaseException_. |
+|_Notes_| The file to be imported needs to be present on the server at the location specified by the _FILENAME_ parameter.|
+__Method Signature for Import__
+@Produces("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
+__Method Signature for Import File__
+@Produces("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
+__!AtlasImportResult Response__
+The API will return the results of the import operation in the format defined by the _!AtlasImportResult_:
+   * _!AtlasImportParameters_: This contains a collection of name value pair of the options that are applied during the import operation.
+   * _Metrics_: Operation metrics. These include details on the number of types imported, number of entities imported, etc.
+   * _Processed Entities_: Contains list of GUIDs for the entities that were processed.
+   * _Operation Status_: Overall status of the operation. Values are _SUCCESS_, PARTIAL_SUCCESS, _FAIL_.
+---+++ Examples Using CURL Calls
+The call below performs Import of _!QuickStart_ database using POST.
+curl -X POST -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
+    --data-binary
+    "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/admin/import" > quickStartDB-import-result.json
+The call below performs Import of _!QuickStart_ database using a ZIP file available on server.
+curl -X POST -u admin:admin -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
+"http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/admin/importFile?FILENAME=/root/" > quickStartDB-import-result.json
+Below is the _!AtlasImportResult_ JSON for an import that contains _hive_db_.
+The _processedEntities_ contains the _guids_ of all the entities imported.
+The _metrics_ contain a breakdown of the types and entities imported along with the operation performed on them viz. _created_ or _updated_.
+    "request": {
+        "options": {}
+    },
+    "userName": "admin",
+    "clientIpAddress": "",
+    "hostName": "",
+    "timeStamp": 1491285622823,
+    "metrics": {
+        "duration": 9143,
+        "typedef:enum": 0,
+        "typedef:struct": 0,
+        "entity:hive_column:created": 461,
+        "entity:hive_storagedesc:created": 20,
+        "entity:hive_process:created": 12,
+        "entity:hive_db:created": 5,
+        "entity:hive_table:created": 20,
+        "entity:hdfs_path:created": 2,
+        "typedef:entitydef": 0,
+        "typedef:classification": 3
+    },
+    "processedEntities": [
+        "2c4aa713-030b-4fb3-98b1-1cab23d9ac81",
+        "e4aa71ed-70fd-4fa7-9dfb-8250a573e293",
+       ...
+        "ea0f9bdb-1dfc-4e48-9848-a006129929f9",
+        "b5e2cb41-3e7d-4468-84e1-d87c320e75f9"
+    ],
+    "operationStatus": "SUCCESS"
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+---+ Export & Import REST APIs
+---+++ Background
+The Import-Export APIs for Atlas facilitate transfer of data to and from a cluster that has Atlas provisioned.
+The APIs when integrated with backup and/or disaster recovery process will ensure participation of Atlas.
+---+++ Introduction
+There are 2 broad categories viz. Export & Import. The details of the APIs are discussed below.
+The APIs are available only to _admin_ user.
+Only a single import or export operation can be performed at a given time. The operations have a potential for generating large amount. They can also put pressure on resources. This restriction tries to alleviate this problem.
+For Import-Export APIs relating to HDFS path, can be found [[Import-Export-HDFS-Path][here]].
+For additional information please refer to the following:
+   * [[][ATLAS-1503]] Original Import-Export API requirements.
+   * [[][ATLAS-1618]] Export API Scope Specification.
+---+++ Errors
+If an import or export operation is initiated while another is in progress, the consumer will receive this error:
+"ATLAS5005E": "Another import or export is in progress. Please try again."
+Unhandled errors will be returned as Internal error code 500.
+---++ REST API Reference
+   * __[[Export-API][Export API]]__
+   * __[[Export-HDFS-API][Export HDFS API]]__
+   * __[[Import-API][Import API]]__
diff --git a/docs/src/site/twiki/index.twiki b/docs/src/site/twiki/index.twiki
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 ---++ API Documentation
    * <a href="api/v2/index.html">REST API Documentation</a>
+   * [[Import-Export-API][Export & Import REST API Documentation]]
    * <a href="api/rest.html">Legacy API Documentation</a>
 ---++ Developer Setup Documentation