ARIA-348 Validate substitution_mapping field
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index c8b7645..a7362e7 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
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 language: python
+dist: precise
   - '2.7'
diff --git a/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/ b/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/
index a65ff41..221163c 100644
--- a/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/
+++ b/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 from .modeling.data_types import (get_data_type, get_data_type_value, get_property_constraints,
-from .modeling.substitution_mappings import (validate_subtitution_mappings_requirement,
-                                             validate_subtitution_mappings_capability)
+from .modeling.substitution_mappings import (validate_substitution_mappings_requirement,
+                                             validate_substitution_mappings_capability)
 from .presentation.extensible import ExtensiblePresentation
 from .presentation.field_validators import (constraint_clause_field_validator,
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
     def _validate(self, context):
         super(SubstitutionMappingsRequirement, self)._validate(context)
-        validate_subtitution_mappings_requirement(context, self)
+        validate_substitution_mappings_requirement(context, self)
 class SubstitutionMappingsCapability(AsIsPresentation):
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
     def _validate(self, context):
         super(SubstitutionMappingsCapability, self)._validate(context)
-        validate_subtitution_mappings_capability(context, self)
+        validate_substitution_mappings_capability(context, self)
diff --git a/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/modeling/ b/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/modeling/
index 8f7ec4c..e2af4b8 100644
--- a/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/modeling/
+++ b/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/modeling/
@@ -17,88 +17,113 @@
 from aria.parser.validation import Issue
-def validate_subtitution_mappings_requirement(context, presentation):
-    if not validate_format(context, presentation, 'requirement'):
-        return
+def validate_substitution_mappings_requirement(context, presentation):
-    node_template = get_node_template(context, presentation, 'requirement')
-    if node_template is None:
+    # validate that the requirement in substitution_mapping is defined in the substitution node type
+    substitution_node_type = presentation._container._get_type(context)
+    if substitution_node_type is None:
-    node_type = presentation._container._get_type(context)
-    if node_type is None:
-        return
-    requirements = node_type._get_requirements(context)
-    type_requirement = None
-    for name, the_requirement in requirements:
-        if name == presentation._name:
-            type_requirement = the_requirement
+    for req_name, req in substitution_node_type._get_requirements(context):
+        if req_name == presentation._name:
+            substitution_type_requirement = req
-    if type_requirement is None:
+    else:
-            'substitution mappings requirement "%s" is not declared in node type "%s"'
-            % (presentation._name, node_type._name),
+            'substitution mapping requirement "{0}" is not declared in node type "{1}"'.format(
+                presentation._name, substitution_node_type._name),
             locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
-    requirement_name = presentation._raw[1]
-    requirements = node_template._get_requirements(context)
-    requirement = None
-    for name, the_requirement in requirements:
-        if name == requirement_name:
-            requirement = the_requirement
-            break
-    if requirement is None:
-            'substitution mappings requirement "%s" refers to an unknown requirement of node '
-            'template "%s": %s'
-            % (presentation._name, node_template._name, safe_repr(requirement_name)),
-            locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
+    if not _validate_mapping_format(presentation):
+        _report_invalid_mapping_format(context, presentation, field='requirement')
-def validate_subtitution_mappings_capability(context, presentation):
-    if not validate_format(context, presentation, 'capability'):
-        return
-    node_template = get_node_template(context, presentation, 'capability')
+    # validate that the mapped requirement is defined in the corresponding node template
+    node_template = _get_node_template(context, presentation)
     if node_template is None:
+        _report_missing_node_template(context, presentation, field='requirement')
-    node_type = presentation._container._get_type(context)
-    if node_type is None:
-        return
-    capabilities = node_type._get_capabilities(context)
-    type_capability = capabilities.get(presentation._name)
-    if type_capability is None:
+    mapped_requirement_name = presentation._raw[1]
+    for req_name, req in node_template._get_requirements(context):
+        if req_name == mapped_requirement_name:
+            node_template_requirement = req
+            break
+    else:
-            'substitution mappings capability "%s" is not declared in node type "%s"'
-            % (presentation._name, node_type._name), locator=presentation._locator,
-            level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
-        return
-    capability_name = presentation._raw[1]
-    capabilities = node_template._get_capabilities(context)
-    capability = capabilities.get(capability_name)
-    if capability is None:
-            'substitution mappings capability "%s" refers to an unknown capability of node template'
-            ' "%s": %s'
-            % (presentation._name, node_template._name, safe_repr(capability_name)),
+            'substitution mapping requirement "{0}" refers to an unknown requirement of node '
+            'template "{1}": {mapped_requirement_name}'.format(
+                presentation._name, node_template._name,
+                mapped_requirement_name=safe_repr(mapped_requirement_name)),
             locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
-    type_capability_type = type_capability._get_type(context)
-    capability_type = capability._get_type(context)
-    if not type_capability_type._is_descendant(context, capability_type):
+    # validate that the requirement's capability type in substitution_mapping is derived from the
+    # requirement's capability type in the corresponding node template
+    substitution_type_requirement_capability_type = \
+        substitution_type_requirement._get_capability_type(context)
+    node_template_requirement_capability_type = \
+        node_template_requirement._get_capability(context)[0]
+    if not node_template_requirement_capability_type._is_descendant(
+            context, substitution_type_requirement_capability_type):
-            'type "%s" of substitution mappings capability "%s" is not a descendant of "%s"'
-            % (capability_type._name, presentation._name, type_capability_type._name),
+            'substitution mapping requirement "{0}" of capability type "{1}" is not a descendant '
+            'of the mapped node template capability type "{2}"'.format(
+                presentation._name,
+                substitution_type_requirement_capability_type._name,
+                node_template_requirement_capability_type._name),
+            locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
+def validate_substitution_mappings_capability(context, presentation):
+    # validate that the capability in substitution_mapping is defined in the substitution node type
+    substitution_node_type = presentation._container._get_type(context)
+    if substitution_node_type is None:
+        return
+    substitution_type_capabilities = substitution_node_type._get_capabilities(context)
+    substitution_type_capability = substitution_type_capabilities.get(presentation._name)
+    if substitution_type_capability is None:
+            'substitution mapping capability "{0}" '
+            'is not declared in node type "{substitution_type}"'.format(
+                presentation._name, substitution_type=substitution_node_type._name),
+            locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
+        return
+    if not _validate_mapping_format(presentation):
+        _report_invalid_mapping_format(context, presentation, field='capability')
+        return
+    # validate that the capability in substitution_mapping is declared in the corresponding
+    # node template
+    node_template = _get_node_template(context, presentation)
+    if node_template is None:
+        _report_missing_node_template(context, presentation, field='capability')
+        return
+    mapped_capability_name = presentation._raw[1]
+    node_template_capability = node_template._get_capabilities(context).get(mapped_capability_name)
+    if node_template_capability is None:
+            'substitution mapping capability "{0}" refers to an unknown '
+            'capability of node template "{1}": {mapped_capability_name}'.format(
+                presentation._name, node_template._name,
+                mapped_capability_name=safe_repr(mapped_capability_name)),
+            locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
+        return
+    # validate that the capability type in substitution_mapping is derived from the capability type
+    # in the corresponding node template
+    substitution_type_capability_type = substitution_type_capability._get_type(context)
+    node_template_capability_type = node_template_capability._get_type(context)
+    if not substitution_type_capability_type._is_descendant(context, node_template_capability_type):
+            'node template capability type "{0}" is not a descendant of substitution mapping '
+            'capability "{1}" of type "{2}"'.format(
+                node_template_capability_type._name,
+                presentation._name,
+                substitution_type_capability_type._name),
             locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
@@ -106,25 +131,37 @@
 # Utils
-def validate_format(context, presentation, name):
-    if (not isinstance(presentation._raw, list)) or (len(presentation._raw) != 2) \
-        or (not isinstance(presentation._raw[0], basestring)) \
-        or (not isinstance(presentation._raw[1], basestring)):
-            'substitution mappings %s "%s" is not a list of 2 strings: %s'
-            % (name, presentation._name, safe_repr(presentation._raw)),
-            locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.FIELD)
+def _validate_mapping_format(presentation):
+    """Validate that the mapping is a list of 2 strings"""
+    if not isinstance(presentation._raw, list) or \
+            len(presentation._raw) != 2 or \
+            not isinstance(presentation._raw[0], basestring) or \
+            not isinstance(presentation._raw[1], basestring):
         return False
     return True
-def get_node_template(context, presentation, name):
+def _get_node_template(context, presentation):
     node_template_name = presentation._raw[0]
     node_template = context.presentation.get_from_dict('service_template', 'topology_template',
                                                        'node_templates', node_template_name)
-    if node_template is None:
-            'substitution mappings %s "%s" refers to an unknown node template: %s'
-            % (name, presentation._name, safe_repr(node_template_name)),
-            locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.FIELD)
     return node_template
+def _report_missing_node_template(context, presentation, field):
+        'substitution mappings {field} "{node_template_mapping}" '
+        'refers to an unknown node template: {node_template_name}'.format(
+            field=field,
+            node_template_mapping=presentation._name,
+            node_template_name=safe_repr(presentation._raw[0])),
+        locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.FIELD)
+def _report_invalid_mapping_format(context, presentation, field):
+        'substitution mapping {field} "{field_name}" is not a list of 2 strings: {value}'.format(
+            field=field,
+            field_name=presentation._name,
+            value=safe_repr(presentation._raw)),
+        locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.FIELD)
diff --git a/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/ b/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/
index 787aac2..0241917 100644
--- a/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/
+++ b/extensions/aria_extension_tosca/simple_v1_0/
@@ -300,12 +300,13 @@
-    def _is_descendant(self, context, the_type):
-        if the_type is None:
+    def _is_descendant(self, context, other_type):
+        """returns True iff `other_type` is a descendant of the represented capability type"""
+        if other_type is None:
             return False
-        elif the_type._name == self._name:
+        elif other_type._name == self._name:
             return True
-        return self._is_descendant(context, the_type._get_parent(context))
+        return self._is_descendant(context, other_type._get_parent(context))
     def _get_properties(self, context):