blob: 024141e9fe9055ecc422bfb51f9de3fbe6e78097 [file] [log] [blame]
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from test_ddl_base import TestDdlBase
from tests.common.skip import (SkipIfS3, SkipIfABFS, SkipIfADLS, SkipIfGCS,
SkipIfIsilon, SkipIfLocal)
class TestResetMetadata(TestDdlBase):
def test_reset_metadata_case_sensitivity(self, unique_database):
# IMPALA-6719: Issue with database name case sensitivity in reset metadata.
table = 'newtable'
self.client.execute('create table %s.%s (i int)' % (unique_database, table))
self.client.execute('refresh %s.%s' % (unique_database, table))
self.client.execute('refresh %s.%s' % (unique_database.upper(), table.upper()))
self.client.execute('invalidate metadata %s.%s' % (unique_database, table))
self.client.execute('invalidate metadata %s.%s' % (unique_database.upper(),
self.client.execute('refresh functions %s' % unique_database)
self.client.execute('refresh functions %s' % unique_database.upper())
def test_refresh_updated_partitions(self, unique_database):
Test to exercise and confirm the query option REFRESH_UPDATED_HMS_PARTITIONS
works as expected (IMPALA-4364).
tbl = unique_database + "." + "test"
"create table {0} (c1 int) partitioned by (year int, month int)".format(tbl))
# create 3 partitions and load data in them.
self.client.execute("insert into table {0} partition (year, month)"
"values (100, 2009, 1), (200, 2009, 2), (300, 2009, 3)".format(tbl))
# add a new partition from hive
"alter table {0} add partition (year=2020, month=8)".format(tbl))
self.client.execute("refresh {0}".format(tbl))
# case 1: update the partition location
"alter table {0} partition (year=2020, month=8) "
"set location 'hdfs:///tmp/year=2020/month=8'".format(tbl))
# first try refresh without setting the query option
self.execute_query("refresh {0}".format(tbl))
result = self.execute_query("show partitions {0}".format(tbl))
assert "/tmp/year=2020/month=8" not in result.get_data()
self.execute_query("refresh {0}".format(tbl),
result = self.execute_query("show partitions {0}".format(tbl))
assert "/tmp/year=2020/month=8" not in result.get_data()
self.execute_query("refresh {0}".format(tbl),
query_options={"REFRESH_UPDATED_HMS_PARTITIONS": "False"})
result = self.execute_query("show partitions {0}".format(tbl))
assert "/tmp/year=2020/month=8" not in result.get_data()
# now issue a refresh with the query option set
self.execute_query("refresh {0}".format(tbl),
result = self.execute_query("show partitions {0}".format(tbl))
assert "/tmp/year=2020/month=8" in result.get_data()
# change the location back to original and test using the query option
# set as true
new_loc = "/test-warehouse/{0}.db/{1}/year=2020/month=8".format(
unique_database, "test")
self.run_stmt_in_hive("alter table {0} partition (year=2020, month=8) "
"set location 'hdfs://{1}'".format(tbl, new_loc))
self.execute_query("refresh {0}".format(tbl),
query_options={"REFRESH_UPDATED_HMS_PARTITIONS": "true"})
result = self.execute_query("show partitions {0}".format(tbl))
assert new_loc in result.get_data()
result = self.get_impala_partition_info(unique_database + ".test", "year", "month")
assert len(result) == 4
# case2: change the partition to a different file-format, note that the table's
# file-format is text.
# add another test partition. It should use the default file-format from the table.
self.execute_query("alter table {0} add partition (year=2020, month=9)".format(tbl))
# change the partition file-format from hive
self.run_stmt_in_hive("alter table {0} partition (year=2020, month=9) "
"set fileformat parquet".format(tbl))
# make sure that refresh without the query option does not update the partition
self.execute_query("refresh {0}".format(tbl))
self.execute_query("insert into {0} partition (year=2020, month=9) "
"select c1 from {0} where year=2009 and month=1".format(tbl))
result = self.execute_query(
"show files in {0} partition (year=2020, month=8)".format(tbl))
assert ".parq" not in result.get_data()
# change the file-format for another partition from hive
self.run_stmt_in_hive("alter table {0} partition (year=2020, month=8) "
"set fileformat parquet".format(tbl))
# now try refresh with the query option set
self.execute_query("refresh {0}".format(tbl),
self.execute_query("insert into {0} partition (year=2020, month=8) "
"select c1 from {0} where year=2009 and month=1".format(tbl))
# make sure the partition year=2020/month=8 is parquet fileformat
result = self.execute_query(
"show files in {0} partition (year=2020, month=8)".format(tbl))
assert ".parq" in result.get_data()
result = self.get_impala_partition_info(unique_database + ".test", "year", "month")
assert len(result) == 5
# make sure that the other partitions are still in text format new as well as old
self.execute_query("insert into {0} partition (year=2020, month=1) "
"select c1 from {0} where year=2009 and month=1".format(tbl))
result = self.execute_query(
"show files in {0} partition (year=2020, month=1)".format(tbl))
assert ".txt" in result.get_data()
result = self.get_impala_partition_info(unique_database + ".test", "year", "month")
assert len(result) == 6
self.execute_query("insert into {0} partition (year=2009, month=3) "
"select c1 from {0} where year=2009 and month=1".format(tbl))
result = self.execute_query(
"show files in {0} partition (year=2009, month=3)".format(tbl))
assert ".txt" in result.get_data()
result = self.get_impala_partition_info(unique_database + ".test", "year", "month")
assert len(result) == 6