blob: d7f7c1a212e665f7cd4acbc03ce87bd05848224f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
include_once '../util/Logger.php';
include_once '../conf/';
include_once "../util/lock.php";
include_once '../db/HMCDBAccessor.php';
include_once "../orchestrator/HMC.php";
include_once "../orchestrator/Service.php";
include_once "../orchestrator/ServiceComponent.php";
include_once "../db/Transaction.php";
include_once "../db/OrchestratorDB.php";
include_once "../puppet/DBReader.php";
include_once "../puppet/PuppetInvoker.php";
include_once "configUtils.php";
include_once '../util/suggestProperties.php';
include_once "../util/clusterState.php";
function performServiceManagement( $hmc, $requestObj )
global $logger;
global $dbAccessor;
global $clusterName;
/* What we're here to return. */
$serviceManagementResult = array();
$action = $requestObj['action'];
$serviceNames = array_keys($requestObj['services']);
switch( $action )
case 'startAll':
$serviceManagementResult = $hmc->startAllServices();
case 'stopAll':
$serviceManagementResult = $hmc->stopAllServices();
case 'start':
if( count($serviceNames) > 0 ) {
$serviceManagementResult = $hmc->startServices( $serviceNames );
case 'stop':
if( count($serviceNames) > 0 ) {
$serviceManagementResult = $hmc->stopServices( $serviceNames );
case 'reconfigure':
if( count($serviceNames) > 0 ) {
/* Read additional data from $requestObj and update the DB
* accordingly before attempting to call $hmc->reconfigureServices().
// re-using persistConfigs code
$finalProperties = sanitizeConfigs($requestObj['services'], $logger);
$serviceManagementResult = validateAndPersistConfigsFromUser($dbAccessor, $logger, $clusterName, $finalProperties);
if ($serviceManagementResult['result'] != 0) {
$logger->log_error("Failed to validate configs from user, error=" . $serviceManagementResult["error"]);
return $serviceManagementResult;
/* Also, remember to save a snapshot of the outgoing service
* config in the 'ConfigHistory' table.
$changeMsg = "Reconfiguring services, list=" . implode(",", $serviceNames);
$serviceManagementResult = $dbAccessor->createServiceConfigSnapshot($clusterName, $changeMsg);
if ($serviceManagementResult['result'] != 0) {
$logger->log_error("Failed to create config snapshot in DB, error=" . $serviceManagementResult["error"]);
return $serviceManagementResult;
$serviceManagementResult = $hmc->reconfigureServices( $serviceNames );
$logger->log_error( "Unrecognized action '" . $action . "' requested" );
$serviceManagementResult = array ( "result" => -1 , "error" => "Invalid action, action=" . $action);
return $serviceManagementResult;
$dbPath = $GLOBALS["DB_PATH"];
$clusterName = $_GET['clusterName'];
/* For returning in our JSON at the very end. */
$result = 0;
$error = "";
$txnId = -1;
$logger = new HMCLogger("ManageServices");
$dbAccessor = new HMCDBAccessor($dbPath);
$clusterStateResponse = $dbAccessor->getClusterState($clusterName);
if ($clusterStateResponse['result'] != 0) {
print json_encode($clusterStateResponse);
$clusterState = json_decode($clusterStateResponse['state'], true);
/* Perform the actual management only if this cluster is in a deployed state
* (regardless of whether the deploy was a success or failure).
if ($clusterState['state'] == 'DEPLOYED') {
$hmc = new HMC($dbPath, $clusterName);
/* Slurp in the POST body. */
$requestData = file_get_contents('php://input');
$requestObj = json_decode($requestData, true);
/* The Main Event. */
$serviceManagementResult = performServiceManagement($hmc, $requestObj);
if ($serviceManagementResult["result"] != 0 ) {
$logger->log_error("Failed to take an action in manage services, error=" . $serviceManagementResult["error"]);
print json_encode($serviceManagementResult);
$txnId = $serviceManagementResult["txnId"];
/* (And when we kick off the management action is the only time to update the
* state of the cluster).
$displayName = "Service management in progress";
$context = array (
'txnId' => $txnId,
/* We've come here only if the cluster is in the "DEPLOYED" state, so the
* state we stash is the state at the end of the deploy - we'll restore
* this state at the end of the service management action.
'stashedDeployState' => $clusterState
$retval = updateClusterState($clusterName, $state, $displayName, $context);
if ($retval['result'] != 0) {
$result = $retval['result'];
$error = $retval['error'];
/* In case a management operation is already running, just return the txnId
* from the DB instead of kicking off a fresh managemen action - this is so
* we can try and preclude multiple managements occurring in parallel.
elseif ($clusterState['state'] == 'SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_IN_PROGRESS') {
$txnId = $clusterState['context']['txnId'];
/* Create the output data... */
$jsonOutput = array(
'clusterName' => $clusterName,
'txnId' => $txnId
/* ...and spit it out. */
header("Content-type: application/json");
print (json_encode(array("result" => $result, "error" => $error, "response" => $jsonOutput)));