blob: 2f43600521051c5aef473b5a04bd649873aa82d9 [file] [log] [blame]
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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import { assert } from 'chai';
import { createTextQuoteSelectorMatcher } from '../src/text-quote/match';
import { TextQuoteSelector } from '../../selector/src';
const domParser = new window.DOMParser();
const testCases: {
[name: string]: {
html: string,
selector: TextQuoteSelector,
expected: RangeInfo[],
} = {
"simple": {
html: `<b>lorem ipsum dolor amet yada yada</b>`,
selector: {
type: 'TextQuoteSelector',
exact: 'dolor am',
expected: [
startContainer: '//b/text()',
startOffset: 12,
endContainer: '//b/text()',
endOffset: 20,
describe('createTextQuoteSelectorMatcher', () => {
for (const [name, { html, selector, expected }] of Object.entries(testCases)) {
it(`works for case: '${name}'`, async () => {
const doc = domParser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
const matcher = createTextQuoteSelectorMatcher(selector);
const matches = await asyncIterableToArray(matcher(doc.body));
assert.deepEqual( => canonicalRangeSerialisation(range)), => canonicalRangeSerialisation(info, doc)),
// RangeInfo encodes a Range’s start&end containers as XPaths.
type RangeInfo = {
startContainer: string,
startOffset: number,
endContainer: string,
endOffset: number,
function canonicalRangeSerialisation(range: Range): RangeInfo
function canonicalRangeSerialisation(range: RangeInfo, doc: Document): RangeInfo
function canonicalRangeSerialisation(range: Range | RangeInfo, doc?: Document): RangeInfo {
if (!('collapsed' in range)) {
// range is already serialised; re-serialise to ensure it is canonical.
return {
startContainer: createXPath(evaluateXPathOne(doc, range.startContainer)),
endContainer: createXPath(evaluateXPathOne(doc, range.endContainer)),
return {
startContainer: createXPath(range.startContainer),
startOffset: range.startOffset,
endContainer: createXPath(range.endContainer),
endOffset: range.endOffset,
function infoToRange(info: RangeInfo | Range, doc: Document): Range {
if ('collapsed' in info) return info;
const range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(evaluateXPathOne(doc, info.startContainer), info.startOffset);
range.setEnd(evaluateXPathOne(doc, info.startContainer), info.startOffset);
async function asyncIterableToArray<T>(source: AsyncIterable<T>): Promise<T[]> {
const values = [];
for await (const value of source) {
return values;
// Return an XPath expression for the given node.
function createXPath(node: Node): string { // wrap the actual function with a self-test.
const result = _createXPath(node);
try {
const selfCheck = evaluateXPathAll(node.ownerDocument || node as Document, result);
assert.deepEqual(selfCheck, [node]);
} catch (err) {`Test suite itself created an incorrect XPath: '${result}'`);
return result;
function _createXPath(node: Node): string {
let path = ''
while (node.parentNode !== null) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
const name = (node as Element).tagName.toLowerCase();
const matchingElements = evaluateXPathAll(node.ownerDocument || node as Document, `//${name}`);
if (matchingElements.length > 1)
return `//${name}[${matchingElements.indexOf(node) + 1}]${path}`;
return `//${name}${path}`;
const childIndex = [...node.parentNode.childNodes].indexOf(node as ChildNode);
const xpathNodeTypes = {
[Node.COMMENT_NODE]: 'comment',
[Node.TEXT_NODE]: 'text',
[Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE]: 'processing-instruction',
const nodeType = xpathNodeTypes[node.nodeType] || 'node';
path = `/${nodeType}()[${childIndex + 1}]` + path;
node = node.parentNode;
return path;
function evaluateXPathAll(doc: Document, xpath: string): Node[] {
const result = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE);
return new Array(result.snapshotLength).fill(undefined).map((_, i) => result.snapshotItem(i));
function evaluateXPathOne(doc: Document, xpath: string): Node {
const nodes = evaluateXPathAll(doc, xpath);
assert.equal(nodes.length, 1,
`Test suite contains XPath with ${nodes.length} results instead of 1: '${xpath}'`
return nodes[0];