blob: 590c6a0eb1da4bd3cfc4cebe3c9e7daa9e65ecc7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from StringIO import StringIO # Note: cStringIO does not support Unicode
import re
from aria.utils.collections import FrozenList
from aria.utils.formatting import (as_raw, safe_repr)
from aria.utils.type import full_type_name
from aria.parser import implements_specification
from aria.parser.exceptions import InvalidValueError
from aria.parser.validation import Issue
from aria.modeling.exceptions import CannotEvaluateFunctionException
from aria.modeling.models import (Node, NodeTemplate, Relationship, RelationshipTemplate)
from aria.modeling.functions import (Function, Evaluation)
# Intrinsic
@implements_specification('4.3.1', 'tosca-simple-1.0')
class Concat(Function):
The ``concat`` function is used to concatenate two or more string values within a TOSCA
service template.
def __init__(self, context, presentation, argument):
self.locator = presentation._locator
if not isinstance(argument, list):
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "concat" argument must be a list of string expressions: {0}'
string_expressions = []
for index, an_argument in enumerate(argument):
string_expressions.append(parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'concat',
index, None, an_argument))
self.string_expressions = FrozenList(string_expressions)
def as_raw(self):
string_expressions = []
for string_expression in self.string_expressions:
if hasattr(string_expression, 'as_raw'):
string_expression = as_raw(string_expression)
return {'concat': string_expressions}
def __evaluate__(self, container_holder):
final = True
value = StringIO()
for e in self.string_expressions:
e, final = evaluate(e, final, container_holder)
if e is not None:
value = value.getvalue() or u''
return Evaluation(value, final)
@implements_specification('4.3.2', 'tosca-simple-1.0')
class Token(Function):
The ``token`` function is used within a TOSCA service template on a string to parse out
(tokenize) substrings separated by one or more token characters within a larger string.
def __init__(self, context, presentation, argument):
self.locator = presentation._locator
if (not isinstance(argument, list)) or (len(argument) != 3):
raise InvalidValueError('function "token" argument must be a list of 3 parameters: {0}'
self.string_with_tokens = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'token', 0,
'the string to tokenize', argument[0])
self.string_of_token_chars = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'token', 1,
'the token separator characters',
self.substring_index = parse_int(context, presentation, 'token', 2,
'the 0-based index of the token to return', argument[2])
def as_raw(self):
string_with_tokens = self.string_with_tokens
if hasattr(string_with_tokens, 'as_raw'):
string_with_tokens = as_raw(string_with_tokens)
string_of_token_chars = self.string_of_token_chars
if hasattr(string_of_token_chars, 'as_raw'):
string_of_token_chars = as_raw(string_of_token_chars)
return {'token': [string_with_tokens, string_of_token_chars, self.substring_index]}
def __evaluate__(self, container_holder):
final = True
string_with_tokens, final = evaluate(self.string_with_tokens, final, container_holder)
string_of_token_chars, final = evaluate(self.string_of_token_chars, final, container_holder)
if string_of_token_chars:
regex = '[' + ''.join(re.escape(c) for c in string_of_token_chars) + ']'
split = re.split(regex, string_with_tokens)
if self.substring_index < len(split):
return Evaluation(split[self.substring_index], final)
raise CannotEvaluateFunctionException()
# Property
@implements_specification('4.4.1', 'tosca-simple-1.0')
class GetInput(Function):
The ``get_input`` function is used to retrieve the values of properties declared within the
inputs section of a TOSCA Service Template.
def __init__(self, context, presentation, argument):
self.locator = presentation._locator
self.input_property_name = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'get_input',
None, 'the input property name',
if isinstance(self.input_property_name, basestring):
the_input = context.presentation.get_from_dict('service_template', 'topology_template',
'inputs', self.input_property_name)
if the_input is None:
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "get_input" argument is not a valid input name: {0}'
def as_raw(self):
return {'get_input': as_raw(self.input_property_name)}
def __evaluate__(self, container_holder):
service = container_holder.service
if service is None:
raise CannotEvaluateFunctionException()
value = service.inputs.get(self.input_property_name)
if value is not None:
value = value.value
return Evaluation(value, False) # We never return final evaluations!
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "get_input" argument is not a valid input name: {0}'
@implements_specification('4.4.2', 'tosca-simple-1.0')
class GetProperty(Function):
The ``get_property`` function is used to retrieve property values between modelable entities
defined in the same service template.
def __init__(self, context, presentation, argument):
self.locator = presentation._locator
if (not isinstance(argument, list)) or (len(argument) < 2):
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "get_property" argument must be a list of at least 2 string expressions: '
self.modelable_entity_name = parse_modelable_entity_name(context, presentation,
'get_property', 0, argument[0])
# The first of these will be tried as a req-or-cap name:
self.nested_property_name_or_index = argument[1:]
def as_raw(self):
return {'get_property': [self.modelable_entity_name] + self.nested_property_name_or_index}
def __evaluate__(self, container_holder):
modelable_entities = get_modelable_entities(container_holder, 'get_property', self.locator,
req_or_cap_name = self.nested_property_name_or_index[0]
for modelable_entity in modelable_entities:
properties = None
if hasattr(modelable_entity, 'requirement_templates') \
and modelable_entity.requirement_templates \
and (req_or_cap_name in [ for v in modelable_entity.requirement_templates]):
for requirement_template in modelable_entity.requirement_templates:
if == req_or_cap_name:
# First argument refers to a requirement
# TODO: should follow to matched capability in other node...
raise CannotEvaluateFunctionException()
# break
nested_property_name_or_index = self.nested_property_name_or_index[1:]
elif hasattr(modelable_entity, 'capability_templates') \
and modelable_entity.capability_templates \
and (req_or_cap_name in modelable_entity.capability_templates):
# First argument refers to a capability
properties = modelable_entity.capability_templates[req_or_cap_name].properties
nested_property_name_or_index = self.nested_property_name_or_index[1:]
properties =
nested_property_name_or_index = self.nested_property_name_or_index
evaluation = get_modelable_entity_parameter(modelable_entity, properties,
if evaluation is not None:
return evaluation
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "get_property" could not find "{0}" in modelable entity "{1}"'
.format('.'.join(self.nested_property_name_or_index), self.modelable_entity_name),
# Attribute
@implements_specification('4.5.1', 'tosca-simple-1.0')
class GetAttribute(Function):
The ``get_attribute`` function is used to retrieve the values of named attributes declared
by the referenced node or relationship template name.
def __init__(self, context, presentation, argument):
self.locator = presentation._locator
if (not isinstance(argument, list)) or (len(argument) < 2):
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "get_attribute" argument must be a list of at least 2 string expressions:'
' {0}'.format(safe_repr(argument)),
self.modelable_entity_name = parse_modelable_entity_name(context, presentation,
'get_attribute', 0, argument[0])
# The first of these will be tried as a req-or-cap name:
self.nested_attribute_name_or_index = argument[1:]
def as_raw(self):
return {'get_attribute': [self.modelable_entity_name] + self.nested_attribute_name_or_index}
def __evaluate__(self, container_holder):
modelable_entities = get_modelable_entities(container_holder, 'get_attribute', self.locator,
for modelable_entity in modelable_entities:
attributes = modelable_entity.attributes
nested_attribute_name_or_index = self.nested_attribute_name_or_index
evaluation = get_modelable_entity_parameter(modelable_entity, attributes,
if evaluation is not None: = False # We never return final evaluations!
return evaluation
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "get_attribute" could not find "{0}" in modelable entity "{1}"'
.format('.'.join(self.nested_attribute_name_or_index), self.modelable_entity_name),
# Operation
@implements_specification('4.6.1', 'tosca-simple-1.0') # pylint: disable=abstract-method
class GetOperationOutput(Function):
The ``get_operation_output`` function is used to retrieve the values of variables exposed /
exported from an interface operation.
def __init__(self, context, presentation, argument):
self.locator = presentation._locator
if (not isinstance(argument, list)) or (len(argument) != 4):
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "get_operation_output" argument must be a list of 4 parameters: {0}'
self.modelable_entity_name = parse_string_expression(context, presentation,
'get_operation_output', 0,
'modelable entity name', argument[0])
self.interface_name = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'get_operation_output',
1, 'the interface name', argument[1])
self.operation_name = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'get_operation_output',
2, 'the operation name', argument[2])
self.output_variable_name = parse_string_expression(context, presentation,
'get_operation_output', 3,
'the output name', argument[3])
def as_raw(self):
interface_name = self.interface_name
if hasattr(interface_name, 'as_raw'):
interface_name = as_raw(interface_name)
operation_name = self.operation_name
if hasattr(operation_name, 'as_raw'):
operation_name = as_raw(operation_name)
output_variable_name = self.output_variable_name
if hasattr(output_variable_name, 'as_raw'):
output_variable_name = as_raw(output_variable_name)
return {'get_operation_output': [self.modelable_entity_name, interface_name, operation_name,
# Navigation
@implements_specification('4.7.1', 'tosca-simple-1.0')
class GetNodesOfType(Function):
The ``get_nodes_of_type`` function can be used to retrieve a list of all known instances of
nodes of the declared Node Type.
def __init__(self, context, presentation, argument):
self.locator = presentation._locator
self.node_type_name = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'get_nodes_of_type',
None, 'the node type name', argument)
if isinstance(self.node_type_name, basestring):
node_types = context.presentation.get('service_template', 'node_types')
if (node_types is None) or (self.node_type_name not in node_types):
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "get_nodes_of_type" argument is not a valid node type name: {0}'
def as_raw(self):
node_type_name = self.node_type_name
if hasattr(node_type_name, 'as_raw'):
node_type_name = as_raw(node_type_name)
return {'get_nodes_of_type': node_type_name}
def __evaluate__(self, container):
# Artifact
@implements_specification('4.8.1', 'tosca-simple-1.0') # pylint: disable=abstract-method
class GetArtifact(Function):
The ``get_artifact`` function is used to retrieve artifact location between modelable
entities defined in the same service template.
def __init__(self, context, presentation, argument):
self.locator = presentation._locator
if (not isinstance(argument, list)) or (len(argument) < 2) or (len(argument) > 4):
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "get_artifact" argument must be a list of 2 to 4 parameters: {0}'
self.modelable_entity_name = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'get_artifact',
0, 'modelable entity name',
self.artifact_name = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'get_artifact', 1,
'the artifact name', argument[1])
self.location = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, 'get_artifact', 2,
'the location or "LOCAL_FILE"', argument[2])
self.remove = parse_bool(context, presentation, 'get_artifact', 3, 'the removal flag',
def as_raw(self):
artifact_name = self.artifact_name
if hasattr(artifact_name, 'as_raw'):
artifact_name = as_raw(artifact_name)
location = self.location
if hasattr(location, 'as_raw'):
location = as_raw(location)
return {'get_artifacts': [self.modelable_entity_name, artifact_name, location, self.remove]}
# Utils
def get_function(context, presentation, value):
functions = context.presentation.presenter.functions
if isinstance(value, dict) and (len(value) == 1):
key = value.keys()[0]
if key in functions:
return True, functions[key](context, presentation, value[key])
except InvalidValueError as e:
return True, None
return False, None
def parse_string_expression(context, presentation, name, index, explanation, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
is_function, func = get_function(context, presentation, value)
if is_function:
return func
value = str(value)
return value
def parse_int(context, presentation, name, index, explanation, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
if not isinstance(value, int):
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
raise invalid_value(name, index, 'an integer', explanation, value,
return value
def parse_bool(context, presentation, name, index, explanation, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise invalid_value(name, index, 'a boolean', explanation, value, presentation._locator)
return value
def parse_modelable_entity_name(context, presentation, name, index, value):
value = parse_string_expression(context, presentation, name, index, 'the modelable entity name',
if value == 'SELF':
the_self, _ = parse_self(presentation)
if the_self is None:
raise invalid_modelable_entity_name(name, index, value, presentation._locator,
'a node template or a relationship template')
elif value == 'HOST':
_, self_variant = parse_self(presentation)
if self_variant != 'node_template':
raise invalid_modelable_entity_name(name, index, value, presentation._locator,
'a node template')
elif (value == 'SOURCE') or (value == 'TARGET'):
_, self_variant = parse_self(presentation)
if self_variant != 'relationship_template':
raise invalid_modelable_entity_name(name, index, value, presentation._locator,
'a relationship template')
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
node_templates = \
context.presentation.get('service_template', 'topology_template', 'node_templates') \
or {}
relationship_templates = \
context.presentation.get('service_template', 'topology_template',
'relationship_templates') \
or {}
if (value not in node_templates) and (value not in relationship_templates):
raise InvalidValueError(
'function "{0}" parameter {1:d} is not a valid modelable entity name: {2}'
.format(name, index + 1, safe_repr(value)),
locator=presentation._locator, level=Issue.BETWEEN_TYPES)
return value
def parse_self(presentation):
from ..types import (NodeType, RelationshipType)
from ..templates import (
NodeTemplate as NodeTemplatePresentation,
RelationshipTemplate as RelationshipTemplatePresentation
if presentation is None:
return None, None
elif isinstance(presentation, NodeTemplatePresentation) or isinstance(presentation, NodeType):
return presentation, 'node_template'
elif isinstance(presentation, RelationshipTemplatePresentation) \
or isinstance(presentation, RelationshipType):
return presentation, 'relationship_template'
return parse_self(presentation._container)
def evaluate(value, final, container_holder):
Calls ``__evaluate__`` and passes on ``final`` state.
if hasattr(value, '__evaluate__'):
value = value.__evaluate__(container_holder)
if not
final = False
return value.value, final
return value, final
@implements_specification('4.1', 'tosca-simple-1.0')
def get_modelable_entities(container_holder, name, locator, modelable_entity_name):
The following keywords MAY be used in some TOSCA function in place of a TOSCA Node or
Relationship Template name.
if modelable_entity_name == 'SELF':
return get_self(container_holder, name, locator)
elif modelable_entity_name == 'HOST':
return get_hosts(container_holder, name, locator)
elif modelable_entity_name == 'SOURCE':
return get_source(container_holder, name, locator)
elif modelable_entity_name == 'TARGET':
return get_target(container_holder, name, locator)
elif isinstance(modelable_entity_name, basestring):
modelable_entities = []
service = container_holder.service
if service is not None:
for node in service.nodes.itervalues():
if == modelable_entity_name:
service_template = container_holder.service_template
if service_template is not None:
for node_template in service_template.node_templates.itervalues():
if == modelable_entity_name:
if not modelable_entities:
raise CannotEvaluateFunctionException()
return modelable_entities
raise InvalidValueError('function "{0}" could not find modelable entity "{1}"'
.format(name, modelable_entity_name),
def get_self(container_holder, name, locator):
A TOSCA orchestrator will interpret this keyword as the Node or Relationship Template instance
that contains the function at the time the function is evaluated.
container = container_holder.container
if (not isinstance(container, Node)) and \
(not isinstance(container, NodeTemplate)) and \
(not isinstance(container, Relationship)) and \
(not isinstance(container, RelationshipTemplate)):
raise InvalidValueError('function "{0}" refers to "SELF" but it is not contained in '
'a node or a relationship: {1}'.format(name,
return [container]
def get_hosts(container_holder, name, locator):
A TOSCA orchestrator will interpret this keyword to refer to the all nodes that "host" the node
using this reference (i.e., as identified by its HostedOn relationship).
Specifically, TOSCA orchestrators that encounter this keyword when evaluating the get_attribute
or ``get_property`` functions SHALL search each node along the "HostedOn" relationship chain
starting at the immediate node that hosts the node where the function was evaluated (and then
that node's host node, and so forth) until a match is found or the "HostedOn" relationship chain
container = container_holder.container
if (not isinstance(container, Node)) and (not isinstance(container, NodeTemplate)):
raise InvalidValueError('function "{0}" refers to "HOST" but it is not contained in '
'a node: {1}'.format(name, full_type_name(container)),
if not isinstance(container, Node):
# NodeTemplate does not have "host"; we'll wait until instantiation
raise CannotEvaluateFunctionException()
host =
if host is None:
# We might have a host later
raise CannotEvaluateFunctionException()
return [host]
def get_source(container_holder, name, locator):
A TOSCA orchestrator will interpret this keyword as the Node Template instance that is at the
source end of the relationship that contains the referencing function.
container = container_holder.container
if (not isinstance(container, Relationship)) and \
(not isinstance(container, RelationshipTemplate)):
raise InvalidValueError('function "{0}" refers to "SOURCE" but it is not contained in '
'a relationship: {1}'.format(name, full_type_name(container)),
if not isinstance(container, RelationshipTemplate):
# RelationshipTemplate does not have "source_node"; we'll wait until instantiation
raise CannotEvaluateFunctionException()
return [container.source_node]
def get_target(container_holder, name, locator):
A TOSCA orchestrator will interpret this keyword as the Node Template instance that is at the
target end of the relationship that contains the referencing function.
container = container_holder.container
if (not isinstance(container, Relationship)) and \
(not isinstance(container, RelationshipTemplate)):
raise InvalidValueError('function "{0}" refers to "TARGET" but it is not contained in '
'a relationship: {1}'.format(name, full_type_name(container)),
if not isinstance(container, RelationshipTemplate):
# RelationshipTemplate does not have "target_node"; we'll wait until instantiation
raise CannotEvaluateFunctionException()
return [container.target_node]
def get_modelable_entity_parameter(modelable_entity, parameters, nested_parameter_name_or_index):
if not parameters:
return False, True, None
found = True
final = True
value = parameters
for name_or_index in nested_parameter_name_or_index:
if (isinstance(value, dict) and (name_or_index in value)) \
or ((isinstance(value, list) and (name_or_index < len(value)))):
value = value[name_or_index] # Parameter
# We are not using Parameter.value, but rather Parameter._value, because we want to make
# sure to get "final" (it is swallowed by Parameter.value)
value, final = evaluate(value._value, final, value)
found = False
return Evaluation(value, final) if found else None
def invalid_modelable_entity_name(name, index, value, locator, contexts):
return InvalidValueError('function "{0}" parameter {1:d} can be "{2}" only in {3}'
.format(name, index + 1, value, contexts),
locator=locator, level=Issue.FIELD)
def invalid_value(name, index, the_type, explanation, value, locator):
return InvalidValueError(
'function "{0}" {1} is not {2}{3}: {4}'
'parameter {0:d}'.format(index + 1) if index is not None else 'argument',
', {0}'.format(explanation) if explanation is not None else '',
locator=locator, level=Issue.FIELD)