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<h1><a href="">Apache Annotator</a> <small>(incubating)</small></h1>
<h1>Selector Demonstration</h1>
<p>This page demonstrates Web Annotation
<a href="" target="_blank">Selectors</a>,
standardised JSON objects that describe a selection inside a document with sufficient information to find it back.</p>
<p>This demo’s source code can be found <a href=";a=tree;hb=HEAD;f=web">in the project repo</a> (also mirrored <a href="">on GitHub</a>)</p>
<div class="columns full-width">
<div class="column">
<h2>Select text here</h2>
<p id="source" contenteditable>Hello, <em>annotated world!</em> 🙂 <b>To annotate, or <em>not</em> to annotate</b>, that is the question.</p>
<p>Try selecting some text in this paragraph above.
Upon a change of selection, a
<a rel="external" href="" target="_blank">TextQuoteSelector</a>
will be created, that describes what was selected.</p>
<form id="form">
The selector can work either
<input type="radio" name="describeMode" value="TextQuote" id="describeModeTextQuote" checked>
<label for="describeModeTextQuote">by quoting the selected text</label>; or
<input type="radio" name="describeMode" value="TextPosition" id="describeModeTextPosition">
<label for="describeModeTextPosition">by counting the selected characters’ position in the text</label>.
<div class="column">
<h2>Text is found here</h2>
<p id="target" contenteditable><em>Hello, annotated</em> world! 🙂 To annotate, or not to annotate, <b><em>that</em> is the question.</b></p>
<p>The selector is ‘anchored’ here: the segment it describes is found and highlighted.</p>
<div class="column" style="min-width: 20em;">
<h2>The selector as JSON:</h2>
<pre id="info"></pre>
<p>Here are other selectors you can anchor in the text above:</p>
<li><a href="#" data-run-example="0">An ambiguous selector (i.e. with multiple matches)</a>
<a href="#" data-run-example="1">RangeSelector</a>
(<a href="" target="_blank">spec</a>)
<a href="#" data-run-example="2">Refining a selector using another selector</a>
(<a href="" target="blank">spec</a>)
<li><a href="#" data-run-example="3">Any deeper nesting of the above</a>