blob: ed9777128ce1360ab923d0f92a7da737313d4983 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// all scripts run with base directory as frontend
include_once '../util/Logger.php';
include_once '../conf/';
include_once 'localDirs.php';
include_once "../util/lock.php";
include_once '../db/HMCDBAccessor.php';
include_once "../util/HMCTxnUtils.php";
include_once "commandUtils.php";
include_once '../util/util.php';
// this script will write to TransactionStatus table the following:
// 1. txn-id -> describes state sshable, discoverable, bootstrapable
// 2. status_info blob -> specific errors for the state
// initial setup
$logger = new HMCLogger("sequentialScriptExecutor");
$dbHandle = new HMCDBAccessor($GLOBALS["DB_PATH"]);
function updateProgressForStage($clusterName, $rootTxnId, $orchestratorTxnId,
$mySubTxnId, $operationName, $numTotalNodes) {
global $logger, $dbHandle, $stagesInfo;
$clusterDir = getClusterDir($clusterName);
$commandOutputDir = $clusterDir . $operationName . "/";
$numNodesFailed = 0;
$numNodesSucceeded = 0;
$additionalInfo = array();
$foundDir = FALSE;
if (is_dir($commandOutputDir) && $dirHandle = opendir($commandOutputDir)) {
if (!$foundDir) {
$logger->log_debug($commandOutputDir . " exists finally ");
$foundDir = TRUE;
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dirHandle))) {
if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") {
// Only consider .out files
if(!preg_match("/.out/", $entry)) {
$nodeName = basename($entry, ".out");
$doneFile = $commandOutputDir . $nodeName . ".done";
if (file_exists($doneFile)) {
// Read the contents of the done-file
$doneFileContents = file_get_contents($doneFile);
if (trim($doneFileContents) == "0") {
$additionalInfo[$nodeName] = "Successful with no errors.";
} else {
// Let's read the errors
$errorFile = $commandOutputDir . $nodeName . ".err";
$errorFileContents = file_get_contents($errorFile);
$additionalInfo[$nodeName] = "Failed. Reason: $errorFileContents";
} else {
$logger->log_debug( $commandOutputDir . " still doesn't exist");
$logger->log_debug(" Current operation is $operationName and commandOutput dir: $commandOutputDir");
$logger->log_debug(" total nodes: $numTotalNodes, succeeded: $numNodesSucceeded, failed: $numNodesFailed");
$progressState = generateNodeActionProgress($numTotalNodes, $numNodesSucceeded, $numNodesFailed, "succeeded");
$logger->log_debug(" Current progressState is ".$progressState);
$state = json_encode($additionalInfo); $description = $stagesInfo[$operationName]["description"]; $progress = $progressState; $subTxnType = "";
$subTransactionReturnValue = $dbHandle->insertOrUpdateSubTransaction($clusterName, $orchestratorTxnId, $mySubTxnId, $orchestratorTxnId, $state, $description, $progress, $subTxnType );
if ($subTransactionReturnValue["result"] != 0 ) {
$logger->log_error("Got error while creating subTxn: ".$subTransactionReturnValue["error"]);
print json_encode($subTransactionReturnValue);
$clusterName = $argv[1];
$deployUser = $argv[2];
$rootTxnId = $argv[3];
$readFromFile = $argv[4];
$stagesFile = $argv[5];
include_once $stagesFile;
$logger->log_debug("Sequential runner params: $clusterName, $deployUser, $rootTxnId, $readFromFile, $stagesFile");
// Create a sub-txn for the orchestrator
$status = "";
$createTxResult = HMCTxnUtils::createNewTransaction($dbHandle, $clusterName, $status);
if ($createTxResult == FALSE) {
$logger->log_error("Failed to create new transaction " . " in background: $createTxResult\n");
$orchestratorTxnId = $createTxResult;
$logger->log_debug("Txn Id: $orchestratorTxnId\n");
$state = ""; $description = "sequentialScriptExecutor"; $progress = ""; $subTxnType = "";
$subTransactionReturnValue = $dbHandle->insertOrUpdateSubTransaction($clusterName, $rootTxnId, $orchestratorTxnId, $rootTxnId, $state, $description, $progress, $subTxnType );
if ($subTransactionReturnValue["result"] != 0 ) {
$logger->log_error("Got error while creating subTxn for sequentialScriptExecutor: ".$subTransactionReturnValue["error"]);
print json_encode($subTransactionReturnValue);
$logger->log_debug("sequentialScriptExecutor txnId: $orchestratorTxnId\n");
$startTime = time(0);
$cmd = "";
$currentStage = "";
$statusInfo = "";
$count = 0;
$thisHostName = trim(strtolower(exec('hostname -f')));
// Add the host which runs the server to the list
function addThisHostToList($hosts, $logger, $thisHostName, $readFromFile) {
$result = array();
foreach($hosts as $host) {
array_push($result, $host);
if ($thisHostName == $host) {
$logger->log_debug("Management host $thisHostName exists".
" in the hosts file");
return $hosts;
$outFd = fopen($readFromFile, "a");
if ($outFd == FALSE) {
$logger->log_error("Failed to add the hmc host to the nodes file");
return $result;
fwrite($outFd, "\n".$thisHostName);
array_push($result, $thisHostName);
return $result;
$hosts = readHostsFile($readFromFile);
$hosts = convertToLowerCase($hosts);
$logger->log_debug("The hosts after converting to lower case ".print_r($hosts, true));
// Only add this host to list if the db does not have that host already.
$checkThisHostInDB = $dbHandle->getHostInfo($clusterName, $thisHostName);
$logger->log_debug("Host Info in DB ".print_r($checkThisHostInDB, true));
if ($checkThisHostInDB["result"] != 0) {
$logger->log_info($thisHostName . "not found in DB so adding it to the list of hosts");
$hosts = addThisHostToList($hosts, $logger, $thisHostName, $readFromFile);
$hosts = convertToLowerCase($hosts);
$logger->log_debug("The hosts that are being sshed to are ".print_r($hosts, true));
$allHosts = $hosts; // Keep a copy in case
foreach ($stagesInfo as $stage => $stageInfo) {
// create a new subtransaction for each stage
$mySubTxnId = 100 + $count;
$state = ""; $description = $stagesInfo[$stage]["description"]; $progress = ": starting"; $subTxnType = "";
$subTransactionReturnValue = $dbHandle->insertOrUpdateSubTransaction($clusterName, $orchestratorTxnId, $mySubTxnId, $orchestratorTxnId, $state, $description, $progress, $subTxnType );
if ($subTransactionReturnValue["result"] != 0 ) {
$logger->log_error("Got error while creating subTxn: ".$subTransactionReturnValue["error"]);
print json_encode($subTransactionReturnValue);
$currentStage = $stage;
// SubTxn is created. Set start op_status
$updateSubTransactionStatusResult = $dbHandle->updateSubTransactionOpStatus($clusterName, $orchestratorTxnId, $mySubTxnId, $opStatus);
if ($updateSubTransactionStatusResult["result"] != 0 ) {
$logger->log_error("Got error while updating subTxn: ".$updateSubTransactionStatusResult["error"]);
print json_encode($updateSubTransactionStatusResult);
// If the host list is empty, say because of failures in previous stage, no point carrying it on..
$hostCount = count($hosts);
if ($hostCount == 0) {
$logger->log_info("Skipping stage " . $stage . " as no valid hosts available");
continue; // so that all stages can get marked as failures
$cmd = $GLOBALS["PHP_EXEC_PATH"]." ".$stagesInfo[$stage]["scriptName"];
$args = "$clusterName $deployUser $rootTxnId $mySubTxnId $orchestratorTxnId " . $readFromFile;
$execBackgroundResult = HMCTxnUtils::execBackgroundProcess($dbHandle, $clusterName, $rootTxnId, $cmd, $args, "" );
if ($execBackgroundResult == FALSE) {
$logger->log_error("Failed to execute $currentStage".
" in background: $execBackgroundResult\n");
$allSubTransactionsInfoResult = $dbHandle->getAllSubTransactionsInfo($clusterName, $orchestratorTxnId);
if ($allSubTransactionsInfoResult["result"] != 0 ) {
$logger->log_error("Got error while getting subTxnInfo: ".$allSubTransactionsInfoResult["error"]);
print json_encode($allSubTransactionsInfoResult);
if (count($allSubTransactionsInfoResult["subTxns"]) != $count) {
$logger->log_info("Still waiting ");
//$mySubTxnId = '"'.$mySubTxnId.'"';
// $logger->log_error(" sequentialScriptExecutors sub txns " . json_encode($allSubTransactionsInfoResult));
$successStatus = "SUCCESS";
$errorStatus = "FAILED";
$totalFailedStatus = "TOTALFAILURE";
$currentStatus = $allSubTransactionsInfoResult["subTxns"][$mySubTxnId]["opStatus"];
while ( $currentStatus != $successStatus && $currentStatus != $errorStatus
&& $currentStatus != $totalFailedStatus) {
$allSubTransactionsInfoResult = $dbHandle->getAllSubTransactionsInfo($clusterName, $orchestratorTxnId);
if ($allSubTransactionsInfoResult["result"] != 0 ) {
$logger->log_error("Got error while getting subTxnInfo: ".$allSubTransactionsInfoResult["error"]);
print json_encode($allSubTransactionsInfoResult);
$currentStatus = $allSubTransactionsInfoResult["subTxns"][$mySubTxnId]["opStatus"];
//$logger->log_debug(" sequentialScriptExecutors sub txns " . json_encode($allSubTransactionsInfoResult));
$logger->log_debug("Host count is $hostCount");
if ($currentStatus != $successStatus && $currentStatus != $errorStatus
&& $currentStatus != $totalFailedStatus) {
updateProgressForStage($clusterName, $rootTxnId,
$orchestratorTxnId, $mySubTxnId, $stage, $hostCount);
//$logger->log_debug("Status we are seeing: " . $currentStatus . " txnId: " . $orchestratorTxnId . " subTxnId " . $mySubTxnId);
// Just in case, the command finished too fast and the while loop is skipped.
updateProgressForStage($clusterName, $rootTxnId, $orchestratorTxnId, $mySubTxnId, $stage, $hostCount);
$logger->log_debug("Came out of the launch for stage " . $currentStage . "\n");
if ($currentStatus == $totalFailedStatus) {
$logger->log_error("Encountered total failure in transaction $mySubTxnId" .
" while running cmd: $cmd with args: $args");
////////// Construct the host list needed for next stage ////////////
$nextStageHosts = array();
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
////// Get info about this node from db ////
$hostInfo = $dbHandle->getHostInfo($clusterName,$host);
if ($hostInfo["result"] != 0 ) {
$logger->log_error("Got error while getting hostInfo for $host :" .$hostInfo["error"]);
if ($hostInfo["discoveryStatus"] == "SUCCESS") {
$nextStageHosts[] = $host;
// need to provide this list of hosts to the next phase through the hosts.txt
$fp = fopen($readFromFile, "w");
foreach ($nextStageHosts as $nextStageHost) {
fwrite($fp, $nextStageHost."\n");
// Change the host list to weed-out bad nodes.
$hosts = $nextStageHosts;
////////// End of constructructing the host list needed for next stage ////////////