blob: 3354d7c30ebf79e3a6fb7f034e7f65fb28bfcafb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem._
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.persistence.{AtlasSystemAttributes, Id}
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types._
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.native.Serialization._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.Date
object InstanceSerialization {
case class _Id(id : String, version : Int, typeName : String, state : Option[String])
case class _AtlasSystemAttributes(createdBy: Option[String], modifiedBy: Option[String], createdTime: Option[Date], modifiedTime: Option[Date])
case class _Struct(typeName : String, values : Map[String, AnyRef])
case class _Reference(id : Option[_Id],
typeName : String,
values : Map[String, AnyRef],
traitNames : List[String],
traits : Map[String, _Struct],
systemAttributes : Option[_AtlasSystemAttributes])
def Try[B](x : => B) : Option[B] = {
try { Some(x) } catch { case _ : Throwable => None }
* Convert a Map into
* - a Reference or
* - a Struct or
* - a Id or
* - a Java Map whose values are recursively converted.
* @param jsonMap
* @param format
class InstanceJavaConversion(jsonMap : Map[String, _], format : Formats) {
* For Id, Map must contain the [[_Id]] 'typeHint'
* @return
def idClass: Option[String] = {
jsonMap.get(format.typeHintFieldName).flatMap(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[String])).
filter(s => s == classOf[_Id].getName)
* validate and extract 'id' attribute from Map
* @return
def id: Option[String] = {
jsonMap.get("id").filter(_.isInstanceOf[String]).flatMap(v => Some(v.asInstanceOf[String]))
def createdBy: Option[String] = {
jsonMap.get("createdBy").filter(_.isInstanceOf[String]).flatMap(v => Some(v.asInstanceOf[String]))
def modifiedBy: Option[String] = {
jsonMap.get("modifiedBy").filter(_.isInstanceOf[String]).flatMap(v => Some(v.asInstanceOf[String]))
* validate and extract 'state' attribute from Map
* @return
def state: Option[String] = {
jsonMap.get("state").filter(_.isInstanceOf[String]).flatMap(v => Some(v.asInstanceOf[String]))
* validate and extract 'version' attribute from Map
* @return
def version: Option[Int] = {
case i : Int => Some(i)
case bI : BigInt => Some(bI.toInt)
case _ => None
def createdTime: Option[Date] = {
jsonMap.get("createdTime").filter(_.isInstanceOf[String]).flatMap(v => Some(v.asInstanceOf[Date]))
def modifiedTime: Option[Date] = {
jsonMap.get("modifiedTime").filter(_.isInstanceOf[String]).flatMap(v => Some(v.asInstanceOf[Date]))
* A Map is an Id if:
* - it has the correct [[format.typeHintFieldName]]
* - it has a 'typeName'
* - it has an 'id'
* - it has a 'version'
* @return
def convertId : Option[_Id] = {
for {
refClass <- idClass
typNm <- typeName
i <- id
s <- Some(state)
v <- version
} yield _Id(i, v, typNm, s)
def convertSystemAttributes: Option[_AtlasSystemAttributes] = {
for {
c <- Some(createdBy)
m <- Some(modifiedBy)
c_t <- Some(createdTime)
m_t <- Some(modifiedTime)
} yield _AtlasSystemAttributes(c, m, c_t, m_t)
* validate and extract 'typeName' attribute from Map
* @return
def typeName: Option[String] = {
jsonMap.get("typeName").flatMap(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[String]))
* For Reference, Map must contain the [[_Reference]] 'typeHint'
* @return
def referenceClass: Option[String] = {
jsonMap.get(format.typeHintFieldName).flatMap(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[String])).
filter(s => s == classOf[_Reference].getName)
* For Reference, Map must contain the [[_Struct]] 'typeHint'
* @return
def structureClass: Option[String] = {
jsonMap.get(format.typeHintFieldName).flatMap(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[String])).
filter(s => s == classOf[_Struct].getName)
* validate and extract 'values' attribute from Map
* @return
def valuesMap: Option[Map[String, AnyRef]] = {
jsonMap.get("values").flatMap(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[Map[String, AnyRef]]))
* validate and extract 'traitNames' attribute from Map
* @return
def traitNames: Option[Seq[String]] = {
jsonMap.get("traitNames").flatMap(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]]))
* A Map is an Struct if:
* - it has the correct [[format.typeHintFieldName]]
* - it has a 'typeName'
* - it has a 'values' attribute
* @return
def struct: Option[_Struct] = {
for {
refClass <- structureClass
typNm <- typeName
values <- valuesMap
} yield _Struct(typNm, values)
def sequence[A](a : List[(String,Option[A])]) : Option[List[(String,A)]] = a match {
case Nil => Some(Nil)
case h :: t => {
h._2 flatMap {hh => sequence(t) map { (h._1,hh) :: _}}
* Extract and convert the traits in this Map.
* @return
def traits: Option[Map[String, _Struct]] = {
* 1. validate and extract 'traitss' attribute from Map
* Must be a Map[String, _]
val tEntry : Option[Map[String, _]] = jsonMap.get("traits").flatMap(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[Map[String, _]]))
* Try to convert each entry in traits Map into a _Struct
* - each entry itself must be of type Map[String, _]
* - recursively call InstanceJavaConversion on this Map to convert to a struct
val x: Option[List[(String, Option[_Struct])]] = { tMap: Map[String, _] =>
val y: Map[String, Option[_Struct]] = { t =>
val tObj: Option[_Struct] = Some(t._2).flatMap(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[Map[String, _]])).
flatMap { traitObj: Map[String, _] =>
new InstanceJavaConversion(traitObj, format).struct
(t._1, tObj)
* Convert a List of Optional successes into an Option of List
x flatMap (sequence(_)) map (_.toMap)
def idObject : Option[_Id] = {
val idM = jsonMap.get("id").flatMap(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[Map[String, _]]))
idM flatMap (m => new InstanceJavaConversion(m, format).convertId)
* A Map is an Reference if:
* - it has the correct [[format.typeHintFieldName]]
* - it has a 'typeName'
* - it has a 'values' attribute
* - it has 'traitNames' attribute
* - it has 'traits' attribute
* @return
def reference : Option[_Reference] = {
for {
refClass <- referenceClass
typNm <- typeName
i <- Some(idObject)
values <- valuesMap
traitNms <- traitNames
ts <- traits
s_attr <- Some(convertSystemAttributes)
} yield _Reference(i, typNm, values, traitNms.toList, ts, s_attr)
* A Map converted to Java:
* - if Map can be materialized as a _Reference, materialize and then recursively call asJava on it.
* - if Map can be materialized as a _Struct, materialize and then recursively call asJava on it.
* - if Map can be materialized as a _Id, materialize and then recursively call asJava on it.
* - otherwise convert each value with asJava and construct as new JavaMap.
* @return
def convert : Any = { { { { { t =>
(t._1 -> asJava(t._2)(format))
def asJava(v : Any)(implicit format: Formats) : Any = v match {
case i : _Id => new Id(, i.version, i.typeName, i.state.orNull)
case s : _Struct => new Struct(s.typeName, asJava(s.values).asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, Object]])
case s_attr : _AtlasSystemAttributes => new AtlasSystemAttributes(s_attr.createdBy.orNull, s_attr.modifiedBy.orNull, s_attr.createdTime.orNull, s_attr.modifiedTime.orNull)
case r : _Reference => {
val id = match {
case Some(i) => new Id(, i.version, i.typeName, i.state.orNull)
case None => new Id(r.typeName)
val s_attr = r.systemAttributes match {
case Some(s) => new AtlasSystemAttributes(s.createdBy.orNull, s.modifiedBy.orNull, s.createdTime.orNull, s.modifiedTime.orNull)
case None => new AtlasSystemAttributes()
new Referenceable(id,
asJava(r.values).asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, Object]],
asJava(r.traits).asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, IStruct]], s_attr)
case l : List[_] => => asJava(e)).asJava
case m : Map[_, _] if Try{m.asInstanceOf[Map[String,_]]}.isDefined => {
if (m.keys.size == 2 && m.keys.contains("value") && m.keys.contains("ordinal")) {
new EnumValue(m.get("value").toString, m.get("ordinal").asInstanceOf[BigInt].intValue())
} else {
new InstanceJavaConversion(m.asInstanceOf[Map[String,_]], format).convert
case _ => v
def asScala(v : Any) : Any = v match {
case i : Id => _Id(i._getId(), i.getVersion, i.getClassName, Some(i.getStateAsString))
case s_attr: AtlasSystemAttributes => _AtlasSystemAttributes(Some(s_attr.createdBy), Some(s_attr.modifiedBy), Some(s_attr.createdTime), Some(s_attr.modifiedTime))
case r : IReferenceableInstance => {
val traits = { tName =>
val t = r.getTrait(tName).asInstanceOf[IStruct]
(tName -> _Struct(t.getTypeName, asScala(t.getValuesMap).asInstanceOf[Map[String, AnyRef]]))
r.getTypeName, asScala(r.getValuesMap).asInstanceOf[Map[String, AnyRef]],
traits.asInstanceOf[Map[String, _Struct]], Some(asScala(r.getSystemAttributes).asInstanceOf[_AtlasSystemAttributes]))
case s : IStruct => _Struct(s.getTypeName, asScala(s.getValuesMap).asInstanceOf[Map[String, AnyRef]])
case l : java.util.List[_] => => asScala(e)).toList
case m : java.util.Map[_, _] => => (asScala(t._1), asScala(t._2))).toMap
case _ => v
val _formats = new DefaultFormats {
override val dateFormatter = TypeSystem.getInstance().getDateFormat.asInstanceOf[SimpleDateFormat]
override val typeHints = FullTypeHints(List(classOf[_Id], classOf[_Struct], classOf[_Reference]))
def buildFormat(withBigDecimals : Boolean) = {
if (withBigDecimals)
_formats + new BigDecimalSerializer + new BigIntegerSerializer
def _toJson(value: AnyRef, withBigDecimals : Boolean = false): String = {
implicit val formats = buildFormat(withBigDecimals)
val _s : AnyRef = asScala(value).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
def toJson(value: IStruct, withBigDecimals : Boolean = false): String = {
_toJson(value, withBigDecimals)
def fromJsonStruct(jsonStr: String, withBigDecimals : Boolean = false): Struct = {
implicit val formats = buildFormat(withBigDecimals)
val _s = read[_Struct](jsonStr)
//def toJsonReferenceable(value: Referenceable, withBigDecimals : Boolean = false): String = _toJson(value, withBigDecimals)
def fromJsonReferenceable(jsonStr: String, withBigDecimals : Boolean = false): Referenceable = {
implicit val formats = buildFormat(withBigDecimals)
val _s = read[_Reference](jsonStr)