blob: e664b97e2d8643e9e2fc8f4bea513b6b10794e7f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
from subprocess import check_call
from tests.beeswax.impala_beeswax import ImpalaBeeswaxException
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIfS3, SkipIfGCS
from tests.common.test_dimensions import create_single_exec_option_dimension
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import get_fs_path
class TestRewrittenFile(ImpalaTestSuite):
"""Tests that we gracefully handle when a file in HDFS is rewritten outside of Impala
without issuing "invalidate metadata"."""
FILE_NAME = "alltypes.parq"
# file size = 17.8 KB
SHORT_FILE = get_fs_path("/test-warehouse/alltypesagg_parquet/year=2010/month=1/" \
# file size = 43.3 KB
LONG_FILE = get_fs_path("/test-warehouse/alltypesagg_parquet/year=2010/month=1/" \
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestRewrittenFile, cls).add_test_dimensions()
# TODO: add more file formats
lambda v: v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'parquet')
def __overwrite_file_and_query(self, db_name, table_name, old_file, new_file,
expected_error, expected_new_count):
"""Rewrites 'old_file' with 'new_file' without invalidating metadata and verifies that
querying the table results in the expected error. 'expected_error' only needs to be a
substring of the full error message."""
table_location = self.__get_test_table_location(db_name)
self.__create_test_table(db_name, table_name, table_location)
# First copy in 'old_file' and refresh the cached file metadata.
self.__copy_file_to_test_table(old_file, table_location)
self.client.execute("refresh %s.%s" % (db_name, table_name))
# Then overwrite 'old_file' with 'new_file', and don't invalidate metadata.
self.__copy_file_to_test_table(new_file, table_location)
# Query the table and check for expected error.
result = self.client.execute("select * from %s.%s" % (db_name, table_name))
assert False, "Query was expected to fail"
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
assert expected_error in str(e)
# Refresh the table and make sure we get results
self.client.execute("refresh %s.%s" % (db_name, table_name))
result = self.client.execute("select count(*) from %s.%s" % (db_name, table_name))
assert == [str(expected_new_count)]
def test_new_file_shorter(self, vector, unique_database):
"""Rewrites an existing file with a new shorter file."""
# Full error is something like:
# Metadata for file '...' appears stale. Try running "refresh
# unique_database_name.new_file_shorter" to reload the file metadata.
# IMPALA-2512: Error message could also be something like
# Query aborted:Disk I/O error on ...:27001: Error seeking ...
# between 0 and ... for '...'
# TODO: find a better way to detect stale file meta and remove skip markers.
table_name = "new_file_shorter"
self.__overwrite_file_and_query(unique_database, table_name,
self.LONG_FILE, self.SHORT_FILE, 'appears stale.', self.SHORT_FILE_NUM_ROWS)
def test_new_file_longer(self, vector, unique_database):
"""Rewrites an existing file with a new longer file."""
# Full error is something like:
# "File '..' has an invalid Parquet version number: ff4C
# Please check that it is a valid Parquet file. his error can also occur due to
# stale metadata. If you believe this is a valid Parquet file, try running
# "refresh ...".
table_name = "new_file_longer"
self.__overwrite_file_and_query(unique_database, table_name,
self.SHORT_FILE, self.LONG_FILE, 'invalid Parquet version number',
def test_delete_file(self, vector, unique_database):
"""Deletes an existing file without refreshing metadata."""
table_name = "delete_file"
table_location = self.__get_test_table_location(unique_database)
self.__create_test_table(unique_database, table_name, table_location)
# Copy in a file and refresh the cached file metadata.
self.__copy_file_to_test_table(self.LONG_FILE, table_location)
self.client.execute("refresh %s.%s" % (unique_database, table_name))
# Delete the file without refreshing metadata.
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-rm", table_location + '/*'], shell=False)
# Query the table and check for expected error.
result = self.client.execute("select * from %s.%s" % (unique_database, table_name))
assert False, "Query was expected to fail"
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
assert 'No such file or directory' in str(e)
# Refresh the table and make sure we get results
self.client.execute("refresh %s.%s" % (unique_database, table_name))
result = self.client.execute("select count(*) from %s.%s"\
% (unique_database, table_name))
assert == ['0']
def __get_test_table_location(self, db_name):
return get_fs_path("/test-warehouse/%s" % db_name)
def __create_test_table(self, db_name, table_name, table_location):
CREATE TABLE %s.%s LIKE functional.alltypesnopart STORED AS PARQUET
""" % (db_name, table_name, table_location))
def __copy_file_to_test_table(self, src_path, table_location):
"""Copies the provided path to the test table, overwriting any previous file."""
dst_path = "%s/%s" % (table_location, self.FILE_NAME)
self.filesystem_client.copy(src_path, dst_path, overwrite=True)