blob: a3a27bfdcbbd9dbeda457ecdabfb1579d77065a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
import org.apache.atlas.exception.AtlasBaseException;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.IDataType;
* Represents a graph.
* @param <V> vertex implementation class
* @param <E> edge implementation class
public interface AtlasGraph<V, E> {
* Adds an edge to the graph.
* @param outVertex
* @param inVertex
* @param label
* @return
AtlasEdge<V, E> addEdge(AtlasVertex<V, E> outVertex, AtlasVertex<V, E> inVertex, String label);
* Adds a vertex to the graph.
* @return
AtlasVertex<V, E> addVertex();
* Removes the specified edge from the graph.
* @param edge
void removeEdge(AtlasEdge<V, E> edge);
* Removes the specified vertex from the graph.
* @param vertex
void removeVertex(AtlasVertex<V, E> vertex);
* Retrieves the edge with the specified id. As an optimization, a non-null Edge may be
* returned by some implementations if the Edge does not exist. In that case,
* you can call {@link AtlasElement#exists()} to determine whether the vertex
* exists. This allows the retrieval of the Edge information to be deferred
* or in come cases avoided altogether in implementations where that might
* be an expensive operation.
* @param edgeId
* @return
AtlasEdge<V, E> getEdge(String edgeId);
* Gets all the edges in the graph.
* @return
Iterable<AtlasEdge<V, E>> getEdges();
* Gets all the vertices in the graph.
* @return
Iterable<AtlasVertex<V, E>> getVertices();
* Gets the vertex with the specified id. As an optimization, a non-null vertex may be
* returned by some implementations if the Vertex does not exist. In that case,
* you can call {@link AtlasElement#exists()} to determine whether the vertex
* exists. This allows the retrieval of the Vertex information to be deferred
* or in come cases avoided altogether in implementations where that might
* be an expensive operation.
* @param vertexId
* @return
AtlasVertex<V, E> getVertex(String vertexId);
* Gets the names of the indexes on edges
* type.
* @param type
* @return
Set<String> getEdgeIndexKeys();
* Gets the names of the indexes on vertices.
* type.
* @param type
* @return
Set<String> getVertexIndexKeys();
* Finds the vertices where the given property key
* has the specified value. For multi-valued properties,
* finds the vertices where the value list contains
* the specified value.
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
Iterable<AtlasVertex<V, E>> getVertices(String key, Object value);
* Creates a graph query.
* @return
AtlasGraphQuery<V, E> query();
* Creates an index query.
* @param indexName index name
* @param queryString the query
* @see <a
* href="">
* Elastic Search Reference</a> for query syntax
AtlasIndexQuery<V, E> indexQuery(String indexName, String queryString);
* Gets the management object associated with this graph and opens a transaction
* for changes that are made.
* @return
AtlasGraphManagement getManagementSystem();
* Commits changes made to the graph in the current transaction.
void commit();
* Rolls back changes made to the graph in the current transaction.
void rollback();
* Unloads and releases any resources associated with the graph.
void shutdown();
* Deletes all data in the graph. May or may not delete
* the indices, depending on the what the underlying graph supports.
* For testing only.
void clear();
* Converts the graph to gson and writes it to the specified stream.
* @param os
* @throws IOException
void exportToGson(OutputStream os) throws IOException;
//the following methods insulate Atlas from the details
//of the interaction with Gremlin
* This method is used in the generation of queries. It is used to
* convert property values from the value that is stored in the graph
* to the value/type that the user expects to get back.
* @param expr - gremlin expr that represents the persistent property value
* @param type
* @return
GroovyExpression generatePersisentToLogicalConversionExpression(GroovyExpression valueExpr, IDataType<?> type);
* Indicates whether or not stored values with the specified type need to be converted
* within generated gremlin queries before they can be compared with literal values.
* As an example, a graph database might choose to store Long values as Strings or
* List values as a delimited list. In this case, the generated gremlin needs to
* convert the stored property value prior to comparing it a literal. In this returns
* true, @code{generatePersisentToLogicalConversionExpression} is used to generate a
* gremlin expression with the converted value. In addition, this cause the gremlin
* 'filter' step to be used to compare the values instead of a 'has' step.
boolean isPropertyValueConversionNeeded(IDataType<?> type);
* Gets the version of Gremlin that this graph uses.
* @return
GremlinVersion getSupportedGremlinVersion();
* Whether or not an initial predicate needs to be added to gremlin queries
* in order for them to run successfully. This is needed for some graph database where
* graph scans are disabled.
* @return
boolean requiresInitialIndexedPredicate();
* Some graph database backends have graph scans disabled. In order to execute some queries there,
* an initial 'dummy' predicate needs to be added to gremlin queries so that the first
* condition uses an index.
* @return
GroovyExpression getInitialIndexedPredicate(GroovyExpression parent);
* As an optimization, a graph database implementation may want to retrieve additional
* information about the query results. For example, in the IBM Graph implementation,
* this changes the query to return both matching vertices and their outgoing edges to
* avoid the need to make an extra REST API call to look up those edges. For implementations
* that do not require any kind of transform, an empty String should be returned.
GroovyExpression addOutputTransformationPredicate(GroovyExpression expr, boolean isSelect, boolean isPath);
* Get an instance of the script engine to execute Gremlin queries
* @return script engine to execute Gremlin queries
ScriptEngine getGremlinScriptEngine() throws AtlasBaseException;
* Release an instance of the script engine obtained with getGremlinScriptEngine()
* @param scriptEngine: ScriptEngine to release
void releaseGremlinScriptEngine(ScriptEngine scriptEngine);
* Executes a Gremlin script, returns an object with the result.
* @param gremlinQuery
* @param isPath whether this is a path query
* @return the result from executing the script
* @throws ScriptException
Object executeGremlinScript(String query, boolean isPath) throws AtlasBaseException;
* Executes a Gremlin script using a ScriptEngineManager provided by consumer, returns an object with the result.
* This is useful for scenarios where an operation executes large number of queries.
* @param scriptEngine: ScriptEngine initialized by consumer.
* @param bindings: Update bindings with Graph instance for ScriptEngine that is initilized externally.
* @param query
* @param isPath whether this is a path query
* @return the result from executing the script
* @throws ScriptException
Object executeGremlinScript(ScriptEngine scriptEngine, Map<? extends String, ? extends Object> bindings, String query, boolean isPath) throws ScriptException;
* Convenience method to check whether the given property is
* a multi-property.
* @param name
* @return
boolean isMultiProperty(String name);