blob: 06cbe6e4af022c675d6573703c80e66d86ae87e7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class hdp(
$service_state = undef,
$pre_installed_pkgs = undef
import 'params.pp'
include hdp::params
Exec { logoutput => 'on_failure' }
group { $hdp::params::user_group :
ensure => present
#TODO: think not needed and also there seems to be a puppet bug around this and ldap
hdp::user { $hdp::params::hadoop_user:
gid => $hdp::params::user_group
Group[$hdp::params::user_group] -> Hdp::User[$hdp::params::hadoop_user]
class { 'hdp::snmp': service_state => 'running'}
class { 'hdp::create_smoke_user': }
if ($pre_installed_pkgs != undef) {
class { 'hdp::pre_install_pkgs': }
#turns off selinux
class { 'hdp::set_selinux': }
if ($service_state != 'uninstalled') {
if ($hdp::params::lzo_enabled == true) {
@hdp::lzo::package{ 32:}
@hdp::lzo::package{ 64:}
#TODO: treat consistently
if ($service_state != 'uninstalled') {
if ($hdp::params::snappy_enabled == true) {
include hdp::snappy::package
Hdp::Package<|title == 'hadoop 32'|> -> Hdp::Package<|title == 'hbase'|>
Hdp::Package<|title == 'hadoop 64'|> -> Hdp::Package<|title == 'hbase'|>
#TODO: just for testing
class{ 'hdp::iptables':
ensure => stopped,
hdp::package{ 'glibc':
ensure => 'present',
size => $size,
java_needed => false,
lzo_needed => false
class hdp::pre_install_pkgs
if ($service_state == 'installed_and_configured') {
hdp::exec{ 'yum install $pre_installed_pkgs':
command => "yum install -y $pre_installed_pkgs"
} elsif ($service_state == 'uninstalled') {
hdp::exec{ 'yum erase $pre_installed_pkgs':
command => "yum erase -y $pre_installed_pkgs"
class hdp::create_smoke_user()
$smoke_group = $hdp::params::smoke_user_group
$smoke_user = $hdp::params::smokeuser
$security_enabled = $hdp::params::security_enabled
group { $smoke_group :
ensure => present
hdp::user { $smoke_user:}
$cmd = "usermod -g $smoke_group $smoke_user"
$check_group_cmd = "id -gn $smoke_user | grep $smoke_group"
hdp::exec{ $cmd:
command => $cmd,
unless => $check_group_cmd
if ($security_enabled == true) {
$secure_uid = $hdp::params::smoketest_user_secure_uid
$cmd_set_uid = "usermod -u ${secure_uid} ${smoke_user}"
$cmd_set_uid_check = "id -u ${smoke_user} | grep ${secure_uid}"
hdp::exec{ $cmd_set_uid:
command => $cmd_set_uid,
unless => $cmd_set_uid_check,
require => Hdp::User[$smoke_user]
Group[$smoke_group] -> Hdp::User[$smoke_user] -> Hdp::Exec[$cmd]
class hdp::set_selinux()
$cmd = "/bin/echo 0 > /selinux/enforce"
hdp::exec{ $cmd:
command => $cmd,
unless => "head -n 1 /selinux/enforce | grep ^0$",
onlyif => "test -f /selinux/enforce"
define hdp::user(
$gid = $hdp::params::user_group,
$just_validate = undef
$user_info = $hdp::params::user_info[$name]
if ($just_validate != undef) {
$just_val = $just_validate
} elsif (($user_info == undef) or ("|${user_info}|" == '||')){ #tests for different versions of Puppet
$just_val = false
} else {
$just_val = $user_info[just_validate]
if ($just_val == true) {
exec { "user ${name} exists":
command => "su - ${name} -c 'ls /dev/null' >/dev/null 2>&1",
path => ['/bin']
} else {
user { $name:
ensure => present,
managehome => true,
gid => $gid, #TODO either remove this to support LDAP env or fix it
shell => '/bin/bash'
define hdp::directory(
$owner = $hdp::params::hadoop_user,
$group = $hdp::params::user_group,
$mode = undef,
$ensure = directory,
$force = undef,
$service_state = 'running'
if (($service_state == 'uninstalled') and ($wipeoff_data == true)) {
file { $name :
ensure => absent,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $mode,
force => $force
} elsif ($service_state != 'uninstalled') {
file { $name :
ensure => present,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $mode,
force => $force
#TODO: check on -R flag and use of recurse
define hdp::directory_recursive_create(
$owner = $hdp::params::hadoop_user,
$group = $hdp::params::user_group,
$mode = undef,
$context_tag = undef,
$ensure = directory,
$force = undef,
$service_state = 'running'
hdp::exec {"mkdir -p ${name}" :
command => "mkdir -p ${name}",
creates => $name
#to take care of setting ownership and mode
hdp::directory { $name :
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $mode,
ensure => $ensure,
force => $force,
service_state => $service_state
Hdp::Exec["mkdir -p ${name}"] -> Hdp::Directory[$name]
define hdp::directory_recursive_create_ignore_failure(
$owner = $hdp::params::hadoop_user,
$group = $hdp::params::user_group,
$mode = undef,
$context_tag = undef,
$ensure = directory,
$force = undef,
$service_state = 'running'
hdp::exec {"mkdir -p ${name} ; exit 0" :
command => "mkdir -p ${name} ; chown ${owner}:${group} ${name}; chmod ${mode} ${name} ; exit 0",
creates => $name
### helper to do exec
define hdp::exec(
$refreshonly = undef,
$unless = undef,
$onlyif = undef,
$path = $hdp::params::exec_path,
$user = undef,
$creates = undef,
$tries = 1,
$timeout = 300,
$try_sleep = undef,
$initial_wait = undef,
$logoutput = 'on_failure',
$cwd = undef
if (($initial_wait != undef) and ($initial_wait != "undef")) {
#passing in creates and unless so dont have to wait if condition has been acheived already
hdp::wait { "service ${name}" :
wait_time => $initial_wait,
creates => $creates,
unless => $unless,
onlyif => $onlyif,
path => $path
exec { $name :
command => $command,
refreshonly => $refreshonly,
path => $path,
user => $user,
creates => $creates,
unless => $unless,
onlyif => $onlyif,
tries => $tries,
timeout => $timeout,
try_sleep => $try_sleep,
logoutput => $logoutput,
cwd => $cwd
anchor{ "hdp::exec::${name}::begin":} -> Exec[$name] -> anchor{ "hdp::exec::${name}::end":}
if (($initial_wait != undef) and ($initial_wait != "undef")) {
Anchor["hdp::exec::${name}::begin"] -> Hdp::Wait["service ${name}"] -> Exec[$name]
#### utilities for waits
define hdp::wait(
$creates = undef,
$unless = undef,
$onlyif = undef,
$path = undef #used for unless
exec { "wait ${name} ${wait_time}" :
command => "/bin/sleep ${wait_time}",
creates => $creates,
unless => $unless,
onlyif => $onlyif,
path => $path
##### temp
class hdp::iptables($ensure)
#TODO: just temp so not considering things like saving firewall rules
service { 'iptables':
ensure => $ensure