blob: 9bafeecb8a92ac06b2a5556f78a51bac5c52cbff [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from aria.utils.collections import (merge, deepcopy_with_locators, OrderedDict)
from aria.utils.formatting import pluralize
from aria.parser.presentation import Value
from aria.parser.validation import Issue
from .data_types import (coerce_value, get_primitive_data_type)
from ..presentation.types import get_type_by_name
# ArtifactType, DataType, CapabilityType, RelationshipType, NodeType, GroupType, PolicyType
def get_inherited_parameter_definitions(context, presentation, field_name, for_presentation=None):
Returns our parameter definitions added on top of those of our parent, if we have one
Allows overriding all aspects of parent properties except data type.
if for_presentation is None:
for_presentation = presentation
# Get definitions from parent
# If we inherit from a primitive, it does not have a parent:
parent = presentation._get_parent(context) if hasattr(presentation, '_get_parent') else None
definitions = get_inherited_parameter_definitions(context, parent, field_name,
for_presentation) \
if parent is not None else OrderedDict()
# Add/merge our definitions
# If we inherit from a primitive, it does not have our field
our_definitions = getattr(presentation, field_name, None)
if our_definitions:
our_definitions_clone = OrderedDict()
for name, our_definition in our_definitions.iteritems():
our_definitions_clone[name] = our_definition._clone(for_presentation)
our_definitions = our_definitions_clone
merge_parameter_definitions(context, presentation, definitions, our_definitions, field_name)
for definition in definitions.itervalues():
return definitions
# NodeTemplate, RelationshipTemplate, GroupTemplate, PolicyTemplate
def get_assigned_and_defined_parameter_values(context, presentation, field_name):
Returns the assigned parameter values while making sure they are defined in our type.
The parameter definition's default value, if available, will be used if we did not assign it.
Makes sure that required parameters indeed end up with a value.
values = OrderedDict()
the_type = presentation._get_type(context)
field_name_plural = pluralize(field_name)
assignments = getattr(presentation, field_name_plural)
get_fn_name = '_get_{0}'.format(field_name_plural)
definitions = getattr(the_type, get_fn_name)(context) if the_type is not None else None
# Fill in our assignments, but make sure they are defined
if assignments:
for name, value in assignments.iteritems():
if (definitions is not None) and (name in definitions):
definition = definitions[name]
values[name] = coerce_parameter_value(context, value, definition, value.value)
else:'assignment to undefined {0} "{1}" in "{2}"'
.format(field_name, name, presentation._fullname),
locator=value._locator, level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
# Fill in defaults from the definitions
if definitions:
for name, definition in definitions.iteritems():
# Note: attributes will always have a default value, even if it's None
if (name not in values) and \
(('default' in definition._raw) or (field_name == 'attribute')):
values[name] = coerce_parameter_value(context, presentation, definition,
validate_required_values(context, presentation, values, definitions)
# Fill in nulls for missing values that are *not* required
if definitions:
for name, definition in definitions.iteritems():
if (name not in values) and not getattr(definition, 'required', False):
values[name] = coerce_parameter_value(context, presentation, definition, None)
return values
# TopologyTemplate
def get_parameter_values(context, presentation, field_name):
values = OrderedDict()
parameters = getattr(presentation, field_name)
# Fill in defaults and values
if parameters:
for name, parameter in parameters.iteritems():
if values.get(name) is None:
if hasattr(parameter, 'value') and (parameter.value is not None):
# For parameters only:
values[name] = coerce_parameter_value(context, presentation, parameter,
default = parameter.default if hasattr(parameter, 'default') else None
values[name] = coerce_parameter_value(context, presentation, parameter, default)
return values
# Utils
def validate_required_values(context, presentation, values, definitions):
Check if required properties have not been assigned.
if not definitions:
for name, definition in definitions.iteritems():
if getattr(definition, 'required', False) and \
((values is None) or (values.get(name) is None)):'required property "%s" is not assigned a value in "%s"'
% (name, presentation._fullname),
def merge_raw_parameter_definition(context, presentation, raw_property_definition,
our_property_definition, field_name, property_name):
# Check if we changed the parameter type
type1_name = raw_property_definition.get('type')
type1 = get_type_by_name(context, type1_name, 'data_types')
if type1 is None:
type1 = get_primitive_data_type(type1_name)
type2 = our_property_definition._get_type(context)
if type1 != type2:
if not hasattr(type1, '_is_descendant') or not type1._is_descendant(context, type2):
'property definition type "{0}" is not a descendant of overridden '
'property definition type "{1}"' \
.format(type1_name, type2._name),
locator=presentation._get_child_locator(field_name, property_name),
merge(raw_property_definition, our_property_definition._raw)
def merge_raw_parameter_definitions(context, presentation, raw_property_definitions,
our_property_definitions, field_name):
if not our_property_definitions:
for property_name, our_property_definition in our_property_definitions.iteritems():
if property_name in raw_property_definitions:
raw_property_definition = raw_property_definitions[property_name]
merge_raw_parameter_definition(context, presentation, raw_property_definition,
our_property_definition, field_name, property_name)
raw_property_definitions[property_name] = \
def merge_parameter_definitions(context, presentation, property_definitions,
our_property_definitions, field_name):
if not our_property_definitions:
for property_name, our_property_definition in our_property_definitions.iteritems():
if property_name in property_definitions:
property_definition = property_definitions[property_name]
merge_raw_parameter_definition(context, presentation, property_definition._raw,
our_property_definition, field_name, property_name)
property_definitions[property_name] = our_property_definition
# Works on properties, inputs, and parameters
def coerce_parameter_value(context, presentation, definition, value, aspect=None):
the_type = definition._get_type(context) if definition is not None else None
entry_schema = definition.entry_schema if definition is not None else None
constraints = definition._get_constraints(context) \
if ((definition is not None) and hasattr(definition, '_get_constraints')) else None
value = coerce_value(context, presentation, the_type, entry_schema, constraints, value, aspect)
if (the_type is not None) and hasattr(the_type, '_name'):
type_name = the_type._name
type_name = getattr(definition, 'type', None)
description = getattr(definition, 'description', None)
description = description.value if description is not None else None
required = getattr(definition, 'required', None)
return Value(type_name, value, description, required)
def convert_parameter_definitions_to_values(context, definitions):
values = OrderedDict()
for name, definition in definitions.iteritems():
default = definition.default
values[name] = coerce_parameter_value(context, definition, definition, default)
return values