blob: 8618e8c94ceba64b83bd66721b1bf452dfd2b968 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
define hdp::package(
$ensure = present,
$package_type = undef,
$size = 64,
$java_needed = true,
$lzo_needed = false
$pt = $package_type ? {
undef => $name,
default => $package_type
hdp::package::process_pkg { $name:
ensure => $ensure,
package_type => $pt,
size => $size,
java_needed => $java_needed,
lzo_needed => $lzo_needed
define hdp::package::process_pkg(
$ensure = present,
debug("##Processing package: $ensure,$package_type,$size,$java_needed,$lzo_needed")
include hdp::params
if hdp_is_empty($hdp::params::alt_package_names[$package_type]) {
hdp_fail("No packages for $package_type")
if hdp_is_empty($hdp::params::alt_package_names[$package_type][$size]) {
if hdp_is_empty($hdp::params::alt_package_names[$package_type][ALL]) {
hdp_fail("No packages for $package_type")
else {
$packages_list_by_size = $hdp::params::alt_package_names[$package_type][ALL]
else {
$packages_list_by_size = $hdp::params::alt_package_names[$package_type][$size]
if hdp_is_empty($packages_list_by_size[$hdp::params::hdp_os_type]) {
if hdp_is_empty($packages_list_by_size[ALL]) {
hdp_fail("No packages for $package_type")
else {
$packages_list = $packages_list_by_size[ALL]
else {
$packages_list = $packages_list_by_size[$hdp::params::hdp_os_type]
debug("##Packages list: $packages_list")
if (($java_needed == true) and ($ensure == 'present')){
hdp::java::package{ $name:
size => $size
if (($lzo_needed == true) and ($ensure == 'present')){
Hdp::Lzo::Package<|title == $size|>
if ($ensure == 'uninstalled') {
$ensure_actual = 'purged'
} else {
$ensure_actual = $ensure
$tag = regsubst($name,' ','-',G)
if $packages_list != $hdp::params::NOTHING {
package{ $packages_list:
ensure => $ensure_actual,
tag => $tag
anchor{ "hdp::package::${name}::begin": } -> Package<|tag == $tag|> -> anchor{ "hdp::package::${name}::end": }
if (($java_needed == true)and ($ensure == 'present')) {
Anchor["hdp::package::${name}::begin"] -> Hdp::Java::Package[$name] -> Anchor["hdp::package::${name}::end"]
# Removes the specified package using shell command appropriate for current OS type.
# Method DOES NOT resolve package name via hdp::params.
# If package does not exist or is not installed, command does nothing.
define hdp::package::remove_pkg(
# TODO: For non-rpm based systems, provide appropriate command
exec { "remove_package ${package_type}":
path => "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
command => $hdp::params::hdp_os_type ? {
default => "rpm -e --allmatches ${package_type} ; true"