blob: 89513fa21648a9a2acf25fc4020bc30f1aa53ba0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ambari.server.api.query;
import org.apache.ambari.server.api.resources.ResourceDefinition;
import org.apache.ambari.server.api.resources.ResourceInstance;
import org.apache.ambari.server.api.resources.ResourceInstanceFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.ambari.server.api.resources.SubResourceDefinition;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.predicate.OrPredicate;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.utilities.PropertyHelper;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.predicate.AndPredicate;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.predicate.EqualsPredicate;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.spi.*;
import org.apache.ambari.server.api.util.TreeNode;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
* Default read query.
public class QueryImpl implements Query, ResourceInstance {
* Definition for the resource type. The definition contains all information specific to the
* resource type.
private final ResourceDefinition resourceDefinition;
* The cluster controller.
private final ClusterController clusterController;
* Properties of the query which make up the select portion of the query.
private final Set<String> queryPropertySet = new HashSet<String>();
* Map that associates categories with temporal data.
private final Map<String, TemporalInfo> temporalInfoMap = new HashMap<String, TemporalInfo>();
* Map of primary and foreign key values.
private final Map<Resource.Type, String> keyValueMap = new HashMap<Resource.Type, String>();
* Set of maps of primary and foreign key values.
Set<Map<Resource.Type, String>> keyValueMaps = new HashSet<Map<Resource.Type, String>>();
* Sub-resources of the resource which is being operated on.
private final Map<String, QueryImpl> querySubResourceSet = new HashMap<String, QueryImpl>();
* Sub-resource instances of this resource.
* Map of resource name to resource instance.
private Map<String, QueryImpl> subResourceSet;
* Indicates that the query should include all available properties.
private boolean allProperties = false;
* The user supplied predicate.
private Predicate userPredicate;
* The user supplied page request information.
private PageRequest pageRequest;
* Query resources.
private Set<Resource> providerResourceSet;
* The logger.
private final static Logger LOG =
// ----- Constructor -------------------------------------------------------
* Constructor
* @param keyValueMap the map of key values
* @param resourceDefinition the resource definition
* @param clusterController the cluster controller
public QueryImpl(Map<Resource.Type, String> keyValueMap,
ResourceDefinition resourceDefinition,
ClusterController clusterController) {
this.resourceDefinition = resourceDefinition;
this.clusterController = clusterController;
// ----- Query -------------------------------------------------------------
public void addProperty(String category, String name, TemporalInfo temporalInfo) {
if (category == null && name.equals("*")) {
// wildcard
} else{
if (addPropertyToSubResource(category, name, temporalInfo)){
// add pk/fk properties of the resource to this query
Resource.Type resourceType = getResourceDefinition().getType();
Schema schema = clusterController.getSchema(resourceType);
for (Resource.Type type : getKeyValueMap().keySet()) {
} else {
String propertyId = PropertyHelper.getPropertyId(category, name.equals("*") ? null : name);
if (temporalInfo != null) {
temporalInfoMap.put(propertyId, temporalInfo);
public void addLocalProperty(String property) {
public Result execute()
throws UnsupportedPropertyException,
NoSuchParentResourceException {
return getResult();
public Predicate getPredicate() {
return createPredicate();
public Set<String> getProperties() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(queryPropertySet);
public void setUserPredicate(Predicate predicate) {
userPredicate = predicate;
public void setPageRequest(PageRequest pageRequest) {
this.pageRequest = pageRequest;
// ----- ResourceInstance --------------------------------------------------
public void setKeyValueMap(Map<Resource.Type, String> keyValueMap) {
public Map<Resource.Type, String> getKeyValueMap() {
return new HashMap<Resource.Type, String>((keyValueMap));
public Query getQuery() {
return this;
public ResourceDefinition getResourceDefinition() {
return resourceDefinition;
public boolean isCollectionResource() {
return getKeyValueMap().get(getResourceDefinition().getType()) == null;
public Map<String, ResourceInstance> getSubResources() {
return new HashMap<String, ResourceInstance>(ensureSubResources());
// ----- Object overrides --------------------------------------------------
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
QueryImpl query = (QueryImpl) o;
return clusterController.equals(query.clusterController) && !(pageRequest != null ?
!pageRequest.equals(query.pageRequest) :
query.pageRequest != null) && queryPropertySet.equals(query.queryPropertySet) &&
resourceDefinition.equals(query.resourceDefinition) &&
keyValueMap.equals(query.keyValueMap) && !(userPredicate != null ?
!userPredicate.equals(query.userPredicate) :
query.userPredicate != null);
public int hashCode() {
int result = resourceDefinition.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + clusterController.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + queryPropertySet.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + keyValueMap.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + (userPredicate != null ? userPredicate.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (pageRequest != null ? pageRequest.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
// ----- helper methods ----------------------------------------------------
* Get the map of sub-resources. Lazily create the map if required.
private Map<String, QueryImpl> ensureSubResources() {
if (subResourceSet == null) {
subResourceSet = new HashMap<String, QueryImpl>();
Set<SubResourceDefinition> setSubResourceDefs =
ClusterController controller = clusterController;
for (SubResourceDefinition subResDef : setSubResourceDefs) {
Resource.Type type = subResDef.getType();
Map<Resource.Type, String> valueMap = getKeyValueMap();
QueryImpl resource = new QueryImpl(valueMap,
ResourceInstanceFactoryImpl.getResourceDefinition(type, valueMap),
// ensure pk is returned
// add additionally required fk properties
for (Resource.Type fkType : subResDef.getAdditionalForeignKeys()) {
String subResourceName = subResDef.isCollection() ?
resource.getResourceDefinition().getPluralName() :
subResourceSet.put(subResourceName, resource);
return subResourceSet;
* Query the cluster controller for the top level resources.
private void queryForResources()
throws UnsupportedPropertyException,
NoSuchParentResourceException {
providerResourceSet = new LinkedHashSet<Resource>();
// save the top level resources
for (Resource resource : doQuery(getPredicate())) {
* Query the cluster controller for the sub-resources associated with
* the given resources. All the sub-resources of the same type should
* be acquired with a single query.
private void queryForSubResources()
throws UnsupportedPropertyException,
NoSuchParentResourceException {
// get predicates for all of the sub resource types
Map<String, Predicate> predicateMap = getSubResourcePredicates(providerResourceSet);
for (Map.Entry<String, QueryImpl> entry : querySubResourceSet.entrySet()) {
QueryImpl subResource = entry.getValue();
subResource.providerResourceSet = new LinkedHashSet<Resource>();
for (Resource resource : subResource.doQuery(predicateMap.get(entry.getKey()))) {
* Query the cluster controller for the resources.
private Set<Resource> doQuery(Predicate predicate)
throws UnsupportedPropertyException,
NoSuchParentResourceException {
Resource.Type resourceType1 = getResourceDefinition().getType();
if (getKeyValueMap().get(resourceType1) == null) {
if (queryPropertySet.isEmpty() && querySubResourceSet.isEmpty()) {
//Add sub resource properties for default case where no fields are specified.
Resource.Type resourceType = getResourceDefinition().getType();
Request request = createRequest();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Executing resource query: " + request + " where " + predicate);
return clusterController.getResources(resourceType, request, predicate);
* Get a map of predicates for the given resource's sub-resources keyed
* by resource type. Each predicate is a combined predicate of all
* the sub resource predicates for a given type OR'd together. This
* allows for all of the sub-resources of a given type to be
* acquired in a single query.
private Map<String, Predicate> getSubResourcePredicates(Set<Resource> resources) {
Map<String, Predicate> predicateMap = new HashMap<String, Predicate>();
for (Resource resource : resources) {
for (Map.Entry<String, QueryImpl> entry : querySubResourceSet.entrySet()) {
QueryImpl subResourceInstance = entry.getValue();
String subResCategory = entry.getKey();
Set<Map<Resource.Type, String>> resourceKeyValueMaps = getKeyValueMaps(resource, keyValueMaps);
for( Map<Resource.Type, String> map : resourceKeyValueMaps) {
Predicate predicate = predicateMap.get(subResCategory);
predicateMap.put(subResCategory, predicate == null ?
subResourceInstance.createPredicate(map) :
new OrPredicate(predicate, subResourceInstance.createPredicate(map)));
return predicateMap;
* Get a result from this query.
private Result getResult()
throws UnsupportedPropertyException, SystemException, NoSuchResourceException, NoSuchParentResourceException {
Result result = new ResultImpl(true);
Resource.Type resourceType = getResourceDefinition().getType();
if (getKeyValueMap().get(resourceType) == null) {
result.getResultTree().setProperty("isCollection", "true");
Predicate predicate = createPredicate();
Request request = createRequest();
Iterable<Resource> iterResource;
if (pageRequest == null) {
iterResource = clusterController.getIterable(
resourceType, providerResourceSet, request, predicate);
} else {
PageResponse pageResponse = clusterController.getPage(
resourceType, providerResourceSet, request, predicate, pageRequest);
iterResource = pageResponse.getIterable();
TreeNode<Resource> tree = result.getResultTree();
int count = 1;
for (Resource resource : iterResource) {
// add a child node for the resource and provide a unique name. The name is never used.
TreeNode<Resource> node = tree.addChild(resource, resource.getType() + ":" + count++);
for (Map.Entry<String, QueryImpl> entry : querySubResourceSet.entrySet()) {
String subResCategory = entry.getKey();
QueryImpl subResource = entry.getValue();
subResource.setKeyValueMap(getKeyValueMap(resource, getKeyValueMap()));
TreeNode<Resource> childResult = subResource.getResult().getResultTree();
childResult.setProperty("isCollection", "false");
return result;
private void addCollectionProperties(Resource.Type resourceType) {
Schema schema = clusterController.getSchema(resourceType);
// add pk
String property = schema.getKeyPropertyId(resourceType);
PropertyHelper.getPropertyName(property), null);
for (Resource.Type type : getKeyValueMap().keySet()) {
// add fk's
String keyPropertyId = schema.getKeyPropertyId(type);
if (keyPropertyId != null) {
PropertyHelper.getPropertyName(keyPropertyId), null);
private void addAllProperties(TemporalInfo temporalInfo) {
allProperties = true;
if (temporalInfo != null) {
temporalInfoMap.put(null, temporalInfo);
for (Map.Entry<String, QueryImpl> entry : ensureSubResources().entrySet()) {
String name = entry.getKey();
if (! querySubResourceSet.containsKey(name)) {
querySubResourceSet.put(name, entry.getValue());
private boolean addPropertyToSubResource(String path, String property, TemporalInfo temporalInfo) {
// cases:
// - path is null, property is path (all sub-resource props will have a path)
// - path is single token and prop in non null
// (path only will presented as above case with property only)
// - path is multi level and prop is non null
boolean resourceAdded = false;
if (path == null) {
path = property;
property = null;
int i = path.indexOf("/");
String p = i == -1 ? path : path.substring(0, i);
QueryImpl subResource = ensureSubResources().get(p);
if (subResource != null) {
querySubResourceSet.put(p, subResource);
if (property != null || !path.equals(p)) {
//only add if a sub property is set or if a sub category is specified
subResource.getQuery().addProperty(i == -1 ? null : path.substring(i + 1), property, temporalInfo);
resourceAdded = true;
return resourceAdded;
private Predicate createInternalPredicate(Map<Resource.Type, String> mapResourceIds) {
Resource.Type resourceType = getResourceDefinition().getType();
Schema schema = clusterController.getSchema(resourceType);
Set<Predicate> setPredicates = new HashSet<Predicate>();
for (Map.Entry<Resource.Type, String> entry : mapResourceIds.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() != null) {
String keyPropertyId = schema.getKeyPropertyId(entry.getKey());
if (keyPropertyId != null) {
setPredicates.add(new EqualsPredicate<String>(keyPropertyId, entry.getValue()));
if (setPredicates.size() == 1) {
return setPredicates.iterator().next();
} else if (setPredicates.size() > 1) {
return new AndPredicate(setPredicates.toArray(new Predicate[setPredicates.size()]));
} else {
return null;
private Predicate createPredicate() {
return createPredicate(getKeyValueMap());
private Predicate createPredicate(Map<Resource.Type, String> keyValueMap) {
Predicate predicate = null;
Predicate internalPredicate = createInternalPredicate(keyValueMap);
if (internalPredicate == null) {
if (userPredicate != null) {
predicate = userPredicate;
} else {
predicate = (userPredicate == null ? internalPredicate :
new AndPredicate(userPredicate, internalPredicate));
return predicate;
private Request createRequest() {
Set<String> setProperties = new HashSet<String>();
Map<String, TemporalInfo> mapTemporalInfo = new HashMap<String, TemporalInfo>();
TemporalInfo globalTemporalInfo = temporalInfoMap.get(null);
for (String group : queryPropertySet) {
TemporalInfo temporalInfo = temporalInfoMap.get(group);
if (temporalInfo != null) {
mapTemporalInfo.put(group, temporalInfo);
} else if (globalTemporalInfo != null) {
mapTemporalInfo.put(group, globalTemporalInfo);
return PropertyHelper.getReadRequest(allProperties ?
Collections.<String>emptySet() : setProperties, mapTemporalInfo);
// Get a set of key value maps based on the given resource and an existing set of key value maps
private Set<Map<Resource.Type, String>> getKeyValueMaps(Resource resource,
Set<Map<Resource.Type, String>> keyValueMaps) {
Set<Map<Resource.Type, String>> resourceKeyValueMaps = new HashSet<Map<Resource.Type, String>>();
for(Map<Resource.Type, String> keyValueMap : keyValueMaps) {
Map<Resource.Type, String> resourceKeyValueMap = getKeyValueMap(resource, keyValueMap);
return resourceKeyValueMaps;
// Get a key value map based on the given resource and an existing key value map
private Map<Resource.Type, String> getKeyValueMap(Resource resource,
Map<Resource.Type, String> keyValueMap) {
Map<Resource.Type, String> resourceKeyValueMap = new HashMap<Resource.Type, String>(keyValueMap.size());
for (Map.Entry<Resource.Type, String> resourceIdEntry : keyValueMap.entrySet()) {
Resource.Type type = resourceIdEntry.getKey();
String value = resourceIdEntry.getValue();
if (value == null) {
Object o = resource.getPropertyValue(clusterController.getSchema(type).getKeyPropertyId(type));
value = o == null ? null : o.toString();
if (value != null) {
resourceKeyValueMap.put(type, value);
String resourceKeyProp = clusterController.getSchema(resource.getType()).
resourceKeyValueMap.put(resource.getType(), resource.getPropertyValue(resourceKeyProp).toString());
return resourceKeyValueMap;