blob: 9ae9d88d144a69efd7bd38413552070ecf979552 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
// This file contains all structs, enums, etc., that together make up
// a plan tree. All information recorded in struct TPlan and below is independent
// of the execution parameters of any one of the backends on which it is running
// (those are recorded in TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx).
namespace cpp impala
namespace java org.apache.impala.thrift
include "CatalogObjects.thrift"
include "ExecStats.thrift"
include "Exprs.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
include "ExternalDataSource.thrift"
enum TPlanNodeType {
// phases of an execution node
// must be kept in sync with tests/failure/
enum TExecNodePhase {
OPEN = 2
// After a scanner thread completes a range with an error but before it propagates the
// error.
// what to do when hitting a debug point (TImpalaQueryOptions.DEBUG_ACTION)
enum TDebugAction {
WAIT = 0
FAIL = 1
// A floating point number in range [0.0, 1.0] that gives the probability of denying
// each reservation increase request after the initial reservation.
// Delay for a short amount of time: 100ms
// Preference for replica selection
enum TReplicaPreference {
// Specification of a runtime filter target.
struct TRuntimeFilterTargetDesc {
// Target node id
1: Types.TPlanNodeId node_id
// Expr on which the filter is applied
2: required Exprs.TExpr target_expr
// Indicates if 'target_expr' is bound only by partition columns
3: required bool is_bound_by_partition_columns
// Slot ids on which 'target_expr' is bound on
4: required list<Types.TSlotId> target_expr_slotids
// Indicates if this target is on the same fragment as the join that
// produced the runtime filter
5: required bool is_local_target
// If the target node is a Kudu scan node, the name, in the case it appears in Kudu, and
// type of the targeted column.
6: optional string kudu_col_name
7: optional Types.TColumnType kudu_col_type;
enum TRuntimeFilterType {
// Specification of a runtime filter.
struct TRuntimeFilterDesc {
// Filter unique id (within a query)
1: required i32 filter_id
// Expr on which the filter is built on a hash join.
2: required Exprs.TExpr src_expr
// List of targets for this runtime filter
3: required list<TRuntimeFilterTargetDesc> targets
// Map of target node id to the corresponding index in 'targets'
4: required map<Types.TPlanNodeId, i32> planid_to_target_ndx
// Indicates if the source join node of this filter is a broadcast or
// a partitioned join.
5: required bool is_broadcast_join
// Indicates if there is at least one target scan node that is in the
// same fragment as the broadcast join that produced the runtime filter
6: required bool has_local_targets
// Indicates if there is at least one target scan node that is not in the same
// fragment as the broadcast join that produced the runtime filter
7: required bool has_remote_targets
// Indicates if this filter is applied only on partition columns
8: required bool applied_on_partition_columns
// The estimated number of distinct values that the planner expects the filter to hold.
// Used to compute the size of the filter.
9: optional i64 ndv_estimate
// The type of runtime filter to build.
10: required TRuntimeFilterType type
// The size of the filter based on the ndv estimate and the min/max limit specified in
// the query options. Should be greater than zero for bloom filters, zero otherwise.
11: optional i64 filter_size_bytes
// The information contained in subclasses of ScanNode captured in two separate
// Thrift structs:
// - TScanRange: the data range that's covered by the scan (which varies with the
// particular partition of the plan fragment of which the scan node is a part)
// - T<subclass>: all other operational parameters that are the same across
// all plan fragments
// Specification of subsection of a single hdfs file.
struct THdfsFileSplit {
// File name (not the full path). The path is assumed to be the
// 'location' of the THdfsPartition referenced by partition_id.
1: required string file_name
// starting offset
2: required i64 offset
// length of split
3: required i64 length
// ID of partition within the THdfsTable associated with this scan node.
4: required i64 partition_id
// total size of the hdfs file
5: required i64 file_length
// compression type of the hdfs file
6: required CatalogObjects.THdfsCompression file_compression
// last modified time of the file
7: required i64 mtime
// whether this file is erasure-coded
8: required bool is_erasure_coded
// key range for single THBaseScanNode
// TODO: does 'binary' have an advantage over string? strings can
// already store binary data
struct THBaseKeyRange {
// inclusive
1: optional string startKey
// exclusive
2: optional string stopKey
// Specifies how THdfsFileSplits can be generated from HDFS files.
// Currently used for files that do not have block locations,
// such as S3, ADLS, and Local. The Frontend creates these and the
// coordinator's scheduler expands them into THdfsFileSplits.
// The plan is to use TFileSplitGeneratorSpec as well for HDFS
// files with block information. Doing so will permit the FlatBuffer
// representation used to represent block information to pass from the
// FrontEnd to the Coordinator without transforming to a heavier
// weight Thrift representation. See IMPALA-6458.
struct TFileSplitGeneratorSpec {
1: required CatalogObjects.THdfsFileDesc file_desc
// Maximum length of a file split to generate.
2: required i64 max_block_size
3: required bool is_splittable
// ID of partition within the THdfsTable associated with this scan node.
4: required i64 partition_id
// Specification of an individual data range which is held in its entirety
// by a storage server.
struct TScanRange {
// one of these must be set for every TScanRange
1: optional THdfsFileSplit hdfs_file_split
2: optional THBaseKeyRange hbase_key_range
3: optional binary kudu_scan_token
struct THdfsScanNode {
1: required Types.TTupleId tuple_id
// Conjuncts that can be evaluated while materializing the items (tuples) of
// collection-typed slots. Maps from item tuple id to the list of conjuncts
// to be evaluated.
2: optional map<Types.TTupleId, list<Exprs.TExpr>> collection_conjuncts
// Option to control replica selection during scan scheduling.
3: optional TReplicaPreference replica_preference
// Option to control tie breaks during scan scheduling.
4: optional bool random_replica
// Number of header lines to skip at the beginning of each file of this table. Only set
// for hdfs text files.
5: optional i32 skip_header_line_count
// Indicates whether the MT scan node implementation should be used.
// If this is true then the MT_DOP query option must be > 0.
// TODO: Remove this option when the MT scan node supports all file formats.
6: optional bool use_mt_scan_node
// Conjuncts that can be evaluated against parquet::Statistics using the tuple
// referenced by 'min_max_tuple_id'.
7: optional list<Exprs.TExpr> min_max_conjuncts
// Tuple to evaluate 'min_max_conjuncts' against.
8: optional Types.TTupleId min_max_tuple_id
// The conjuncts that are eligible for dictionary filtering.
9: optional map<Types.TSlotId, list<i32>> dictionary_filter_conjuncts
// The byte offset of the slot for Parquet metadata if Parquet count star optimization
// is enabled.
10: optional i32 parquet_count_star_slot_offset
struct TDataSourceScanNode {
1: required Types.TTupleId tuple_id
// The external data source to scan
2: required CatalogObjects.TDataSource data_source
// Init string for the table passed to the data source. May be an empty string.
3: required string init_string
// Scan predicates in conjunctive normal form that were accepted by the data source.
4: required list<list<ExternalDataSource.TBinaryPredicate>> accepted_predicates
struct THBaseFilter {
1: required string family
// The qualifier for HBase Key column can be null, thus the field is optional here.
2: optional string qualifier
// Ordinal number into enum HBase CompareFilter.CompareOp.
// We don't use TExprOperator because the op is interpreted by an HBase Filter, and
// not the c++ expr eval.
3: required i32 op_ordinal
4: required string filter_constant
struct THBaseScanNode {
1: required Types.TTupleId tuple_id
// TODO: remove this, we already have THBaseTable.tableName
2: required string table_name
3: optional list<THBaseFilter> filters
// Suggested max value for "hbase.client.scan.setCaching"
4: optional i32 suggested_max_caching
struct TKuduScanNode {
1: required Types.TTupleId tuple_id
// Indicates whether the MT scan node implementation should be used.
// If this is true, then the MT_DOP query option must be > 0.
2: optional bool use_mt_scan_node
struct TEqJoinCondition {
// left-hand side of "<a> = <b>"
1: required Exprs.TExpr left;
// right-hand side of "<a> = <b>"
2: required Exprs.TExpr right;
// true if and only if operator is "<=>", also known as "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM"
3: required bool is_not_distinct_from;
enum TJoinOp {
// Similar to LEFT_ANTI_JOIN with special handling for NULLs for the join conjuncts
// on the build side. Those NULLs are considered candidate matches, and therefore could
// be rejected (ANTI-join), based on the other join conjuncts. This is in contrast
// to LEFT_ANTI_JOIN where NULLs are not matches and therefore always returned.
struct THashJoinNode {
1: required TJoinOp join_op
// equi-join predicates
2: required list<TEqJoinCondition> eq_join_conjuncts
// non equi-join predicates
3: optional list<Exprs.TExpr> other_join_conjuncts
struct TNestedLoopJoinNode {
1: required TJoinOp join_op
// Join conjuncts (both equi-join and non equi-join). All other conjuncts that are
// evaluated at the join node are stored in TPlanNode.conjuncts.
2: optional list<Exprs.TExpr> join_conjuncts
// This contains all of the information computed by the plan as part of the resource
// profile that is needed by the backend to execute.
struct TBackendResourceProfile {
// The minimum reservation for this plan node in bytes.
1: required i64 min_reservation
// The maximum reservation for this plan node in bytes. MAX_INT64 means effectively
// unlimited.
2: required i64 max_reservation
// The spillable buffer size in bytes to use for this node, chosen by the planner.
// Set iff the node uses spillable buffers.
3: optional i64 spillable_buffer_size
// The buffer size in bytes that is large enough to fit the largest row to be processed.
// Set if the node allocates buffers for rows from the buffer pool.
4: optional i64 max_row_buffer_size
struct TAggregator {
1: optional list<Exprs.TExpr> grouping_exprs
// aggregate exprs. The root of each expr is the aggregate function. The
// other exprs are the inputs to the aggregate function.
2: required list<Exprs.TExpr> aggregate_functions
// Tuple id used for intermediate aggregations (with slots of agg intermediate types)
3: required Types.TTupleId intermediate_tuple_id
// Tupld id used for the aggregation output (with slots of agg output types)
// Equal to intermediate_tuple_id if intermediate type == output type for all
// aggregate functions.
4: required Types.TTupleId output_tuple_id
// Set to true if this aggregator needs to run the finalization step.
5: required bool need_finalize
// Set to true to use the streaming preagg algorithm. Node must be a preaggregation.
6: required bool use_streaming_preaggregation
7: required TBackendResourceProfile resource_profile
struct TAggregationNode {
// Aggregators for this node, each with a unique set of grouping exprs.
1: required list<TAggregator> aggregators
// Used in streaming aggregations to determine how much memory to use.
2: required i64 estimated_input_cardinality
// If true, this is the first AggregationNode in a aggregation plan with multiple
// Aggregators and the entire input to this node should be passed to each Aggregator.
3: required bool replicate_input
struct TSortInfo {
1: required list<Exprs.TExpr> ordering_exprs
2: required list<bool> is_asc_order
// Indicates, for each expr, if nulls should be listed first or last. This is
// independent of is_asc_order.
3: required list<bool> nulls_first
// Expressions evaluated over the input row that materialize the tuple to be sorted.
// Contains one expr per slot in the materialized tuple.
4: optional list<Exprs.TExpr> sort_tuple_slot_exprs
enum TSortType {
// Sort the entire input.
// Return the first N sorted elements.
TOPN = 1
// Divide the input into batches, each of which is sorted individually.
struct TSortNode {
1: required TSortInfo sort_info
2: required TSortType type
// This is the number of rows to skip before returning results.
// Not used with TSortType::PARTIAL.
3: optional i64 offset
enum TAnalyticWindowType {
// Specifies the window as a logical offset
// Specifies the window in physical units
ROWS = 1
enum TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType {
// The window starts/ends at the current row.
// The window starts/ends at an offset preceding current row.
// The window starts/ends at an offset following current row.
struct TAnalyticWindowBoundary {
1: required TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType type
// Predicate that checks: child tuple '<=' buffered tuple + offset for the orderby expr
2: optional Exprs.TExpr range_offset_predicate
// Offset from the current row for ROWS windows.
3: optional i64 rows_offset_value
struct TAnalyticWindow {
// Specifies the window type for the start and end bounds.
1: required TAnalyticWindowType type
// Absence indicates window start is UNBOUNDED PRECEDING.
2: optional TAnalyticWindowBoundary window_start
// Absence indicates window end is UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING.
3: optional TAnalyticWindowBoundary window_end
// Defines a group of one or more analytic functions that share the same window,
// partitioning expressions and order-by expressions and are evaluated by a single
// ExecNode.
struct TAnalyticNode {
// Exprs on which the analytic function input is partitioned. Input is already sorted
// on partitions and order by clauses, partition_exprs is used to identify partition
// boundaries. Empty if no partition clause is specified.
1: required list<Exprs.TExpr> partition_exprs
// Exprs specified by an order-by clause for RANGE windows. Used to evaluate RANGE
// window boundaries. Empty if no order-by clause is specified or for windows
// specifying ROWS.
2: required list<Exprs.TExpr> order_by_exprs
// Functions evaluated over the window for each input row. The root of each expr is
// the aggregate function. Child exprs are the inputs to the function.
3: required list<Exprs.TExpr> analytic_functions
// Window specification
4: optional TAnalyticWindow window
// Tuple used for intermediate results of analytic function evaluations
// (with slots of analytic intermediate types)
5: required Types.TTupleId intermediate_tuple_id
// Tupld used for the analytic function output (with slots of analytic output types)
// Equal to intermediate_tuple_id if intermediate type == output type for all
// analytic functions.
6: required Types.TTupleId output_tuple_id
// id of the buffered tuple (identical to the input tuple, which is assumed
// to come from a single SortNode); not set if both partition_exprs and
// order_by_exprs are empty
7: optional Types.TTupleId buffered_tuple_id
// predicate that checks: child tuple is in the same partition as the buffered tuple,
// i.e. each partition expr is equal or both are not null. Only set if
// buffered_tuple_id is set; should be evaluated over a row that is composed of the
// child tuple and the buffered tuple
8: optional Exprs.TExpr partition_by_eq
// predicate that checks: the order_by_exprs are equal or both NULL when evaluated
// over the child tuple and the buffered tuple. only set if buffered_tuple_id is set;
// should be evaluated over a row that is composed of the child tuple and the buffered
// tuple
9: optional Exprs.TExpr order_by_eq
struct TUnionNode {
// A UnionNode materializes all const/result exprs into this tuple.
1: required Types.TTupleId tuple_id
// List or expr lists materialized by this node.
// There is one list of exprs per query stmt feeding into this union node.
2: required list<list<Exprs.TExpr>> result_expr_lists
// Separate list of expr lists coming from a constant select stmts.
3: required list<list<Exprs.TExpr>> const_expr_lists
// Index of the first child that needs to be materialized.
4: required i64 first_materialized_child_idx
struct TExchangeNode {
// The ExchangeNode's input rows form a prefix of the output rows it produces;
// this describes the composition of that prefix
1: required list<Types.TTupleId> input_row_tuples
// For a merging exchange, the sort information.
2: optional TSortInfo sort_info
// This is the number of rows to skip before returning results
3: optional i64 offset
struct TUnnestNode {
// Expr that returns the in-memory collection to be scanned.
// Currently always a SlotRef into an array-typed slot.
1: required Exprs.TExpr collection_expr
struct TCardinalityCheckNode {
// Associated statement of child
1: required string display_statement
// See PipelineMembership in the frontend for details.
struct TPipelineMembership {
1: required Types.TPlanNodeId pipe_id
2: required i32 height
3: required TExecNodePhase phase
// This is essentially a union of all messages corresponding to subclasses
// of PlanNode.
struct TPlanNode {
// node id, needed to reassemble tree structure
1: required Types.TPlanNodeId node_id
2: required TPlanNodeType node_type
3: required i32 num_children
4: required i64 limit
// Tuples in row produced by node. Must be non-empty.
5: required list<Types.TTupleId> row_tuples
// nullable_tuples[i] is true if row_tuples[i] is nullable
6: required list<bool> nullable_tuples
7: optional list<Exprs.TExpr> conjuncts
// Set to true if codegen should be disabled for this plan node. Otherwise the plan
// node is codegen'd if the backend supports it.
8: required bool disable_codegen
27: required list<TPipelineMembership> pipelines
// one field per PlanNode subclass
9: optional THdfsScanNode hdfs_scan_node
10: optional THBaseScanNode hbase_scan_node
11: optional TKuduScanNode kudu_scan_node
12: optional TDataSourceScanNode data_source_node
13: optional THashJoinNode hash_join_node
14: optional TNestedLoopJoinNode nested_loop_join_node
15: optional TAggregationNode agg_node
16: optional TSortNode sort_node
17: optional TUnionNode union_node
18: optional TExchangeNode exchange_node
19: optional TAnalyticNode analytic_node
20: optional TUnnestNode unnest_node
// Label that should be used to print this node to the user.
21: optional string label
// Additional details that should be printed to the user. This is node specific
// e.g. table name, join strategy, etc.
22: optional string label_detail
// Estimated execution stats generated by the planner.
23: optional ExecStats.TExecStats estimated_stats
// Runtime filters assigned to this plan node
24: optional list<TRuntimeFilterDesc> runtime_filters
// Resource profile for this plan node.
25: required TBackendResourceProfile resource_profile
26: optional TCardinalityCheckNode cardinality_check_node
// A flattened representation of a tree of PlanNodes, obtained by depth-first
// traversal.
struct TPlan {
1: required list<TPlanNode> nodes