blob: d4701c5473b73372e4252de3177f6c3fdd84cd77 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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import pytest
import time
from tests.beeswax.impala_beeswax import ImpalaBeeswaxException
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import CustomClusterTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIf, SkipIfBuildType
# The BE krpc port of the impalad these tests simulate rpc errors at.
KRPC_PORT = 27002
def _get_rpc_debug_action(rpc, action, port=KRPC_PORT):
"""Returns a debug action that causes rpcs with the name 'rpc' that are sent to the
impalad at 'port' to execute the debug aciton 'action'."""
return "IMPALA_SERVICE_POOL:{port}:{rpc}:{action}" \
.format(rpc=rpc, port=port, action=action)
def _get_fail_action(rpc, error=None, port=KRPC_PORT, p=0.1):
"""Returns a debug action that causes rpcs with the name 'rpc' that are sent to the
impalad at 'port' to FAIL with probability 'p' and return 'error' if specified."""
action = "FAIL@%s" % p
if error is not None:
action += "@" + error
return _get_rpc_debug_action(rpc, action, port=port)
class TestRPCException(CustomClusterTestSuite):
"""Tests Impala exception handling in TransmitData() RPC to make sure no
duplicated row batches are sent. """
# ControlService rpc names
EXEC_RPC = "ExecQueryFInstances"
# DataStreamService rpc names
TRANSMIT_DATA_RPC = "TransmitData"
# Error to specify for ImpalaServicePool to reject rpcs with a 'server too busy' error.
# This query ends up calling TransmitData() more than 2048 times to ensure
# proper test coverage.
TEST_QUERY = "select count(*) from tpch_parquet.lineitem t1, tpch_parquet.lineitem t2 \
where t1.l_orderkey = t2.l_orderkey"
EXPECTED_RESULT = ['30012985']
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def setup_class(cls):
if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive':
pytest.skip('runs only in exhaustive')
super(TestRPCException, cls).setup_class()
def _get_num_fails(self, impalad):
num_fails = impalad.service.get_metric_value("")
if num_fails is None:
return 0
return num_fails
# Execute TEST_QUERY repeatedly until the FAIL debug action has been hit. If
# 'exception_string' is None, it's expected to always complete sucessfully with result
# matching EXPECTED_RESULT. Otherwise, it's expected to either succeed or fail with
# the error 'exception_string'.
def execute_test_query(self, exception_string):
impalad = self.cluster.impalads[2]
assert impalad.service.krpc_port == KRPC_PORT
# Re-run the query until the metrics show that we hit the debug action or we've run 10
# times. Each test in this file has at least a 50% chance of hitting the action per
# run, so there's at most a (1/2)^10 chance that this loop will fail spuriously.
i = 0
while self._get_num_fails(impalad) == 0 and i < 10:
i += 1
result = self.client.execute(self.TEST_QUERY)
assert == self.EXPECTED_RESULT, "Query returned unexpected results."
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
if exception_string is None:
raise e
assert exception_string in str(e), "Query failed with unexpected exception."
assert self._get_num_fails(impalad) > 0, "Debug action wasn't hit after 10 iters."
@CustomClusterTestSuite.with_args("--debug_actions=" +
_get_fail_action(rpc=TRANSMIT_DATA_RPC, error=REJECT_TOO_BUSY_MSG))
def test_transmit_data_retry(self):
"""Run a query where TransmitData may fail with a "server too busy" error. We should
always retry in this case, so the query should always eventually succeed."""
@CustomClusterTestSuite.with_args("--debug_actions=" +
_get_fail_action(rpc=TRANSMIT_DATA_RPC, error=REJECT_TOO_BUSY_MSG) +
"|" + _get_fail_action(rpc=TRANSMIT_DATA_RPC))
def test_transmit_data_error(self):
"""Run a query where TransmitData may fail with a "server too busy" or with a generic
error. The query should either succeed or fail with the given error."""
self.execute_test_query("Debug Action: IMPALA_SERVICE_POOL:FAIL@0.1")
@CustomClusterTestSuite.with_args("--debug_actions=" +
_get_fail_action(rpc=END_DATA_STREAM_RPC, error=REJECT_TOO_BUSY_MSG, p=0.5))
def test_end_data_stream_retry(self):
"""Run a query where EndDataStream may fail with a "server too busy" error. We should
always retry in this case, so the query should always eventually succeed."""
@CustomClusterTestSuite.with_args("--debug_actions=" +
_get_fail_action(rpc=END_DATA_STREAM_RPC, error=REJECT_TOO_BUSY_MSG, p=0.5) +
"|" + _get_fail_action(rpc=END_DATA_STREAM_RPC, p=0.5))
def test_end_data_stream_error(self):
"""Run a query where EndDataStream may fail with a "server too busy" or with a generic
error. The query should either succeed or fail with the given error."""
self.execute_test_query("Debug Action: IMPALA_SERVICE_POOL:FAIL@0.5")
@CustomClusterTestSuite.with_args("--debug_actions=" +
_get_rpc_debug_action(rpc=EXEC_RPC, action="SLEEP@1000000"))
def test_exec_error(self):
"""Test that verifies that when one Exec() rpc fails, the others are immediately
cancelled and the query returns an error quickly."""
# Debug action to cause Exec() rpcs to fail. The Exec() rpc to one of the impalads
# will sleep for a long time before hitting this (due to the impalad debug_actions
# startup flag specified above), so one Exec() will fail quickly while one will fail
# only after a long wait.
self.client.set_configuration_option("DEBUG_ACTION", "QUERY_STATE_INIT:FAIL")
start_s = time.time()
assert False, "query was expected to fail"
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
assert "Debug Action: QUERY_STATE_INIT:FAIL" in str(e)
# If we successfully cancelled all Exec() rpcs and returned to the client as soon as
# the fast Exec() failed, the time to run the query should be much less than the sleep
# time for the slow Exec() of 1000s.
elapsed_s = time.time() - start_s
assert elapsed_s < 100, "Query took longer than expected to fail: %ss" % elapsed_s
self.client.set_configuration_option("DEBUG_ACTION", "")