blob: 51ed461cd8f909beab9278b252b7b09ab31b06ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <limits>
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include "common/compiler-util.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "runtime/decimal-value.h"
#include "runtime/date-parse-util.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-parse-util.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.h"
#include "util/decimal-util.h"
namespace impala {
/// Utility functions for doing atoi/atof on non-null terminated strings. On micro
/// benchmarks, this is significantly faster than libc (atoi/strtol and atof/strtod).
/// Strings with leading and trailing whitespaces are accepted.
/// Branching is heavily optimized for the non-whitespace successful case.
/// All the StringTo* functions first parse the input string assuming it has no leading
/// whitespace. If that first attempt was unsuccessful, these functions retry the parsing
/// after removing whitespace. Therefore, strings with whitespace take a perf hit on
/// branch mis-prediction.
/// For overflows, we are following the mysql behavior, to cap values at the max/min value
/// for that data type. This is different from hive, which returns NULL for overflow
/// slots for int types and inf/-inf for float types.
/// Things we tried that did not work:
/// - lookup table for converting character to digit
/// Improvements (TODO):
/// - Validate input using _sidd_compare_ranges
/// - Since we know the length, we can parallelize this: i.e. result = 100*s[0] +
/// 10*s[1] + s[2]
class StringParser {
enum ParseResult {
template <typename T>
static inline T StringToInt(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
T ans = StringToIntInternal<T>(s, len, result);
if (LIKELY(*result == PARSE_SUCCESS)) return ans;
int i = SkipLeadingWhitespace(s, len);
return StringToIntInternal<T>(s + i, len - i, result);
/// Convert a string s representing a number in given base into a decimal number.
template <typename T>
static inline T StringToInt(const char* s, int len, int base, ParseResult* result) {
T ans = StringToIntInternal<T>(s, len, base, result);
if (LIKELY(*result == PARSE_SUCCESS)) return ans;
int i = SkipLeadingWhitespace(s, len);
return StringToIntInternal<T>(s + i, len - i, base, result);
template <typename T>
static inline T StringToFloat(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
T ans = StringToFloatInternal<T>(s, len, result);
if (LIKELY(*result == PARSE_SUCCESS)) return ans;
int i = SkipLeadingWhitespace(s, len);
return StringToFloatInternal<T>(s + i, len - i, result);
/// Parses a string for 'true' or 'false', case insensitive.
static inline bool StringToBool(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
bool ans = StringToBoolInternal(s, len, result);
if (LIKELY(*result == PARSE_SUCCESS)) return ans;
int i = SkipLeadingWhitespace(s, len);
return StringToBoolInternal(s + i, len - i, result);
/// Parse a TimestampValue from s.
static inline TimestampValue StringToTimestamp(const char* s, int len,
ParseResult* result) {
boost::gregorian::date d;
boost::posix_time::time_duration t;
*result = TimestampParser::Parse(s, len, &d, &t) ? PARSE_SUCCESS : PARSE_FAILURE;
return {d, t};
/// Parse a DateValue from s.
static inline DateValue StringToDate(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
DateValue d;
*result = DateParser::Parse(s, len, false, &d) ? PARSE_SUCCESS : PARSE_FAILURE;
return d;
/// Parses a decimal from s, returning the result.
/// The parse status is returned in *result.
/// On overflow or invalid values, the return value is undefined.
/// On underflow, the truncated value is returned.
template <typename T>
static inline DecimalValue<T> StringToDecimal(const char* s, int len,
const ColumnType& type, bool round, StringParser::ParseResult* result) {
return StringToDecimal<T>(s, len, type.precision, type.scale, round, result);
template <typename T>
static inline DecimalValue<T> StringToDecimal(const char* s, int len,
int type_precision, int type_scale, bool round, StringParser::ParseResult* result) {
// Special cases:
// 1) '' == Fail, an empty string fails to parse.
// 2) ' # ' == #, leading and trailing white space is ignored.
// 3) '.' == 0, a single dot parses as zero (for consistency with other types).
// 4) '#.' == '#', a trailing dot is ignored.
// Ignore leading and trailing spaces.
while (len > 0 && IsWhitespace(*s)) {
while (len > 0 && IsWhitespace(s[len - 1])) {
bool is_negative = false;
if (len > 0) {
switch (*s) {
case '-':
is_negative = true;
case '+':
// Ignore leading zeros.
bool found_value = false;
while (len > 0 && UNLIKELY(*s == '0')) {
found_value = true;
// Ignore leading zeros even after a dot. This allows for differentiating between
// cases like 0.01e2, which would fit in a DECIMAL(1, 0), and 0.10e2, which would
// overflow.
int digits_after_dot_count = 0;
int found_dot = 0;
if (len > 0 && *s == '.') {
found_dot = 1;
while (len > 0 && UNLIKELY(*s == '0')) {
found_value = true;
int total_digits_count = 0;
bool found_exponent = false;
int8_t exponent = 0;
int first_truncated_digit = 0;
T value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const char c = s[i];
if (LIKELY('0' <= c && c <= '9')) {
found_value = true;
// Ignore digits once the type's precision limit is reached. This avoids
// overflowing the underlying storage while handling a string like
// 10000000000e-10 into a DECIMAL(1, 0). Adjustments for ignored digits and
// an exponent will be made later.
if (LIKELY(total_digits_count < type_precision)) {
// Benchmarks are faster with parenthesis.
T new_value = (value * 10) + (c - '0');
DCHECK(new_value >= value);
value = new_value;
} else if (UNLIKELY(round && total_digits_count == type_precision)) {
first_truncated_digit = c - '0';
DCHECK(value >= 0); // DCHECK_GE does not work with int128_t
digits_after_dot_count += found_dot;
} else if (c == '.' && LIKELY(!found_dot)) {
found_dot = 1;
} else if ((c == 'e' || c == 'E') && LIKELY(!found_exponent)) {
found_exponent = true;
exponent = StringToIntInternal<int8_t>(s + i + 1, len - i - 1, result);
if (UNLIKELY(*result != StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS)) {
if (*result == StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW && exponent < 0) {
*result = StringParser::PARSE_UNDERFLOW;
return DecimalValue<T>(0);
} else {
*result = StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE;
return DecimalValue<T>(0);
// Find the number of truncated digits before adjusting the precision for an exponent.
int truncated_digit_count = std::max(total_digits_count - type_precision, 0);
// 'scale' and 'precision' refer to the scale and precision of the number that
// is contained the string that we are parsing. The scale of 'value' may be
// different because some digits may have been truncated.
int scale, precision;
ApplyExponent(total_digits_count, digits_after_dot_count,
exponent, &value, &precision, &scale);
// Microbenchmarks show that beyond this point, returning on parse failure is slower
// than just letting the function run out.
*result = StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS;
if (UNLIKELY(precision - scale > type_precision - type_scale)) {
// The number in the string has too many digits to the left of the dot,
// so we overflow.
*result = StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW;
} else if (UNLIKELY(scale > type_scale)) {
// There are too many digits to the right of the dot in the string we are parsing.
*result = StringParser::PARSE_UNDERFLOW;
// The scale of 'value'.
int value_scale = scale - truncated_digit_count;
int shift = value_scale - type_scale;
if (shift > 0) {
// There are less than maximum number of digits to the left of the dot.
value = DecimalUtil::ScaleDownAndRound<T>(value, shift, round);
DCHECK(value >= 0);
DCHECK(value < DecimalUtil::GetScaleMultiplier<int128_t>(type_precision));
} else {
// There are a maximum number of digits to the left of the dot. We round by
// looking at the first truncated digit.
DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
DCHECK(0 <= first_truncated_digit && first_truncated_digit <= 9);
DCHECK(first_truncated_digit == 0 || truncated_digit_count != 0);
DCHECK(first_truncated_digit == 0 || round);
// Apply the rounding.
value += (first_truncated_digit >= 5);
DCHECK(value >= 0);
DCHECK(value <= DecimalUtil::GetScaleMultiplier<int128_t>(type_precision));
if (UNLIKELY(value == DecimalUtil::GetScaleMultiplier<T>(type_precision))) {
// Overflow due to rounding.
*result = StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW;
} else if (UNLIKELY(!found_value && !found_dot)) {
*result = StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE;
} else if (type_scale > scale) {
// There were not enough digits after the dot, so we have scale up the value.
DCHECK_EQ(truncated_digit_count, 0);
value *= DecimalUtil::GetScaleMultiplier<T>(type_scale - scale);
// Overflow should be impossible.
DCHECK(value < DecimalUtil::GetScaleMultiplier<int128_t>(type_precision));
return DecimalValue<T>(is_negative ? -value : value);
/// This is considerably faster than glibc's implementation.
/// In the case of overflow, the max/min value for the data type will be returned.
/// Assumes s represents a decimal number.
/// Return PARSE_FAILURE on leading whitespace. Trailing whitespace is allowed.
template <typename T>
static inline T StringToIntInternal(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
if (UNLIKELY(len <= 0)) {
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return 0;
typedef typename boost::make_unsigned<T>::type UnsignedT;
UnsignedT val = 0;
UnsignedT max_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
bool negative = false;
int i = 0;
switch (*s) {
case '-':
negative = true;
max_val = static_cast<UnsignedT>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) + 1;
case '+': ++i;
// This is the fast path where the string cannot overflow.
if (LIKELY(len - i < StringParseTraits<T>::max_ascii_len())) {
val = StringToIntNoOverflow<UnsignedT>(s + i, len - i, result);
return static_cast<T>(negative ? -val : val);
const T max_div_10 = max_val / 10;
const T max_mod_10 = max_val % 10;
int first = i;
for (; i < len; ++i) {
if (LIKELY(s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9')) {
T digit = s[i] - '0';
// This is a tricky check to see if adding this digit will cause an overflow.
if (UNLIKELY(val > (max_div_10 - (digit > max_mod_10)))) {
return negative ? -max_val : max_val;
val = val * 10 + digit;
} else {
if ((UNLIKELY(i == first || !IsAllWhitespace(s + i, len - i)))) {
// Reject the string because either the first char was not a digit,
// or the remaining chars are not all whitespace
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return 0;
// Returning here is slightly faster than breaking the loop.
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
return static_cast<T>(negative ? -val : val);
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
return static_cast<T>(negative ? -val : val);
/// Convert a string s representing a number in given base into a decimal number.
/// Return PARSE_FAILURE on leading whitespace. Trailing whitespace is allowed.
template <typename T>
static inline T StringToIntInternal(const char* s, int len, int base,
ParseResult* result) {
typedef typename boost::make_unsigned<T>::type UnsignedT;
UnsignedT val = 0;
UnsignedT max_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
bool negative = false;
if (UNLIKELY(len <= 0)) {
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return 0;
int i = 0;
switch (*s) {
case '-':
negative = true;
max_val = static_cast<UnsignedT>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) + 1;
case '+': i = 1;
const T max_div_base = max_val / base;
const T max_mod_base = max_val % base;
int first = i;
for (; i < len; ++i) {
T digit;
if (LIKELY(s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9')) {
digit = s[i] - '0';
} else if (s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z') {
digit = (s[i] - 'a' + 10);
} else if (s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'Z') {
digit = (s[i] - 'A' + 10);
} else {
if ((UNLIKELY(i == first || !IsAllWhitespace(s + i, len - i)))) {
// Reject the string because either the first char was not an alpha/digit,
// or the remaining chars are not all whitespace
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return 0;
// skip trailing whitespace.
// Bail, if we encounter a digit that is not available in base.
if (digit >= base) break;
// This is a tricky check to see if adding this digit will cause an
// overflow.
if (UNLIKELY(val > (max_div_base - (digit > max_mod_base)))) {
return static_cast<T>(negative ? -max_val : max_val);
val = val * base + digit;
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
return static_cast<T>(negative ? -val : val);
/// Helper function that applies the exponent to the value. Also computes and
/// sets the precision and scale.
template <typename T>
static inline void ApplyExponent(int total_digits_count,
int digits_after_dot_count,int8_t exponent, T* value, int* precision, int* scale) {
if (exponent > digits_after_dot_count) {
// Ex: 0.1e3 (which at this point would have precision == 1 and scale == 1), the
// scale must be set to 0 and the value set to 100 which means a precision of 3.
*value = ArithmeticUtil::AsUnsigned<std::multiplies>(
*value, DecimalUtil::GetScaleMultiplier<T>(exponent - digits_after_dot_count));
*precision = total_digits_count + (exponent - digits_after_dot_count);
*scale = 0;
} else {
// Ex: 100e-4, the scale must be set to 4 but no adjustment to the value is needed,
// the precision must also be set to 4 but that will be done below for the
// non-exponent case anyways.
*precision = total_digits_count;
*scale = digits_after_dot_count - exponent;
// Ex: 0.001, at this point would have precision 1 and scale 3 since leading zeros
// were ignored during previous parsing.
if (*precision < *scale) *precision = *scale;
DCHECK_GE(*precision, *scale);
/// Checks if "inf" or "infinity" matches 's' in a case-insensitive manner. The match
/// has to start at the beginning of 's', leading whitespace is considered invalid.
/// Trailing whitespace characters are allowed.
/// Returns true if a match was found and false otherwise.
static inline bool IsInfinity(const char *s, int len) {
if (len >= 3 && strncasecmp(s, "inf", 3) == 0) {
int i = 3;
if (len >= 8 && strncasecmp(s + 3, "inity", 5) == 0) {
i = 8;
return IsAllWhitespace(s + i, len - i);
return false;
/// Checks if "nan" matches 's' in a case-insensitive manner. The match has to start at
/// the beginning of 's', leading whitespace is considered invalid. Trailing whitespace
/// characters are allowed.
/// Returns true if a match was found and false otherwise.
static inline bool IsNaN(const char *s, int len) {
return len >= 3 && strncasecmp(s, "nan", 3) == 0 && IsAllWhitespace(s + 3, len - 3);
/// This is considerably faster than glibc's implementation (>100x why???)
/// No special case handling needs to be done for overflows, the floating point spec
/// already does it and will cap the values to -inf/inf
/// To avoid inaccurate conversions this function falls back to strtod for
/// scientific notation.
/// Return PARSE_FAILURE on leading whitespace. Trailing whitespace is allowed.
/// TODO: Investigate using intrinsics to speed up the slow strtod path.
/// TODO: there are other possible optimizations, see IMPALA-1729
template <typename T>
static inline T StringToFloatInternal(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
if (UNLIKELY(len <= 0)) {
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return 0;
bool negative = false;
int i = 0;
switch (*s) {
case '-': negative = true; // Fallthrough is intended.
case '+': i = 1;
// Check if we have inf or NaN.
if (IsInfinity(s + i, len - i)) {
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
return negative ? -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()
: std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
if (IsNaN(s + i, len - i)) {
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
return negative ? -std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()
: std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
// Use double here to not lose precision while accumulating the result
double val = 0;
double divide = 1;
bool decimal = false;
int64_t remainder = 0;
// The number of significant figures we've encountered so far (i.e., digits excluding
// leading 0s). This technically shouldn't count trailing 0s either, but for us it
// doesn't matter if we count them based on the implementation below.
int sig_figs = 0;
const int first = i;
for (; i < len; ++i) {
if (LIKELY(s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9')) {
if (s[i] != '0' || sig_figs > 0) ++sig_figs;
if (decimal) {
// According to the IEEE floating-point spec, a double has up to 15-17
// significant decimal digits (see
// We stop
// processing digits after we've already seen at least 18 sig figs to avoid
// overflowing 'remainder' (we stop after 18 instead of 17 to get the rounding
// right).
if (sig_figs <= 18) {
remainder = remainder * 10 + s[i] - '0';
divide *= 10;
} else {
val = val * 10 + s[i] - '0';
} else if (!decimal && s[i] == '.') {
decimal = true;
} else if (s[i] == 'e' || s[i] == 'E') {
} else {
if ((UNLIKELY(i == first || !IsAllWhitespace(s + i, len - i)))) {
// Reject the string because either the first char was not a digit, "." or "e",
// or the remaining chars are not all whitespace
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return 0;
// skip trailing whitespace.
val += remainder / divide;
if (i < len && (s[i] == 'e' || s[i] == 'E')) {
// Create a C-string from s starting after the optional '-' sign and fall back to
// strtod to avoid conversion inaccuracy for scientific notation.
// Do not use boost::lexical_cast because it causes codegen to crash for an
// unknown reason (exception handling?).
char c_str[len - negative + 1];
memcpy(c_str, s + negative, len - negative);
c_str[len - negative] = '\0';
char* s_end;
val = strtod(c_str, &s_end);
if (s_end != c_str + len - negative) {
// skip trailing whitespace
int trailing_len = len - negative - (int)(s_end - c_str);
if (UNLIKELY(!IsAllWhitespace(s_end, trailing_len))) {
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return val;
// Determine if it is an overflow case and update the result
if (UNLIKELY(val == std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity())) {
} else {
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
return (T)(negative ? -val : val);
/// Parses a string for 'true' or 'false', case insensitive.
/// Return PARSE_FAILURE on leading whitespace. Trailing whitespace is allowed.
static inline bool StringToBoolInternal(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
if (len >= 4 && (s[0] == 't' || s[0] == 'T')) {
bool match = (s[1] == 'r' || s[1] == 'R') &&
(s[2] == 'u' || s[2] == 'U') &&
(s[3] == 'e' || s[3] == 'E');
if (match && LIKELY(IsAllWhitespace(s+4, len-4))) return true;
} else if (len >= 5 && (s[0] == 'f' || s[0] == 'F')) {
bool match = (s[1] == 'a' || s[1] == 'A') &&
(s[2] == 'l' || s[2] == 'L') &&
(s[3] == 's' || s[3] == 'S') &&
(s[4] == 'e' || s[4] == 'E');
if (match && LIKELY(IsAllWhitespace(s+5, len-5))) return false;
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return false;
/// Returns the position of the first non-whitespace character in s.
static inline int SkipLeadingWhitespace(const char* s, int len) {
int i = 0;
while(i < len && IsWhitespace(s[i])) ++i;
return i;
/// Returns true if s only contains whitespace.
static inline bool IsAllWhitespace(const char* s, int len) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (!LIKELY(IsWhitespace(s[i]))) return false;
return true;
template<typename T>
class StringParseTraits {
/// Returns the maximum ascii string length for this type.
/// e.g. the max/min int8_t has 3 characters.
static int max_ascii_len();
/// Converts an ascii string to an integer of type T assuming it cannot overflow
/// and the number is positive. Leading whitespace is not allowed. Trailing whitespace
/// will be skipped.
template <typename T>
static inline T StringToIntNoOverflow(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
T val = 0;
if (UNLIKELY(len == 0)) {
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
return val;
// Factor out the first char for error handling speeds up the loop.
if (LIKELY(s[0] >= '0' && s[0] <= '9')) {
val = s[0] - '0';
} else {
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return 0;
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
if (LIKELY(s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9')) {
T digit = s[i] - '0';
val = val * 10 + digit;
} else {
if ((UNLIKELY(!IsAllWhitespace(s + i, len - i)))) {
*result = PARSE_FAILURE;
return 0;
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
return val;
*result = PARSE_SUCCESS;
return val;
static inline bool IsWhitespace(const char c) {
return c == ' ' || UNLIKELY(c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\v' || c == '\f'
|| c == '\r');
inline int StringParser::StringParseTraits<int8_t>::max_ascii_len() { return 3; }
inline int StringParser::StringParseTraits<int16_t>::max_ascii_len() { return 5; }
inline int StringParser::StringParseTraits<int32_t>::max_ascii_len() { return 10; }
inline int StringParser::StringParseTraits<int64_t>::max_ascii_len() { return 19; }
// These functions are too large to benefit from inlining.
Decimal4Value StringToDecimal4(const char* s, int len, int type_precision,
int type_scale, bool round, StringParser::ParseResult* result);
Decimal8Value StringToDecimal8(const char* s, int len, int type_precision,
int type_scale, bool round, StringParser::ParseResult* result);
Decimal16Value StringToDecimal16(const char* s, int len, int type_precision,
int type_scale, bool round, StringParser::ParseResult* result);