blob: 797efb2c5d121bb8313618844b4879e965482478 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import pytest
from tests.beeswax.impala_beeswax import ImpalaBeeswaxException
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import CustomClusterTestSuite
from tests.common.impala_cluster import ImpalaCluster
from tests.common.skip import SkipIfBuildType
from tests.verifiers.metric_verifier import MetricVerifier
class TestRPCTimeout(CustomClusterTestSuite):
"""Tests for every Impala RPC timeout handling, query should not hang and
resource should be all released."""
TEST_QUERY = "select count(c2.string_col) from \
functional.alltypestiny join functional.alltypessmall c2"
# Designed to take approx. 30s.
SLOW_TEST_QUERY = TEST_QUERY + " where c2.int_col = sleep(1000)"
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def setup_class(cls):
if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive':
pytest.skip('runs only in exhaustive')
super(TestRPCTimeout, cls).setup_class()
def execute_query_verify_metrics(self, query, query_options=None, repeat=1,
for i in range(repeat):
self.execute_query(query, query_options)
assert expected_exception is None
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
if expected_exception is not None:
assert expected_exception in str(e)
verifiers = [MetricVerifier(i.service)
for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads]
for v in verifiers:
v.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)
def execute_query_then_cancel(self, query, vector, repeat = 1):
for _ in range(repeat):
handle = self.execute_query_async(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))
self.client.fetch(query, handle)
except ImpalaBeeswaxException:
verifiers = [MetricVerifier(i.service)
for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads]
for v in verifiers:
v.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)
def execute_runtime_filter_query(self):
query = "select STRAIGHT_JOIN * from functional_avro.alltypes a join \
[SHUFFLE] functional_avro.alltypes b on a.month = \
and b.int_col = -3"
self.client.execute("SET RUNTIME_FILTER_MODE=GLOBAL")
self.client.execute("SET RUNTIME_FILTER_WAIT_TIME_MS=10000")
self.client.execute("SET MAX_SCAN_RANGE_LENGTH=1024")
" --datastream_sender_timeout_ms=30000")
def test_execqueryfinstances_race(self, vector):
""" Test for IMPALA-7464, where the rpc times out while the rpc handler continues to
run simultaneously."""
" --datastream_sender_timeout_ms=30000")
def test_execqueryfinstances_timeout(self, vector):
for i in range(3):
ex= self.execute_query_expect_failure(self.client, self.TEST_QUERY)
assert "Exec() rpc failed: Timed out" in str(ex)
verifiers = [MetricVerifier(i.service) for i in
for v in verifiers:
v.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)
" --datastream_sender_timeout_ms=30000")
def test_cancelplanfragment_timeout(self, vector):
query = "select * from tpch.lineitem limit 5000"
self.execute_query_then_cancel(query, vector)
" --debug_actions=PUBLISH_FILTER_DELAY:SLEEP@3000")
def test_publishfilter_timeout(self, vector):
" --debug_actions=UPDATE_FILTER_DELAY:SLEEP@3000")
def test_updatefilter_timeout(self, vector):
" --datastream_sender_timeout_ms=30000 --debug_actions=%s" %
"|".join(map(lambda rpc: "%s_DELAY:JITTER@3000@0.1" % rpc, all_rpcs)))
def test_random_rpc_timeout(self, vector):
self.execute_query_verify_metrics(self.TEST_QUERY, None, 10)
# Inject jitter into the RPC handler of ReportExecStatus() to trigger RPC timeout.
# Useful for triggering IMPALA-8274.
" --backend_client_rpc_timeout_ms=100"
" --debug_actions=REPORT_EXEC_STATUS_DELAY:JITTER@110@0.7")
def test_reportexecstatus_jitter(self, vector):
LONG_RUNNING_QUERY = "with v as (select t1.ss_hdemo_sk as xk " +\
"from tpcds_parquet.store_sales t1, tpcds_parquet.store_sales t2 " +\
"where t1.ss_hdemo_sk = t2.ss_hdemo_sk) " +\
"select count(*) from v, tpcds_parquet.household_demographics t3 " +\
"where v.xk = t3.hd_demo_sk"
self.execute_query_verify_metrics(LONG_RUNNING_QUERY, None, 1)
# Use a small service queue memory limit and a single service thread to exercise
# the retry paths in the ReportExecStatus() RPC
" --control_service_queue_mem_limit=1"
" --control_service_queue_mem_limit_floor_bytes=1"
" --control_service_num_svc_threads=1")
def test_reportexecstatus_retry(self, vector):
self.execute_query_verify_metrics(self.TEST_QUERY, None, 10)
# Inject artificial failure during thrift profile serialization / deserialization.
def test_reportexecstatus_profile_fail(self):
query_options = {'debug_action': 'REPORT_EXEC_STATUS_PROFILE:FAIL@0.8'}
self.execute_query_verify_metrics(self.TEST_QUERY, query_options, 10)
" --status_report_interval_ms=1000 --status_report_max_retry_s=1000"
" --debug_actions=REPORT_EXEC_STATUS_DELAY:SLEEP@1000")
def test_reportexecstatus_retries(self, unique_database):
tbl = "%s.kudu_test" % unique_database
self.execute_query("create table %s (a int primary key) stored as kudu" % tbl)
# Since the sleep time (1000ms) is much longer than the rpc timeout (100ms), all
# reports will appear to fail. The query is designed to result in many intermediate
# status reports but fewer than the max allowed failures, so the query should succeed.
result = self.execute_query(
"insert into %s select 0 from tpch.lineitem limit 100000" % tbl)
assert result.success, str(result)
# Ensure that the error log was tracked correctly - all but the first row inserted
# should result in a 'key already present' insert error.
assert "(1 of 99999 similar)" in result.log, str(result)
@CustomClusterTestSuite.with_args("--status_report_interval_ms=100000 "
"--status_report_max_retry_s=1 --abort_on_config_error=false")
def test_unresponsive_backend(self, unique_database):
"""Test the UnresponsiveBackendThread by setting a status report retry time that is
much lower than the status report interval, ensuring that the coordinator will
conclude that the backend is unresponsive."""
expected_exception="cancelled due to unresponsive backend")
class TestCatalogRPCTimeout(CustomClusterTestSuite):
""""Tests RPC timeout and retry handling for catalogd operations."""
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def setup_class(cls):
if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive':
pytest.skip('runs only in exhaustive')
super(TestCatalogRPCTimeout, cls).setup_class()
impalad_args="--catalog_client_rpc_timeout_ms=10 "
"--catalog_client_rpc_retry_interval_ms=1 "
def test_catalog_rpc_timeout(self):
"""Tests that catalog_client_rpc_timeout_ms enforces a timeout on catalogd
operations. The debug action causes a delay of 1 second for refresh table
commands. The RPC timeout is 10 ms, so all refresh table commands should
fail with an RPC timeout exception."""
self.execute_query("refresh functional.alltypes")
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
assert "RPC recv timed out" in str(e)
impalad_args="--catalog_client_rpc_timeout_ms=5000 "
"--catalog_client_rpc_retry_interval_ms=0 "
def test_catalog_rpc_retries(self):
"""Tests that catalogd operations are retried. The debug action should randomly
cause refresh table commands to fail. However, the catalogd client will retry
the command 10 times, so eventually the refresh attempt should succeed. The debug
action will add 10 seconds of delay to refresh table operations. The delay will only
be triggered 75% of the time.
self.execute_query("refresh functional.alltypes")