blob: 1b5d66603142d718f68657faae28f84296f521b3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# limitations under the License.
Miscellaneous CLI utilities.
import os
import sys
from StringIO import StringIO
from backports.shutil_get_terminal_size import get_terminal_size
from .env import logger
from .exceptions import AriaCliError
from ..utils import http
def storage_sort_param(sort_by, descending):
return {sort_by: 'desc' if descending else 'asc'}
def get_parameter_templates_as_string(parameter_templates):
params_string = StringIO()
for param_name, param_template in parameter_templates.iteritems():
params_string.write('\t{0}:{1}'.format(param_name, os.linesep))
param_dict = param_template.to_dict()
del param_dict['id'] # not interested in printing the id
for k, v in param_dict.iteritems():
params_string.write('\t\t{0}: {1}{2}'.format(k, v, os.linesep))
return params_string.getvalue()
def check_overriding_storage_exceptions(e, model_class, name):
Checks whether the storage exception is a known type where we'd like to override the exception
message; If so, it raises a new error. Otherwise it simply returns.
assert isinstance(e, BaseException)
if 'UNIQUE constraint failed' in e.message:
new_message = \
'Could not store {model_class} `{name}`{linesep}' \
'There already a exists a {model_class} with the same name' \
.format(model_class=model_class, name=name, linesep=os.linesep)
trace = sys.exc_info()[2]
raise type(e), type(e)(new_message), trace # pylint: disable=raising-non-exception
def download_file(url):
progress_bar = generate_progress_handler(url, 'Downloading')
destination = http.download_file(url, logger=logger, progress_handler=progress_bar)
except Exception as e:
raise AriaCliError(
'Failed to download {0}. ({1})'.format(url, str(e)))
return destination
def generate_progress_handler(file_path, action='', max_bar_length=80):
Returns a function that prints a progress bar in the terminal.
:param file_path: the name of the file being transferred
:param action: uploading/downloading
:param max_bar_length: maximum allowed length of the bar
:return: configured ``print_progress`` function
# We want to limit the maximum line length to 80, but allow for a smaller terminal size. We also
# include the action string, and some extra chars
terminal_width = get_terminal_size().columns
# This takes care of the case where there is no terminal (e.g. unittest)
terminal_width = terminal_width or max_bar_length
bar_length = min(max_bar_length, terminal_width) - len(action) - 12
# Shorten the file name if it's too long
file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
if len(file_name) > (bar_length / 4) + 3:
file_name = file_name[:bar_length / 4] + '...'
bar_length -= len(file_name)
def print_progress(read_bytes, total_bytes):
Print upload/download progress on a single line.
Call this function in a loop to create a progress bar in the terminal.
:param read_bytes: number of bytes already processed
:param total_bytes: total number of bytes in the file
filled_length = min(bar_length, int(round(bar_length * read_bytes / float(total_bytes))))
percents = min(100.00, round(100.00 * (read_bytes / float(total_bytes)), 2))
bar = '#' * filled_length + '-' * (bar_length - filled_length) # pylint: disable=blacklisted-name
# The \r caret makes sure the cursor moves back to the beginning of the line
sys.stdout.write('\r{0} {1} |{2}| {3}%'.format(action, file_name, bar, percents))
if read_bytes >= total_bytes:
return print_progress