blob: e0ec6c4a29eada8804b33eafade96bb2d86314b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include <rapidjson/fwd.h>
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/metrics-fwd.h"
#include "util/spinlock.h"
#include "util/webserver.h"
namespace impala {
/// Singleton that provides metric definitions. Metrics are defined in metrics.json
/// and produces MetricDefs.thrift. This singleton wraps an instance
/// of the thrift definitions.
class MetricDefs {
/// Gets the TMetricDef for the metric key. 'arg' is an optional argument to the
/// TMetricDef for metrics defined by a format string. The key must exist or a DCHECK
/// will fail.
/// TODO: Support multiple arguments.
static TMetricDef Get(const std::string& key, const std::string& arg = "");
friend class MetricsTest;
/// Gets the MetricDefs singleton.
static MetricDefs* GetInstance();
/// Contains the map of all TMetricDefs, non-const for testing
MetricDefsConstants metric_defs_;
MetricDefs() { }
/// A metric is a container for some value, identified by a string key. Most metrics are
/// numeric, but this metric base-class is general enough such that metrics may be lists,
/// maps, histograms or other arbitrary structures.
/// Metrics must be able to convert themselves to JSON (for integration with our monitoring
/// tools, and for rendering in webpages). See ToJson(), and also ToLegacyJson() which
/// ensures backwards compatibility with older versions of CM.
/// Metrics should be supplied with a description, which is included in JSON output for
/// display by monitoring systems / Impala's webpages.
/// TODO: Add ToThrift() for conversion to an RPC-friendly format.
class Metric {
/// Empty virtual destructor
virtual ~Metric() {}
/// Builds a new Value into 'val', using (if required) the allocator from
/// 'document'. Should set the following fields where appropriate:
/// name, value, human_readable, description
virtual void ToJson(rapidjson::Document* document, rapidjson::Value* val) = 0;
/// Adds a new json value directly to 'document' of the form:
/// "name" : "human-readable-string"
/// This method is kept for backwards-compatibility with CM5.0.
virtual void ToLegacyJson(rapidjson::Document* document) = 0;
/// Builds a new Value into 'val', based on prometheus text exposition format
/// Details of this format can be found below:
/// Should set the following fields where appropriate:
/// name, value, metric_kind
virtual TMetricKind::type ToPrometheus(
string name, std::stringstream* val, std::stringstream* metric_kind) = 0;
/// Writes a human-readable representation of this metric to 'out'. This is the
/// representation that is often displayed in webpages etc.
virtual std::string ToHumanReadable() = 0;
const std::string& key() const { return key_; }
const std::string& description() const { return description_; }
bool IsUnitTimeBased(TUnit::type type) {
return (type == TUnit::type::TIME_MS || type == TUnit::type::TIME_US
|| type == TUnit::type::TIME_NS);
/// Unique key identifying this metric
const std::string key_;
/// Description of this metric.
/// TODO: share one copy amongst metrics with the same description.
const std::string description_;
friend class MetricGroup;
Metric(const TMetricDef& def) : key_(def.key), description_(def.description) { }
/// Convenience method to add standard fields (name, description, human readable string)
/// to 'val'.
void AddStandardFields(rapidjson::Document* document, rapidjson::Value* val);
/// A ScalarMetric has a value which is a simple primitive type: e.g. integers, strings
/// and floats. It is parameterised not only by the type of its value, but by both the
/// unit (e.g. bytes/s), drawn from TUnit and the 'kind' of the metric itself.
/// The kind can be one of:
/// - 'gauge', which may increase or decrease over time,
/// - 'counter' which can only increase over time
/// - 'property' which is a value store which can be read and written only
/// Note that management software may use the metric kind as hint on how to display
/// the value. ScalarMetrics return their current value through the GetValue() method
/// and set/initialize the value with SetValue(). Both methods are thread safe.
template<typename T, TMetricKind::type metric_kind_t>
class ScalarMetric: public Metric {
ScalarMetric(const TMetricDef& metric_def)
: Metric(metric_def), unit_(metric_def.units) {
DCHECK_EQ(metric_kind_t, metric_def.kind) << "Metric kind does not match definition: "
<< metric_def.key;
virtual ~ScalarMetric() { }
/// Returns the current value. Thread-safe.
virtual T GetValue() = 0;
virtual void ToJson(rapidjson::Document* document, rapidjson::Value* val) override;
virtual TMetricKind::type ToPrometheus(
std::string name, std::stringstream* val, std::stringstream* metric_kind) override;
virtual std::string ToHumanReadable() override;
virtual void ToLegacyJson(rapidjson::Document* document) override;
TUnit::type unit() const { return unit_; }
TMetricKind::type kind() const { return metric_kind_t; }
/// Units of this metric.
const TUnit::type unit_;
/// An implementation of scalar metric with spinlock.
template<typename T, TMetricKind::type metric_kind_t>
class LockedMetric : public ScalarMetric<T, metric_kind_t> {
LockedMetric(const TMetricDef& metric_def, const T& initial_value)
: ScalarMetric<T, metric_kind_t>(metric_def), value_(initial_value) {}
virtual ~LockedMetric() {}
/// Atomically reads the current value.
virtual T GetValue() override {
boost::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock_);
return value_;
/// Atomically sets the value.
void SetValue(const T& value) {
boost::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock_);
value_ = value;
/// Guards access to value_.
SpinLock lock_;
/// The current value of the metric
T value_;
/// An implementation of 'gauge' or 'counter' metric kind. The metric can be incremented
/// atomically via the Increment() interface.
template<TMetricKind::type metric_kind_t>
class AtomicMetric : public ScalarMetric<int64_t, metric_kind_t> {
AtomicMetric(const TMetricDef& metric_def, const int64_t initial_value)
: ScalarMetric<int64_t, metric_kind_t>(metric_def), value_(initial_value) {
DCHECK(metric_kind_t == TMetricKind::GAUGE || metric_kind_t == TMetricKind::COUNTER);
virtual ~AtomicMetric() {}
/// Atomically reads the current value. May be overridden by derived classes.
/// The default implementation just atomically loads 'value_'. Derived classes
/// which derive the return value from multiple sources other than 'value_'
/// need to take care of synchronization among sources.
virtual int64_t GetValue() override { return value_.Load(); }
/// Atomically sets the value.
void SetValue(const int64_t& value) { value_.Store(value); }
/// Adds 'delta' to the current value atomically and returns the new value.
int64_t Increment(int64_t delta) {
DCHECK(metric_kind_t != TMetricKind::COUNTER || delta >= 0)
<< "Can't decrement value of COUNTER metric: " << this->key();
return value_.Add(delta);
/// The current value of the metric.
AtomicInt64 value_;
/// An AtomicMetric that keeps track of the highest value seen and the current value.
/// Implementation notes:
/// The hwm_value_ member maintains the HWM while the current_value_ metric member
/// maintains the current value. Note that since two separate atomics are used
/// for maintaining the current value and HWM, they could be out of sync for a short
/// duration. This behavior is acceptable for current use case. However, it is very
/// important that both the hwm_value_ and current_value_ members are updated together
/// using the interfaces from this class.
class AtomicHighWaterMarkGauge : public ScalarMetric<int64_t, TMetricKind::GAUGE> {
const TMetricDef& metric_def, int64_t initial_value, IntGauge* current_value)
: ScalarMetric<int64_t, TMetricKind::GAUGE>(metric_def),
current_value_(current_value) {
DCHECK(current_value_ != NULL && initial_value == current_value->GetValue());
~AtomicHighWaterMarkGauge() {}
/// Returns the current high water mark value.
int64_t GetValue() override { return hwm_value_.Load(); }
/// Atomically sets the current value and atomically sets the high water mark value.
void SetValue(const int64_t& value) {
/// Adds 'delta' to the current value atomically.
/// The hwm value is also updated atomically.
void Increment(int64_t delta) {
const int64_t new_val = current_value_->Increment(delta);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsTest, AtomicHighWaterMarkGauge);
friend class TmpFileMgrTest;
/// Set 'hwm_value_' to 'v' if 'v' is larger than 'hwm_value_'. The entire operation is
/// atomic.
void UpdateMax(int64_t v) {
while (true) {
int64_t old_max = hwm_value_.Load();
int64_t new_max = std::max(old_max, v);
if (new_max == old_max) break; // Avoid atomic update.
if (LIKELY(hwm_value_.CompareAndSwap(old_max, new_max))) break;
/// The high water mark value.
AtomicInt64 hwm_value_;
/// The metric representing the current value.
IntGauge* current_value_;
/// Gauge metric that computes the sum of several gauges.
class SumGauge : public IntGauge {
SumGauge(const TMetricDef& metric_def, const std::vector<IntGauge*>& gauges)
: IntGauge(metric_def, 0), gauges_(gauges) {}
virtual ~SumGauge() {}
virtual int64_t GetValue() override {
// Note that this doesn't hold the locks of all gauages before computing the sum so
// it's possible for one of the gauages to change after being read and added to sum.
int64_t sum = 0;
for (auto gauge : gauges_) sum += gauge->GetValue();
return sum;
/// The gauges to be summed.
std::vector<IntGauge*> gauges_;
/// Gauge metric that negates another gauge.
class NegatedGauge : public IntGauge {
NegatedGauge(const TMetricDef& metric_def, IntGauge* gauge)
: IntGauge(metric_def, 0), gauge_(gauge) {}
virtual ~NegatedGauge() {}
virtual int64_t GetValue() override { return -gauge_->GetValue(); }
/// The metric to be negated.
IntGauge* gauge_;
/// Container for a set of metrics. A MetricGroup owns the memory for every metric
/// contained within it (see Add*() to create commonly used metric
/// types). Metrics are 'registered' with a MetricGroup, once registered they cannot be
/// deleted.
/// MetricGroups may be organised hierarchically as a tree.
/// Typically a metric object is cached by its creator after registration. If a metric
/// must be retrieved without an available pointer, FindMetricForTesting() will search the
/// MetricGroup and all its descendent MetricGroups in turn.
/// TODO: Hierarchical naming: that is, resolve "group1.group2.metric-name" to a path
/// through the metric tree.
class MetricGroup {
MetricGroup(const std::string& name);
/// Registers a new metric. Ownership of the metric will be transferred to this
/// MetricGroup object, so callers should take care not to destroy the Metric they pass
/// in.
/// It is an error to call twice with metrics with the same key. The template parameter
/// M must be a subclass of Metric.
template <typename M>
M* RegisterMetric(M* metric) {
M* mt = obj_pool_->Add(metric);
boost::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock_);
DCHECK(metric_map_.find(metric->key_) == metric_map_.end()) << metric->key_;
metric_map_[metric->key_] = mt;
return mt;
/// Create a gauge metric object with given key and initial value (owned by this object)
IntGauge* AddGauge(const std::string& key, const int64_t value,
const std::string& metric_def_arg = "") {
return RegisterMetric(new IntGauge(MetricDefs::Get(key, metric_def_arg), value));
DoubleGauge* AddDoubleGauge(const std::string& key, const double value,
const std::string& metric_def_arg = "") {
return RegisterMetric(new DoubleGauge(MetricDefs::Get(key, metric_def_arg), value));
template<typename T>
LockedMetric<T, TMetricKind::PROPERTY>* AddProperty(const std::string& key,
const T& value, const std::string& metric_def_arg = "") {
return RegisterMetric(new LockedMetric<T, TMetricKind::PROPERTY>(
MetricDefs::Get(key, metric_def_arg), value));
IntCounter* AddCounter(const std::string& key, const int64_t value,
const std::string& metric_def_arg = "") {
return RegisterMetric(new IntCounter(MetricDefs::Get(key, metric_def_arg), value));
AtomicHighWaterMarkGauge* AddHWMGauge(const std::string& key_hwm,
const std::string& key_curent_value, const int64_t value,
const std::string& metric_def_arg = "") {
IntGauge* current_value_metric = RegisterMetric(
new IntGauge(MetricDefs::Get(key_curent_value, metric_def_arg), value));
return RegisterMetric(new AtomicHighWaterMarkGauge(
MetricDefs::Get(key_hwm, metric_def_arg), value, current_value_metric));
/// Returns a metric by key. All MetricGroups reachable from this group are searched in
/// depth-first order, starting with the root group. Returns NULL if there is no metric
/// with that key. This is not a very cheap operation; the result should be cached where
/// possible.
/// Used for testing only.
template <typename M>
M* FindMetricForTesting(const std::string& key) {
return reinterpret_cast<M*>(FindMetricForTestingInternal(key));
/// Register page callbacks with the webserver. Only the root of any metric group
/// hierarchy needs to do this.
Status Init(Webserver* webserver);
/// Converts this metric group (and optionally all of its children recursively) to JSON.
void ToJson(bool include_children, rapidjson::Document* document,
rapidjson::Value* out_val);
/// Converts this metric group (and optionally all of its children recursively) to JSON.
void ToPrometheus(bool include_children, std::stringstream* out_val);
/// Creates or returns an already existing child metric group.
MetricGroup* GetOrCreateChildGroup(const std::string& name);
/// Returns a child metric group with name 'name', or NULL if that group doesn't exist
MetricGroup* FindChildGroup(const std::string& name);
/// Useful for debuggers, returns the output of CMCompatibleCallback().
std::string DebugString();
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsTest, PrometheusMetricNames);
/// Pool containing all metric objects
boost::scoped_ptr<ObjectPool> obj_pool_;
/// Name of this metric group.
std::string name_;
/// Guards metric_map_ and children_
SpinLock lock_;
/// Contains all Metric objects, indexed by key
typedef std::map<std::string, Metric*> MetricMap;
MetricMap metric_map_;
/// All child metric groups
typedef std::map<std::string, MetricGroup*> ChildGroupMap;
ChildGroupMap children_;
/// Webserver callback for /metrics. Produces a tree of JSON values, each representing a
/// metric group, and each including a list of metrics, and a list of immediate
/// children. If args contains a paramater 'metric', only the json for that metric is
/// returned.
void TemplateCallback(const Webserver::WebRequest& req,
rapidjson::Document* document);
/// Webserver callback for /metricsPrometheus. Produces string in prometheus format,
/// each representing metric group, and each including a list of metrics, and a list
/// of immediate children. If args contains a paramater 'metric', only the json for
/// that metric is returned.
void PrometheusCallback(const Webserver::WebRequest& req, std::stringstream* data);
/// Legacy webpage callback for CM 5.0 and earlier. Produces a flattened map of (key,
/// value) pairs for all metrics in this hierarchy.
/// If args contains a paramater 'metric', only the json for that metric is returned.
void CMCompatibleCallback(const Webserver::WebRequest& req,
rapidjson::Document* document);
/// Non-templated implementation for FindMetricForTesting() that does not cast.
Metric* FindMetricForTestingInternal(const std::string& key);
/// Convert an Impala metric name into its equivalent name for Prometheus.
/// All metrics that do not already have "impala_" as a prefix are prefixed with
/// "impala_" and have their names transformed to fit the standard Prometheus
/// metric naming conventions.
/// E.g.
/// * "impala-server.num-fragments" becomes "impala_server_num_fragments"
/// * "catalog.num-databases" becomes "impala_catalog_num_databases"
/// * "memory.rss" becomes "impala_memory_rss"
static std::string ImpalaToPrometheusName(const std::string& impala_metric_name);
/// Convenience method to instantiate a TMetricDef with a subset of its fields defined.
/// Most externally-visible metrics should be defined in metrics.json and retrieved via
/// MetricDefs::Get(). This alternative method of instantiating TMetricDefs is only used
/// in special cases where the regular approach is unsuitable.
TMetricDef MakeTMetricDef(const std::string& key, TMetricKind::type kind,
TUnit::type unit);
/// Helper to convert a value 'val' that is a time metric into fractional seconds
/// (the only unit of time supported by Prometheus).
template <typename T>
double ConvertToPrometheusSecs(const T& val, TUnit::type unit);
// These template classes are instantiated in the .cc file.
extern template class LockedMetric<bool, TMetricKind::PROPERTY>;
extern template class LockedMetric<std::string, TMetricKind::PROPERTY>;
extern template class LockedMetric<double, TMetricKind::GAUGE>;
extern template class AtomicMetric<TMetricKind::GAUGE>;
extern template class AtomicMetric<TMetricKind::COUNTER>;