blob: 5751f1e9401f9fb11a743b02e55a9518d467a285 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import type { Chunk } from './chunker';
import type { Seeker } from './seeker';
* Seeks through text counting Unicode *code points* instead of *code units*.
* Javascript characters correspond to 16 bits *code units*, hence two such
* ‘characters’ might together constitute a single Unicode character (i.e. a
* *code point*). The {@link CodePointSeeker} allows to ignore this
* variable-length encoding, by counting code points instead.
* It is made to wrap a {@link Seeker} that counts code units (presumably a
* {@link TextSeeker}), which must be passed to its {@link constructor}.
* When reading from the `CodePointSeeker`, the returned values is not a string
* but an array of strings, each containing one code point (thus each having a
* `length` that is either 1 or 2).
* @public
export class CodePointSeeker<TChunk extends Chunk<string>>
implements Seeker<TChunk, string[]> {
position = 0;
* @param raw The {@link Seeker} to wrap, which counts in code *units* (e.g.
* a {@link TextSeeker}). It should have {@link Seeker.position | position}
* `0` and its methods must no longer be used directly if the
* `CodePointSeeker`’s position is to remain correct.
constructor(public readonly raw: Seeker<TChunk>) {}
seekBy(length: number): void {
this.seekTo(this.position + length);
seekTo(target: number): void {
this._readOrSeekTo(false, target);
read(length: number, roundUp?: boolean): string[] {
return this.readTo(this.position + length, roundUp);
readTo(target: number, roundUp?: boolean): string[] {
return this._readOrSeekTo(true, target, roundUp);
get currentChunk(): TChunk {
return this.raw.currentChunk;
get offsetInChunk(): number {
return this.raw.offsetInChunk;
seekToChunk(target: TChunk, offset = 0): void {
this._readOrSeekToChunk(false, target, offset);
readToChunk(target: TChunk, offset = 0): string[] {
return this._readOrSeekToChunk(true, target, offset);
private _readOrSeekToChunk(
read: true,
target: TChunk,
offset?: number,
): string[];
private _readOrSeekToChunk(
read: false,
target: TChunk,
offset?: number,
): void;
private _readOrSeekToChunk(read: boolean, target: TChunk, offset = 0) {
const oldRawPosition = this.raw.position;
let s = this.raw.readToChunk(target, offset);
const movedForward = this.raw.position >= oldRawPosition;
if (movedForward && endsWithinCharacter(s)) {
s = s.slice(0, -1);
} else if (!movedForward && startsWithinCharacter(s)) {
s = s.slice(1);
const result = [...s];
this.position = movedForward
? this.position + result.length
: this.position - result.length;
if (read) return result;
private _readOrSeekTo(
read: true,
target: number,
roundUp?: boolean,
): string[];
private _readOrSeekTo(read: false, target: number, roundUp?: boolean): void;
private _readOrSeekTo(
read: boolean,
target: number,
roundUp = false,
): string[] | void {
let result: string[] = [];
if (this.position < target) {
let unpairedSurrogate = '';
let characters: string[] = [];
while (this.position < target) {
let s = unpairedSurrogate +, true);
if (endsWithinCharacter(s)) {
unpairedSurrogate = s.slice(-1); // consider this half-character part of the next string.
s = s.slice(0, -1);
} else {
unpairedSurrogate = '';
characters = [...s];
this.position += characters.length;
if (read) result = result.concat(characters);
if (unpairedSurrogate) this.raw.seekBy(-1); // align with the last complete character.
if (!roundUp && this.position > target) {
const overshootInCodePoints = this.position - target;
const overshootInCodeUnits = characters
this.position -= overshootInCodePoints;
} else {
// Nearly equal to the if-block, but moving backward in the text.
let unpairedSurrogate = '';
let characters: string[] = [];
while (this.position > target) {
let s =, true) + unpairedSurrogate;
if (startsWithinCharacter(s)) {
unpairedSurrogate = s[0];
s = s.slice(1);
} else {
unpairedSurrogate = '';
characters = [...s];
this.position -= characters.length;
if (read) result = characters.concat(result);
if (unpairedSurrogate) this.raw.seekBy(1);
if (!roundUp && this.position < target) {
const overshootInCodePoints = target - this.position;
const overshootInCodeUnits = characters
.slice(0, overshootInCodePoints)
this.position += overshootInCodePoints;
if (read) return result;
function endsWithinCharacter(s: string) {
const codeUnit = s.charCodeAt(s.length - 1);
return 0xd800 <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= 0xdbff;
function startsWithinCharacter(s: string) {
const codeUnit = s.charCodeAt(0);
return 0xdc00 <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= 0xdfff;