Move logo into images/

Prepping for more images.
2 files changed
tree: 1ef017cba1f972267dca5e9a23a7796669230396
  1. .github/
  2. content/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .gitmodules
  5. package.json
  7. yarn.lock

Apache Annotator (incubating) Website

The site is currently in static HTML hosted out of the content/ directory.

Any pre-generated/rendered content or documentation should be added to additional folders in the root of this repo.


The asf-site branch gets published to an Apache HTTPD static hosting environment run by the Apache infrastructure team.

To update the demo, update the submodule (git submodule update --remote), rebuild (yarn build; in this repo, not inside the submodule), and commit the changes it made in content/.



This website repository contains the main project repository as a git submodule, in order to build its demo without duplicating the code.

Run git submodule init && git submodule update --remote to pull in the submodule.

Run yarn install to install development dependencies.

Run yarn build to build the demo code (it will overwrite content/demo).


We also use the Milestones for this repo on GitHub to track our quarterly board reports.

Web site issues and PRs are still more than welcome, though!


Apache License 2.0 (obviously...:wink:)