blob: c7e1e81a555d57be1d7f63cb84a1c8f550ac37ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.query
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions._
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.IDataType
class Resolver(srcExpr: Option[Expression] = None, aliases: Map[String, Expression] = Map(),
connectClassExprToSrc: Boolean = false)
extends PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
import org.apache.atlas.query.TypeUtils._
def isDefinedAt(x: Expression) = true
def apply(e: Expression): Expression = e match {
case idE@IdExpression(name) => {
val backExpr = aliases.get(name)
if (backExpr.isDefined) {
return new BackReference(name, backExpr.get, None)
if (srcExpr.isDefined) {
val fInfo = resolveReference(srcExpr.get.dataType, name)
if (fInfo.isDefined) {
return new FieldExpression(name, fInfo.get, None)
val cType = resolveAsClassType(name)
if (cType.isDefined) {
return new ClassExpression(name)
val tType = resolveAsTraitType(name)
if (tType.isDefined) {
return new TraitExpression(name)
case ce@ClassExpression(clsName) if connectClassExprToSrc && srcExpr.isDefined => {
val fInfo = resolveReference(srcExpr.get.dataType, clsName)
if (fInfo.isDefined) {
return new FieldExpression(clsName, fInfo.get, None)
case f@UnresolvedFieldExpression(child, fieldName) if child.resolved => {
var fInfo: Option[FieldInfo] = None
fInfo = resolveReference(child.dataType, fieldName)
if (fInfo.isDefined) {
return new FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo.get, Some(child))
val tType = resolveAsTraitType(fieldName)
if (tType.isDefined) {
return new FieldExpression(fieldName, FieldInfo(child.dataType, null, null, fieldName), Some(child))
case isTraitLeafExpression(traitName, classExpression)
if srcExpr.isDefined && !classExpression.isDefined =>
isTraitLeafExpression(traitName, srcExpr)
case hasFieldLeafExpression(traitName, classExpression)
if srcExpr.isDefined && !classExpression.isDefined =>
hasFieldLeafExpression(traitName, srcExpr)
case f@FilterExpression(inputExpr, condExpr) if inputExpr.resolved => {
val r = new Resolver(Some(inputExpr), inputExpr.namedExpressions)
return new FilterExpression(inputExpr, condExpr.transformUp(r))
case SelectExpression(child, selectList) if child.resolved => {
val r = new Resolver(Some(child), child.namedExpressions)
return new SelectExpression(child, {
case l@LoopExpression(inputExpr, loopExpr, t) if inputExpr.resolved => {
val r = new Resolver(Some(inputExpr), inputExpr.namedExpressions, true)
return new LoopExpression(inputExpr, loopExpr.transformUp(r), t)
case x => x
* - any FieldReferences that explicitly reference the input, can be converted to implicit references
* - any FieldReferences that explicitly reference a
object FieldValidator extends PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
def isDefinedAt(x: Expression) = true
def isSrc(e: Expression) = e.isInstanceOf[ClassExpression] || e.isInstanceOf[TraitExpression]
def validateQualifiedField(srcDataType: IDataType[_]): PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
case FieldExpression(fNm, fInfo, Some(child))
if (child.children == Nil && !child.isInstanceOf[BackReference] && child.dataType == srcDataType) =>
FieldExpression(fNm, fInfo, None)
case fe@FieldExpression(fNm, fInfo, Some(child)) if isSrc(child) =>
throw new ExpressionException(fe, s"srcType of field doesn't match input type")
case hasFieldUnaryExpression(fNm, child) if child.dataType == srcDataType =>
hasFieldLeafExpression(fNm, Some(child))
case hF@hasFieldUnaryExpression(fNm, child) if isSrc(child) =>
throw new ExpressionException(hF, s"srcType of field doesn't match input type")
case isTraitUnaryExpression(fNm, child) if child.dataType == srcDataType =>
case iT@isTraitUnaryExpression(fNm, child) if isSrc(child) =>
throw new ExpressionException(iT, s"srcType of field doesn't match input type")
def validateOnlyFieldReferencesInLoopExpressions(loopExpr: LoopExpression)
: PartialFunction[Expression, Unit] = {
case f: FieldExpression => ()
case x => throw new ExpressionException(loopExpr,
s"Loop Expression can only contain field references; '${x.toString}' not supported.")
def apply(e: Expression): Expression = e match {
case f@FilterExpression(inputExpr, condExpr) => {
val validatedCE = condExpr.transformUp(validateQualifiedField(inputExpr.dataType))
if (validatedCE.fastEquals(condExpr)) {
} else {
new FilterExpression(inputExpr, validatedCE)
case SelectExpression(child, selectList) if child.resolved => {
val v = validateQualifiedField(child.dataType)
return new SelectExpression(child, {
case l@LoopExpression(inputExpr, loopExpr, t) => {
val validatedLE = loopExpr.transformUp(validateQualifiedField(inputExpr.dataType))
val l1 = {
if (validatedLE.fastEquals(loopExpr)) l
else new LoopExpression(inputExpr, validatedLE, t)
case x => x