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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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ARIA modeling mix-ins module
from sqlalchemy.ext import associationproxy
from sqlalchemy import (
from ..utils import collections, caching
from ..utils.type import canonical_type_name, full_type_name
from . import utils, functions
class ModelMixin(object):
def __modelname__(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
return getattr(cls, '__mapiname__', cls.__tablename__)
def id_column_name(cls):
raise NotImplementedError
def name_column_name(cls):
raise NotImplementedError
def to_dict(self, fields=None, suppress_error=False):
Create a dict representation of the model.
:param suppress_error: if set to ``True``, sets ``None`` to attributes that it's unable to
retrieve (e.g., if a relationship wasn't established yet, and so it's impossible to access
a property through it)
res = dict()
fields = fields or self.fields()
for field in fields:
field_value = getattr(self, field)
except AttributeError:
if suppress_error:
field_value = None
if isinstance(field_value, list):
field_value = list(field_value)
elif isinstance(field_value, dict):
field_value = dict(field_value)
elif isinstance(field_value, ModelMixin):
field_value = field_value.to_dict()
res[field] = field_value
return res
def fields(cls):
List of field names for this table.
Mostly for backwards compatibility in the code (that uses ``fields``).
fields = set(cls._iter_association_proxies())
return fields - set(getattr(cls, '__private_fields__', ()))
def _iter_association_proxies(cls):
for col, value in vars(cls).items():
if isinstance(value, associationproxy.AssociationProxy):
yield col
def __repr__(self):
return '<{cls} id=`{id}`>'.format(
id=getattr(self, self.name_column_name()))
class ModelIDMixin(object):
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, doc="""
Unique ID.
:type: :obj:`int`
name = Column(Text, index=True, doc="""
Model name.
:type: :obj:`basestring`
def id_column_name(cls):
return 'id'
def name_column_name(cls):
return 'name'
class InstanceModelMixin(ModelMixin):
Mix-in for service instance models.
All models support validation, diagnostic dumping, and representation as raw data (which can be
translated into JSON or YAML) via :meth:`as_raw`.
def as_raw(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def coerce_values(self, report_issues):
class TemplateModelMixin(InstanceModelMixin): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
Mix-in for service template models.
All model models can be instantiated into service instance models.
class ParameterMixin(TemplateModelMixin, caching.HasCachedMethods): #pylint: disable=abstract-method
Mix-in for typed values. The value can contain nested intrinsic functions.
This model can be used as the ``container_holder`` argument for
type_name = Column(Text, doc="""
Type name.
:type: :obj:`basestring`
description = Column(Text, doc="""
Human-readable description.
:type: :obj:`basestring`
_value = Column(PickleType)
def value(self):
value = self._value
if value is not None:
evaluation = functions.evaluate(value, self)
if evaluation is not None:
value = evaluation.value
return value
def value(self, value):
self._value = value
def owner(self):
The sole owner of this parameter, which is another model that relates to it.
*All* parameters should have an owner model.
:raises ~exceptions.ValueError: if failed to find an owner, which signifies an abnormal,
orphaned parameter
# Find first non-null relationship
for the_relationship in self.__mapper__.relationships:
v = getattr(self, the_relationship.key)
if v:
return v
raise ValueError('orphaned {class_name}: does not have an owner: {name}'.format(
def container(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches
The logical container for this parameter, which would be another model: service, node,
group, or policy (or their templates).
The logical container is equivalent to the ``SELF`` keyword used by intrinsic functions in
*All* parameters should have a container model.
:raises ~exceptions.ValueError: if failed to find a container model, which signifies an
abnormal, orphaned parameter
from . import models
container = self.owner
# Extract interface from operation
if isinstance(container, models.Operation):
container = container.interface
elif isinstance(container, models.OperationTemplate):
container = container.interface_template
# Extract from other models
if isinstance(container, models.Interface):
container = container.node or or container.relationship
elif isinstance(container, models.InterfaceTemplate):
container = container.node_template or container.group_template \
or container.relationship_template
elif isinstance(container, models.Capability) or isinstance(container, models.Artifact):
container = container.node
elif isinstance(container, models.CapabilityTemplate) \
or isinstance(container, models.ArtifactTemplate):
container = container.node_template
elif isinstance(container, models.Task):
container =
# Extract node from relationship
if isinstance(container, models.Relationship):
container = container.source_node
elif isinstance(container, models.RelationshipTemplate):
container = container.requirement_template.node_template
if container is not None:
return container
raise ValueError('orphaned parameter: does not have a container: {0}'.format(
def service(self):
The :class:`~aria.modeling.models.Service` model containing this parameter, or ``None`` if
not contained in a service.
:raises ~exceptions.ValueError: if failed to find a container model, which signifies an
abnormal, orphaned parameter
from . import models
container = self.container
if isinstance(container, models.Service):
return container
elif hasattr(container, 'service'):
return container.service
return None
def service_template(self):
The :class:`~aria.modeling.models.ServiceTemplate` model containing this parameter, or
``None`` if not contained in a service template.
:raises ~exceptions.ValueError: if failed to find a container model, which signifies an
abnormal, orphaned parameter
from . import models
container = self.container
if isinstance(container, models.ServiceTemplate):
return container
elif hasattr(container, 'service_template'):
return container.service_template
return None
def as_raw(self):
return collections.OrderedDict((
('type_name', self.type_name),
('value', self.value),
('description', self.description)))
def unwrapped(self):
return, self.value
def wrap(cls, name, value, description=None):
Wraps an arbitrary value as a parameter. The type will be guessed via introspection.
For primitive types, we will prefer their TOSCA aliases. See the `TOSCA Simple Profile v1.0
cos01 specification <
:param name: parameter name
:type name: basestring
:param value: parameter value
:param description: human-readable description (optional)
:type description: basestring
type_name = canonical_type_name(value)
if type_name is None:
type_name = full_type_name(value)
return cls(name=name, # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
def as_other_parameter_model(self, other_model_cls):
name, value = self.unwrapped
return other_model_cls.wrap(name, value)
def as_argument(self):
from . import models
return self.as_other_parameter_model(models.Argument)